Monday, June 28, 2010

Doors of Possibility

I know that most of you know Laura Ingalls Gunn and her wonderful blog, Decor to Adore. I've been following Laura since before I started my own blog. You may have read her recent post about her life story and life long dream of accomplishment.
She is an amazing and gifted woman, whose personal story would not be evident in her current demeanor and outlook, but she has traveled a road in life, that most of us have never been down, or even considered. It has only caused to strengthen and define make her the woman she is today.

This morning on my Bible Study Blog I found a note from Laura, and I immediately went to her blog to read the post she did Sunday. I'm inviting you to read it also. Thought provoking and insightful, written by a woman who is traveling the road daily toward her destiny.
Be blessed in your reading of Laura's wonderful post, at  Decor to Adore.



  1. Thank for the post, I am now A follower of Decor to Adore..........Her current post is well worth the reading. I wish her the best. XO MARY

  2. I will have to check it out ~ thanks, gorgeous image. Daphne Nicole apm wants to particapte in my new post or group or day of fellow barn lovers called "BARN CHICKS"
    any interest? -love to have you be a chick!


  3. Thank you dear for this link, I will run over there now, and see her blog, God bless you dear one, and have a blessed day, Barbara

  4. Hey Debra
    Thanks for the invite, I will go over and visit.
    Hope you are well and have a great week

  5. Hi Debra ..I fixed the link on my blog post ..thanks for letting me know !!!


  6. Oh Debra,

    You just made me all misty. My heart has spilled over into my tearducts.
    Nothing is more beautiful than onen friend helping another.

    I have added you to my sidebar under "Team Laura" so that everyone can see what a beautiful heart you have.

  7. Thanks Debra - Im heading on over to watch Laura's video and vote....for the 8th time. She is wonderful and thank you for calling our attention to her fabulous blog.

  8. Debra, thank you for sharing the link. Blessings.


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