Tuesday, May 25, 2010

She ain't heavy...she's my fountain

Look at this lovely old fountain...
isn't she just the sweetest?

I found her in St. Louis a few weeks ago.
She called to me from an alleyway amidst other concrete treasures.
I had to have her.

Who would think that she could make a grown man
cower in pain and agony?

And then be blamed (along with me)
for a week's worth of discomfort
...I'm just sayin...

Here's another back breaker from a couple of years ago...

What is it with the heavy stuff,
that just makes me swoon?

This little fella isn't quite so heavy
but he's definitely a "two hander".

Not too heavy,
but wouldn't want this concrete doorstop
landing on my tootsies.

And speaking of sweet husbands...
This is my Birthday clock,
wonder why he likes to remind me what time it is?
I've stopped counting Birthdays!

Love the detail.

And finally, an urn that sweet husband bought for me
from Pottery Barn.

When he first saw it he complained that there wasn't any way
EVER he was carrying that sucker out to the car.

But that was before my dear sweetheart
realized it wasn't heavy,
just made to look that way...

Oh, the joys of shopping,
old or new,
heavy or light.

But wouldn't trade my guy for anything...
not anything.

Say Hi to...

Marty at A Stroll Thru Life

Kathleen at Faded Charm

Thanks Gals!

Hope you're having a fun week!
I'm still waiting for the wallpaper I ordered to get in...

Thanks for letting me share this random post
to keep myself from storming the home decor store.

love ya,


  1. Girl I just might come and take them all, I have a big strong husband too:) They are all so beautiful. Love the urn too! Have a blessed day and if they go missing... don't come to my house. I'm just sayin':) HUGS!

  2. D, wow she is fabulous!! If you are ever ready to part with her, you can put my name on her :)

  3. Hello! I have that sweet girl! She's not a fountain and I believe she is a wee bit smaller. I love my ladies in my garden.
    Enjoying your lovely finds!
    via tabletop tuesday!

  4. Sweet finds. I love St. Louis. My husband is from there and I love to go there for visits. Go Cardinals!

  5. I LOVE the statues!! Hubby loves statues, too, I have to watch out for the huge ones he wants to buy! Love your PB urn, too...don't remember that from a catalog...was it a bargain piece? Your living room is beautiful, by the way!

    Good luck with the wallpaper.


  6. Wow she is stunning. No wonder you had to have her.

  7. Hi Debra,
    I know how you get that sweet man of yours to carry all your concrete pretties. You just flash him that sweet, cute grin of yours and his heart melts! LOL!
    My sister and I used to go shopping and bring home these heavy garden pieces. We would act as though we were going to carry it but only when our hunky neighbors were around. He would see us struggling (heehee) and would come over to help. When our husbands got home they could never figure out how we did it.
    Your home is so lovely and the pretty urn from PB looks so good in your livingroom. You have such wonderful taste. I want to live next to you too! I think we would get in trouble though, because we would be shopping all the time!


  8. Oh Debra, just wonderful! I really love the urn your dear hubby gave you too!


  9. Hey Lady! You got some great concrete! Hard to come by where I come from, and of course you gotta have somebody to lift it when you're out and about. I'm about seven months out from a shoulder thing from lifting one of those suckers. I guess I'm done with that--Condolences to the Hubby. I feel his pain. Best to you--JQ

  10. You know how I love statues!!!! They are all great:) I love how you used your urn for shells instead of a plant. Very unique. Have a great week:)
    Blog;Capers of the vintage vixens

  11. Just love 'em all!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!!

  12. Just tell hubby that big sturdy things of substance remind you of him and he'll fetch and carry just about anything!

  13. Beautiful garden art! That's my fave thing to bring indoors.

    My husband doesn't complain, it gives him a chance to flex and show off. ;-)

    Still don't have my voice back yet... :-(

  14. BIG urns are the best. Always. The heavier the better. Not heavy, then I am disappointed. Do you have room to travel with a small moving dolley? It might help. That fountain is lovely...smart buy. Your blog title today is off the chain!


  15. I love statues and yes, she is especially sweet!

  16. love all your garden statuary...chippy...painted...peeling...french lovelies! i especially LOVE your crowns!!

  17. Oh my, I can see why you fell in love with both of them. They may be heavy but they are stunning. Even if it took a forklift I would whine a lot if I didn't have them. Your urn is just fabulous. I love it on the coffee table with the shells and then the silver. What a beautiful combination. Gorgeous. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  18. Loving all your statuary. We were thinking alike today. Can a girl ever have too much? I think not! Also great birthday present with such ornate detail.

    As always thanks for playing along.


  19. Hi Debra,
    I so love old statues and urns....the chippier the better....gorgeous photos!
    Happy WW!

  20. Yum I love the urns, especially with sea shells. Sounds like your hubby's a keeper!!

  21. Debra, all of those are really gorgeous!!! i really love your fountain...she is a beauty!!!

  22. What a good hubby you have, Debra! And what gorgeous stuff, too--all of it--just gorgeous!


  23. Hi Debra,

    You found some terrific treasures - the fountain lady is wonderful, inside or out. Happy hunting!


  24. WOW!!! They are gorgeous.

  25. Hi Debra!
    I love every one of your pieces of white statuary. Fabulous! Thanks for sharing.

  26. Everything is interesting and pretty. I am particularly taken with the birds on a 'perch' on your coffee table.

  27. Wow, these are beautiful...and they do look heavy! Your home looks so lovely!

  28. Beautiful garden statuary, Debra! Perfect ~ indoors or out!

    Happy White Wednesday!

  29. I love garden statues and urns! Yours are just lovely. I especially like the princely cherub wearing a crown. And gorgeous clock too! Love it!

  30. OMG, we have the same couches! Small world! I LOVE, love, love your urns! You have some beautiful pieces, how lovely your home must be.

  31. Hi Debra, I'm just going to sit and drool a while ;)
    Have a wonderful day!

  32. Your fountain is wonderful! I, too, love concrete planters and statues and have been blamed on some back discomfort!
    I have a concrete whippet that did fall over on my foot. O-U-C-H!! I thought that I had broken every tiny bone in my foot, but miraculously, it was just badly bruised.
    So...be careful!

  33. Love all the concrete! It's good to have a good man especially when a nice piece of concrete is looking at you!

  34. I love those garden statues, Debra!
    Hopefully your wallpaper will get in soon.

  35. Debra,
    it is alwayes such a joy, visiting you, and today,too. I love all your heavy "stuff" it looks wonderfull, out-and inside, and the statues, are fantastic.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  36. OH Debra ~ Such a great hubby ~ Here comes that green-eyed monster again. I am diggin' your Seashells in that urn ~ I may have to go and change mine around now:) Happy WW 2 U!

  37. Your statues are wonderful. So hope your hubby is on the mend. I love your urns too. Just the right amount of chippy.:)

  38. OMG she is beautiful, I have a thing for statue's myself... I have them everywhere!!! Blessing~~~Daphne

  39. I am so in love with your garden statues and the urns! I bought a huge vintage cog wheel last weekend at Lucketts Antique Fair and hubby said I always buy the heaviest thing anywhere we go. Probably true!

  40. Debra all your concrete is making me swoon over here. I LOVE that beautiful lady in the first great shot. She is gorgeous. But the problem is that I love them all and so I can't decide which one to try and talk you out of.hehe. How 'bout the gorgeous sofa then???? Okay I'll try the lovely urn on the coffee table...what, still a no go...well maybe I'll have to ask your husband!

  41. Debra, I am in love with your treasures. Statues and urns are favorites of mine, too. The decorative arrangements in your home are always so lovely.
    Hugs, Sandy

  42. Great Post Debra

    Love Love the treasures that are in your photos. You never disappoint us gals.

    Have a blessed Memorial Day weekend

    Love & hugs

  43. Oh dear, I have a case of urn envy, I already bugged Kathleen about where she got hers! I just gotta stop looking then they'll show up all over the place!
    love seeing all your treasures,and thanks for visiting my blog!

  44. Oh my...I am loving all of your beautiful "heavy things"! Your latest purchase...the beautiful lady...is to die for!

    You are so cute about your precious hubby! Isn't wonderful to have a better and stronger half...well at least stronger;)!


  45. I love them all Debra! The pottery barn urn is great! What a sweet hubby you have to do all that heavy lifting! He sounds like my hubby! What a blessing they are, aren't they?


  46. Crusty, crispy, creamy - I love them all and everything looks delightful Debra! I put your banner on my side bar - just had to shout out about you again, Jennifer jennsthreegraces and thank you for sharing God's word

  47. OMG!*!*! I have that SAME STATUE ~ but mine is ChiPPy - of course... I'll have to post it for you to take a look!!! I love adorning her with vintage millinery in the basket AND necklaces... GREAT FINDS!!! Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  48. Oh I love your whites this week. The cherub and the urn on the table are my favorites.

  49. Debra,
    You find the best of the best...Love your style, adore the urn, and the fountian girl is a beauty!!

    You deserve to find the BEST! with your heart of Gold and the glory of the kings crowns you display!

    See you soon.

  50. I love your statue, and urn, and that lovely cake stand on your table... so gorgeous!

  51. Fabulous items! Thanks for showing us all of them.I love the Urn from PB as well.Looks great!

    ~Cheers Kim


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