Thursday, June 10, 2010

A French Inspired Give Away

Hi Everyone! Next week is my One Year Blog Birthday and I wanted to do something really fun and different to celebrate. My third post last June was about a person and book who I truly identify with. When I found her, every photo resonated with "me" and my style.

Carolyn Westbrook  is a talent that many of you know personally. She has space at Warrenton for the Texas Shows and is now branching out into her own lines of bedding, linens, and lighting. Her book, Carolyn Westbrook Home, has been sort of a decorating bible for me. I keep it nearby and have studied each page and photo.


Carolyn's wonderful Texas home, The Oaks

So now for my one year anniversary
 I want to share the excitement of

Carolyn's new book:

The French Inspired Home

with an interview with Carolyn.
She was gracious enough to take time to answer some questions
about her new book which will be released in September.

What was your motivation for doing this new book?

My Romance with France and most things French. My romance with France began long before I ever set foot in Paris. I have always loved the intricate detailing that is evident from French furniture, to the way the French decorate their homes with elaborate moldings, aged objects and pieces that have become antique as they were passed down the line, from one generation to the next. They still take the time to consider the details, whether in their architecture, buildings, statues or just in a to-go bakery box that is adorned beautifully. Not only that, but they realize the importance of their history and beauty, and they protect it. They do not push down historic buildings to pop up a super mall and life is not about disposable surroundings. I do love and respect that philosophy. I do hope that the new book will motivate others to surround themselves with aged and antique pieces that have been carefully sought out and gathered. This is the "good stuff" and it cannot be found at the local mega mart. These pieces were built at a time when people took pride in their work, and will not have to be replaced in six months. Just as our countries landscape has become much of the same, no matter what city that you are in, so are people's houses. A handful of big retailers are all selling similar products, so that people that decorate their homes in this manner, end up with essentially cookie cutter interiors. It is my job to let everyone know that not only can you find it often times cheaper at a tag sale or flea market, it is better quality and you are helping keep our world green, by recycling. This is truly the "good stuff" so go out there and get it.

Is this an "evolution" of your own personal style?

No. I have a love for all styles, as is evident in my own home. Growing up, as my Mother was a decorator, I was always inspired as our interior changed often from Asian, to contemporary to French Country, it was always evolving and I try to do just that. It is important to keep things fresh.

Will the backdrop for this new book be your personal residence or will you be showing other people's spaces?

It is partially my own home, but much of that has not changed from the first book, Carolyn Westbrook Home. I do add and subtract elements and change things around, but if you have a classic interior, then it is always good. I use much color throughout the house and I love prints. I am happy to see that prints and wallpaper are making a comeback. We did shoot some other houses for the book, that were either friends, colleagues or clients of mine.

 Did you "redecorate" your entire home?

No. I have spent my whole life collecting, what is precious to me, and I would never consider scrapping that to go with the newest trend. I do think it is important to freshen up your room and assess what needs to be moved around or in some cases moved out to another room, but for the most part, I am happy with my home. We have redone a few rooms, like the girls room, as it was all floral in the first book and they were just not having it, now that they are teenagers, but alas, their room is not in the new book. One of our downstairs rooms, is now the "Library." It was not photographed for the first book. It has always been a beautiful room with a fantastic mantle, but I have always wanted a library. We brought in enormous shelves and filled them with our collection of books, some of which had been packed away, so it was great to see them displayed, while other books, I bought at antique malls and flea markets. I was thrilled with the result. Now, it is one of my favorite rooms in the house.

How did you incorporate the French Inspired Home into your existing style and decor for your personal Home?

We have always had French Inspired style in our home, as both my Mom and I are big fans of the French furniture and accessories. If you look at my first book, you will see the main hall is filled with antique French chairs and paintings that we have brought back from France. I have always had a love for the French linen monogrammed sheets, and look for them wherever I go. My love for the French style is not something that simply was thought of for the book, but has been an inspiration, since I was young.

I love the "format" of your book "Carolyn Westbrook Home" and enjoyed how you took us room by room and area by area, even your outdoor spaces, to show us your decor and design sense. How will this new book be similar or different from this room by room format?

It is formatted a bit differently, as it is broken down in different chapters, the first being "A Romance with French" to another that is "French Bleu." I hope that the readers will love this format, as much as I do. I was very fortunate to work with a fabulous team and they were very trusting of the way that I wished to see the book layed out.

Thank You, Carolyn!

I love sharing a good thing,
so there will be two names chosen to receive this new book.

One will be from all the entries,
and a second will be chosen from those who
post about /link up with me with the sidebar button.

Here are the ways to have multiple entries:

1. Become a follower of my blog and leave a comment, then let me know you are a follower.
2. Post about this give away
3. Link up with the give away with my Give Away Button
4. And for those of you that have me on your blog roll, thank you dear friends, just let me know!
5. and then, if you'd like to go visit Carolyn's blog and follow her, leave another comment.

Five entries possible!!

Remember to leave a separate "comment" for each entry!

I'll be choosing the winners!
 Yea, there will be two of you!
on June 30th.

Thank You, each and every one of you
for making this last year
one of my very best!



  1. I enjoted the interview with Carolyn. She sounds lovely. And the pictures from the book are awesome. She knows her thing!!

    Congratulations on your bloggaversary!!


  2. Hey Sweet D! I'm going to do all of this! What a SWEET Giveaway. Thank you so much for giving us all a chance to win.

    I copied your book/button and will post about it later this evening or tomorrow. I will also put it on my sidebar and visit Carolyn's site. I'm already a follower so that should count me in there as well. I'm not sure about the blogroll (ugh..don't keep up on that very well) but if you aren't there I'll add you! OK?

    I've never seen this book but I would LOVE to have it!

    Thank you again...

    Love, Rebecca

  3. Debra, I'm suprised to find out you have only been blogging for a year. You really have it all together, so well done. You know I'm a happy follower!

  4. Please enter my name as a follower of your blog. What a wonderful give away prize! Congratulations on your one year anniversary!

  5. Me I'm following Carolyn. Glad you introduced me.

  6. I also added a side bar link to your give away on my writing blog... Little Grey Gardens. I'm so happy for the chance to win this beautiful book!

  7. Congrats on your one year! sweet giveaway, thanks for the chance. Blessings~~~Dahne

  8. Deb, will post your button on my sidebar!

  9. And of course your on my blogroll hugs~~~Daphne

  10. I am following Carolyne's blog.

  11. and I was already a follower at your beautiful blog and I would LOVEEEEEEE to have the book! Thank you for the chance.

  12. and I posted your button at my sidebar

  13. What a great interview! The pictures look great ~ definitely a book to add to my ever growing list even if I don't win! I am a follower!

  14. What a wonderful book to give away!! i am a follower!

  15. I put your giveaway button on my sidebar with a link back here.

  16. Oh Debra, I would love to win this book and get to know her! I follow you and you are in my blogroll! Yipppeeeee! Congrats on a year of blogging and I am so happy to call you friend! HUGS!

  17. Happy Blogaversary! I've enjoyed each and every post! Such inspiration!

    I really enjoyed Carolyn's insight to her style! I've always been one of her fans!

  18. #2 - I've been a long time follower, my dear!

  19. #3 - I put your button on my sidebar!

  20. Whew! #4 - you are on my blogroll! Thanks for the all the chances to win this great book!

  21. Happy 1 year! What a lovely giveaway! I'm a follower!

  22. # 1) June 30th is a lucky day, my son's and brother's b-day, so I should win? or just be happy for the winner? Hi Debra, I am a follower. Ciao Rita

  23. I put your giveaway button on our sidebar!

  24. #2) I have your button on my side bar linking to your giveaway. Ciao Rita

  25. #3) I have you on my blog roll. I really would like the book. Ciao Rita

  26. #4) I am following Carolyn's blog. Ciao Rita

  27. Debra!

    Great interview! Congratulations on your one year old blog b-day! I would love the chance to win Carolyn's new book. I have been to her space in is gorgeous! Thank you so much for the giveaway!


  28. Oh, and I am a follower, of course! :)

  29. And you are already on my blog roll!

  30. Wonderful interview and giveaway, Debra! Congrats on your milestone! Thanks so much!

  31. I am a follower and you are on my blog roll...

  32. I have posted your giveaway on my sidebar, too!

  33. Great interview Deb. I am a follower of course.

  34. I do believe you were the FIRST on my blog roll when I started it just a while ago.

    love ya

  35. Lovely interview, I am dying to see what's inside!!
    I am a loyal follower too!!

  36. I have your giveaway button posted and linked on my sidebar!!

  37. Just returned from Carolyn's blog and I am a new follower! Thanks a bunch!

  38. Hi Debra,
    You have caused quite a buzz here with all your followers. Her new book and her style makes me want to just devour the pages for hours.


  39. I am a follower and will always be!


  40. Hi Debra,
    I'll put your giveaway on my sidebar.


  41. What an amazing looking book and great interview as well! I would love to be entered in this giveaway!! I am already a follower...:)

  42. Oh dear...that button is on my blog...the first one ever...and maybe the last as it took forever and Joe helped me! I am dreadfully stuck in 1980 when I did not use computers. I am trying.


  43. I also posted your giveaway on my sidebar Debra! Thanks soooooooo much!!

  44. Oh i do so want this! Looks like it will help on my road to a new look! I am a follower!!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  45. Your button is on my side bar! I hope I win anyway! ;)

  46. You are on my Blog roll!
    Hugs, Lisa

  47. I've visited Carolyn and love her blog!! Thanks for sending me!! OH!!! Happy Blog Birthday! My first year was great too!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. what a wonderful interview...thank you for sharing a little bit more about Carolyn with us...i would love to win her book, thank you for the chance...congrats on your blog anniversary:)

  50. Hi sweetie, congratulation on your first year of blogging, and I would love to win that book, looks like it is full of wonders, hugs my friend and I do already follow your blog, have a great day n enter my name please, Barbara from

  51. Hi Debra, Of course I am already a follower! This book and style is right up my alley. I would love to win the book.
    xo, Sherry

  52. Debra, I am putting your button and giveaway on my sidebar. Thanks for such a great giveaway.
    xo, Sherry

  53. Debra, Congrats on your one year anniversary! Thanks for the intro to Carolyns Blog. I am now a follower of hers too.

  54. Hi Debra,
    I'm a follower! Looks like an amazing book!

  55. Me again ~ you are & have been on my blogroll!

  56. Debra, I always love your blog. I loved the interview,I must purchase this book if I do not win. Hope to see you Sat.

  57. i absolutely ADORE this woman's style!i have her first book and ALWAYS go to it for inspiration. i had NO idea she published another one and with a "french" theme no less! I would LOVE to add it to my library! Merci Debra!!

  58. oh...i'm a follower (but you knew that!) :)

  59. moi again...just went to her blog. oh my..this is going to be magnifique! am now a follower. Merci for introduicng her to me and her lovely blog!

  60. Awsome Debra...Sign me up!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  61. Follower too!!!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  62. Fabulous giveaway, fabulous interview! I'm impressed!

    I'm not sure if I'm a follower yet, let me check....

  63. Just put your giveaway button on my sidebar!

  64. Hooked up with Carolyn too! of course!!!!!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  65. And yep, you're on my blog roll!

  66. i am a follower and would love to win this beautiful book

  67. Ok Miss Debra-
    Yes I would love to participate-
    and yes, I am a follower,
    and yes, you are on my blog roll,
    and yes, I am putting your button on my sidebar-

    Did I do this wrong???

    Happy Blog Anniversary!


  68. Debra,
    I couldn't leave well enough alone and just post your giveaway on my Sidebar like I usually do!
    I've SO loved finding your blog, following and I cannot begin to tell you how much it means when you take the time from your busy schedule to post a comment on my blog!

    You are SO SPECIAL! I love your posts, your creativity the sites/places you share. I had to share it with all my blogger friends so I actually did a post tonight about YOU and your site!

    Yeah,,sure, I'd love to win the book, but more importantly I value your friendship and want others to get to know you!

    You, my dear, are One in a Bazillion! Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a bit and allowing me to get to know you better, that means more than any "prize!"

    So, no "Sidebar" comments about your giveaway,,,just my post sharing your blog and a bit about YOU!!

    Hugs and love and glad to have you in my life,,,albeit "virtually."

  69. I am of course a follower. Her books are amazing. I could just sit and absorbe the pictures. What a wonderful give-a-way.

  70. Hey Debra! Congratulations on a nice interview! I have always loved Carolyn's book too, and go back again and again, and I can't wait for her beautiful new book! Like so many others have, I met Carolyn at Canton last year and was thrilled to visit her booth.

    But I'm so surprised to see that there are actually people out there that DON'T have you on their blog roll!:) I most certainly do! I'm sure you have "mothered" into blogland a gajillion other new bloggers like me. Congratulations on a tremendously successful year of blogging! And thanks so much for being such a great support to me and so many others in the blogging community. JQ

  71. Thank you for bringing Carolyn and her books to my attention. The Q&A and pictures look interesting, I will definitely check it out!

  72. Hope I'm a lucky follower, Susanne.

  73. I went to a show on her grounds last summer, which was neat... I already follow you, of course, and her.


  74. I am a follower and would love this book! I have Carolyn's first book and like it over and over...such great decorating ideas.

  75. I am a long time follower of Carolyn's blog as well.

  76. Oh yes! I am a follower and sooo hoping to be one of the lucky chickies who wins this fabulous book!


  77. You've been on my blogroll for a long, long time! :-)


  78. Following Carolyn too....gosh I love her style...

    Warm huggies,

  79. I will be keeping my fingers crossed!!

  80. I am a follower!! Have a great weekend!!

  81. I can't wait to see this book! Of course you know I am a follower and I have you in my blog list! Thanks for a great post!

  82. Love your blog! Thank you for the chance at the giveaway!!

  83. I'm also going to follow both blogs! :) Have a terrific weekend!!

  84. oh i will keep my fingers crossed and pray i win!

  85. ok, for another wish at winning...i just became a follower!

  86. Any comments, suggestions for a new blogger? My eyes have been opened to a whole new world and to so many amazing women. Congrats on your one year anniversary, and thanks for the generous giveaway! Her book looks lovely and would be loved and enjoyed by any lucky winner, especially me :). I also have 2 daughters who both got married last year ~ a fun, busy year! and now we have a baby granddaughter!!! We are blessed. Thanks for your blog. I will also be checking out your Bible study. I have done Kay Arthur Bible studies for years. Thanks.
    ~ Julie

  87. O'Boy! A great interview. Didn't know she had a new book coming out! Thanks. I'll hop over there now.

  88. Left a comment on Carolyn blog!

  89. Oh my, what a gorgeous book and the interview was fabulous. Thanks for sharing. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

  90. Fabulous interview. I am now a follower.

  91. I just became Carolyn's follower as well.

  92. Hi Debra,
    It was wonderful to hear from you today. I've been a little absent in the blogworld these days as you know but I have still made time to see what you've been up to but not had the time to commenting. Love,love,love the new look of your blog btw.
    Congrats on your 1 yr anniversary!!! You are a blog star in my book!

  93. I've been a follower for sometime now!

  94. Have been honored to have you on my blogroll too!

  95. Already a follower....of course:)

  96. What a great book! I am a new follower. Linda

  97. Hi Debra! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. You are, of course, on my blog roll and yours is one I read daily (you are so good about posting!). I'm going to do a post on your giveaway, too. I would love to see your house and have you see mine. When? You can email me when you get a chance if you want...

  98. Yes please enter me in this great giveaway. You have been on my blog candy now for a good while love your site. And I am a follower!

  99. Thank you Debra for making our year great too.
    I have your great giveaway on my sidebar.

  100. Ooooh! Debra,
    I have to stay away...My heart can not take it, it leaves me breathless :)
    I follow you and love spreading the word.


  101. Debra,

    Thanks for the interview with Carolyn. I met her at Zap Hall last fall. LOVE her first book. I have it & look at it often. I would love to win her new one. I just did a post yesterday with some give aways & will do one with yours in a couple of days. Thanks for having it & congrats on your blogaversary. Charlene

  102. You are on my blog roll (and have been!)

  103. AND, now I have the button on my sidebar!

  104. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!!
    I follow (or subscribe) can't remember, in any case I read you!

  105. You are in my blogroll, quite at the top as we speak!

  106. Oh Debra, Carolyn's first book is in my TOP FIVE FAVS!!!!! And I've been SO anticipating the release of her second book ~ I know it must be scrumptious!!! Please enter my name in the giveaway dear friend....hugs and love, Dawn

  107. OH and HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY sweetie!!! I'm so very glad you're here Debra, I wish you many more years of blogging and sharing dear friend. I am NOW a follower too :) xxoo, Dawn

  108. Love her books..EYE CANDY WONDERFUL ! Congratulations on your 1st year...Blogging is SOOOO FUN !

  109. Oh my....lots of people have signed up and it's no wonder with this gorgeous book as your give-away. I would love to be included and I will also be a follower too. I would love for you to visit. xo Lynn

  110. Oh Debra,
    I've been stalking this book on amazon for months, cannot wait to get it. Winning one would be awesome tho!!!! Lisa

  111. What a great giveaway Debra! You know I'm a follower and love to visit as well as love having you visit!

  112. And now you are on my giveaway sidebar!

  113. Did you know that I was such a good rule follower? I am now following Carolyn's blog... chance #4!
    I will try and post before the weekend is done.
    Thanks for the chances!!! Theresa

  114. I just blogged about it too!!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  115. I am so fortunate to call Carolyn my friend and have seen her gorgeous place in person. It was just so pretty. You can check out a post I did on her here,, last July. There you'll see her cottage that she decorated. I can't wait to see her new book. Congrats on your Anniversary and have I told you just how much I love my necklace. Thanks again!

  116. What a fun giveaway! I follow you. thanks for the chance!

  117. What a lovely giveaway! I have added your giveaway button on my blog sidebar

  118. Following Carolyn's Blog and left a comment on the Memorial day posting

  119. I have a follower and love following this blog.

  120. I am a follower. Love your blog Debra. Your on my blog roll too.

  121. please enter and pick me i'm a follower and i posted you on my sidebar/diane

  122. Hi Debra! Isn't she lovely? I feel like I have come across her decorating somewhere else, but not exactly sure where. I sure would love to win this book, though! xx Suzanne

  123. Hello Debra, Congratulations for one year of wonderful blogs. It is always a pleasure to read your blog. You are always uplifting. God Bless you for many more years. sandi

  124. Debra, wonderful giveaway. Love Carolyn's style. I've been a long time follower. Would love to be entered in your giveaway. Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary. ~ sarah

  125. What a lovely blog you have, and I've added it to my Google Reader. Carolyn's book sounds like a Must Have. I'll have to get a copy for sure (unless I win one, hehe). Thank you for such a delightful post and giveaway. Hugs, Cathy

  126. Well, now that I have found you(thanks Dawn of The Feathered Nest!)I definitely had to become a Follower!! The book looks terrific, and Carolyn's blog looks terrific too!!!


  127. Now Following Carolyn too!!!!

  128. Great post and awesome book! Thanks for the giveaway chance. I'm a follower now.

  129. Back to tell you I linked up your button on my blog. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  130. Hi Debbie! Oh, how I'd love to win Carolyn's book! Please enter me for a chance!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  131. I thought I was already a follower of yours because I always find you thru my Google Reader, but it allowed me to follow again, so surely now I've got that taken care of correctly!

    I'll be back as soon as I add your giveaway button and link to my sidebar!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  132. I've just added your pretty giveaway button to my sidebar with a link back to you, Debra!

    Thanks so much for adding my bridal button about the WEDDING BLOG PARTY, too! I'm excited to see what you share that day!

    Now, off to visit Carolyn's blog!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  133. I've now joined the list of followers of Carolyn's sweet blog! Whew, I'm jumpin' thru the hoops, aren't I?!? LOL I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that I can win one of those great books! Thanks for the giveaway!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  134. "Happy Bloggaversary to you, la la la" I have to tell you Deb, you'd think I'd been a follower all this time, I just realized I wasn't on the list.....I guess we VBF and SS so much I assumed I had joined the list...oopsy faux pas.
    big hugs,

  135. Excited about this gorgeous book. You have a lovely blog, can't wait to see more.

  136. I'm a new follower! I love your blog and I can't believe I haven't found it before now!

  137. What a fantastic book. I will post about it on my sidebar too.

  138. Hi Debra. Wow! I almost missed this. The Sorority is keeping me busy! But had some time today so thought I'd jump over and see what you are up to. I'm so glad I did! Love the interview with CW. And the pictures are wonderful. I especially liked her sewing room. At least I think it's a sewing room - with the dress form in it. Love the soft colors - I could spend some time in there. And I like that she hasn't "switched over" to trendy. She just keeps what she loves. Perfect.
    Please enter me in your giveaway - Congratulations by the way! Doesn't the time go by fast?
    I'm already a follower and I'm going to go put your button on my sidebar. Thanks!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  139. I'm glad I found your blog. I am going to spend some more time reading past posts, as soon as I add my name to your followers.

  140. Congratulations on your blogiversary.
    I kind of let my 2 year slip by, so better do something soon.

    I would love to win that wonderful book!

    thanks Debra,

    barbara jean

  141. OK letting you know i am a follower, for awhile. =)


    barbara jean

  142. Debra,
    Went over to see her blog,and cannot wait to get back and stroll around!!
    thanks for introducing us to her.


    barbara jean

  143. I'm following. Great interview.I agree with everything she says. The big retailers all see the same thing and then wonder why they have to mark it down so fast...k

  144. Gladly posted about it too. =)

    barbara jean

  145. Sign me up! I've always liked herstyle and have the first book you showed. Wouldn't you die to live in that home??? You know I'm a follower and also have your wonderful blog on my sidebar.

    Thanks for the great giveaway.


  146. OMG...I can't believe I haven't seen your blog before. Thanks for the opportunity to win this beautiful book. I was definitely drooling over the eye candy. I posted the giveaway on my blog even though it was very hard to share this with anyone else!!

  147. PS..I am now a faithful follower!!

  148. What a giveaway girl! I loved the interview and I LOVE Carolyn's style.

  149. You definitely are and ever will be on my side bar!

  150. I am now following Carolyn as well Debra!

  151. What great style!! Please enter me to win...or I'll have to run out and get the book:)
    I am a new follower on your blog
    and a new anxious follower on Carolyn's as well:)

  152. Hello there,
    I am a follower of yours now.... Even if I don't win this giveaway I will HAVE to purchase this book. I can't wait to see what happens either way.

    The pictures are beyond inspiring :)

    Blessings to you and yours,

  153. Hi, Debra! Just discovered your blog and am thrilled to be a new follower!
    I have followed Carolyn Westbrook for a long time and love, love anything she puts together...
    Your blog is lovely, too....I'm really looking forward to your future posts!

  154. I so want this book ...
    I'm fllowing also and
    I went to visit Carolyns blog...
    that is three...
    Thanks for this great giveaway!

  155. Happy First Blog Birthday!!!!!

    I'm sure like most of us starting your blog was one of the best things you could have done for your soul!!

    Oh and what a wonderful giveaway you have chosen!!! It would be such a great complement along side of my Danish/French country decorating books!!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx

    PS I have a stateside address so there isn't international shipping to worry about! :)

  156. Would love this book! I am a follower and you are on my blog list! Am going over to visit Carolyn's blog now! Thanks for including me in your give away, and congratulations on 100!

    Smiles and Blessings,

  157. Dearest Debra,
    Happy Blogaversary!!!!! I'm so delighted to get
    to know you. This is my first visit. I feel
    like I've touched a part of heaven. I would "LOVE" to win Carolyn's book. Please enter me in your giveaway. I will be
    following you and Carolyn now for sure.
    Blessings to you,

  158. I really like your web site. I will check out your devotional page. today at our church we did testimony with cardboard signs. Our pastor did a study on Nehemiah. People would come forward one at a time and hold a sign like one gal "baby died" then on the other side share how God had touched her life through her trial. It was so powerful! Please enter me in your book giveaway! I love french decorating and country french! LD

  159. Debra:

    I would love to win that wonderful book!
    I'm your follower.

    I'm from México but I have an address in Texas too, so don't worry about shipping international. ha. ha.


    Mary Tere

  160. Debra:

    I am putting your button on my sidebar.

    Mary Tere

  161. Your blog is BEAUTIFUL!!! I signed up as a follower.

    Thanks so much!!
    Michele R.(CA)
    Luvkittysgiveaways at Gmail dot com
    Butterfly Whispers

  162. I signed up to follow Caroyln's Blog, too...another great blog.

    Thanks so much!!
    Michele R.(CA)
    Luvkittysgiveaways at Gmail dot com
    Butterfly Whispers

  163. I blogged about your giveaway on my blog, Butterfly Whispers. Here's the link:

    Thanks so much!!
    Michele R.(CA)
    Luvkittysgiveaways at Gmail dot com
    Butterfly Whispers

  164. I used your giveaway button to link up with your giveaway on my blog. Here's the link:

    Thanks so much!!
    Michele R.(CA)
    Luvkittysgiveaways at Gmail dot com
    Butterfly Whispers

  165. I added you to my blogroll. I didn't even know what a blogroll was, LOL. I had a list of blogs on my sidebar, but I read that a blogroll is different. So, you're my first blog on the blogroll, and you've inspired me to update to using blogroll instead of just a list. :-)
    The link to my blog, Butterfly Whispers, is below.

    Thanks so much!!
    Michele R.(CA)
    Luvkittysgiveaways at Gmail dot com
    Butterfly Whispers

  166. Hi Debra! Great interview!! I just love Carolyn! I didn't realize she had a new book out...I will gladly put your fabulous giveaway on my sidebar! Happy One Year!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs ~

    :) T

  167. Congrats on your Anniversary! I just adore her style and love her first book! The interview with her was just great and I can't wait for her linens to be more readily available. I'm already a reader of her blog and would love to win the new book!


  168. I must confess I have never heard of Carolyn. Thanks to your lovely giveaway, I have now. Her book looks fabulously delicious. I would love to win it.


  169. .....and now following Carolyn...

  170. What a beautiful book! I've become a follower. I would have even if not for the give away though! You have a beautiful blog, I so enjoy it.
    ~ Violet

  171. Hello :) This is a wonderful & beautiful book! yes please, do enter me for this fantastic giveaway!

    Warmest, Brenda

  172. I have just signed on as your newest follower...entry #2 for me, yeah!

  173. And now I have put your Giveaway photo on my sidebar with a link back to your blog....Entry #4, Woo Hoo, LOL :)

  174. I've just visited Carolyns beautiful blog, and have signed up as one of her newest followers. She a such a wonderful blog!

    Okay, that makes 5 entries for me now :)

  175. What an offer! Thank you! I am a follower!

  176. I have added your giveaway to my sidebar!~


  177. Beautiful book! I am a follower too!

  178. almost forgot, I do have you on my blog roll!

  179. I too have become one of Carolyn's followers!

  180. A Big Congratulations on a whole year!!! Your blog is wonderful Debra! What a wonderful giveaway!

  181. I commented on Carolyns wonderful blog!

  182. I linked to you on my side bar!
    Have Fun!

  183. Hi Debra, I've just become a follower! Love your blog and all the pics.. I'd love to win this book, fingers and toes crossed.. lol! take care, Maryann

  184. I'm a follower and love Carolyn Westbrook!

  185. I've posted your giveaway button on my blog!


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends