Monday, May 24, 2010

Purse Alert!

Hi Everyone! No, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth, but I STILL am in some sort of alternate universe where my house is in chaos, projects are half finished, and oh doodle, I have company coming on Thursday! Can this situation be saved by anyone except the "Lone Wallpaper Ranger" and a faithful wallpaper companion, or two?

Well, I'm not really complaining, just antsy to get the rest of the Dining Room done, before I go cuckoo and load a dumpster full of nic nacs and mismatched china!

So taking a break from insanity, I wanted to share some photos of a purse I purchased from

She's having a give away too, so be sure and enter!!!
last week.  I had been stalking her blog and then her new website for weeks! I finally decided on one that is in neutrals, so it would "go with everything", which seems to be my new mantra for not only decorating, clothing, accessories, and now life in general. Is it age? Hmmmm....? Maybe I won't go there.

I could have posed with it and taken pictures, but good grief, it's almost 2:00 in the afternoon, and I'm still in my pajamas, so I'll save us all the embarrassment and just hang this cutie on my TV armoire door.

Honestly, I'm not lazy, just worked all weekend outside in cleaning up the pool area, washing outside furniture, planting, painting misc. "stuff", and generally being the energizer bunny. So today, I'm being a bum.

Enough about me, look at this darling specimen of vintage yumminess! The attention to detail! The handcraftsmanship, (whew, big word for, dang, this girl does great work!) Ooodles of vintage charm...a brooch, lace, fringe, oh golly I'm just in love with it!!!

You can have one too, just not one like mine,
since all are one-of-a-kind fabulousness!

So. Go. Check. Out. Daphne's wonderful creations! She will even let you have a hand in sharing your own ideas for creating something fabulous, just for yourself!

OK, got's to get on the ball around here!
Hey, I have more projects to start that I can only get half done.
Hope you are having a great week,
it's hotter than Texas here right now!

love you all!


  1. Whee Ha! this is indeed a red hot alert. Thanks so much. Fabulous purse. Off to sign up. :D

  2. That is a gorgeous purse Debra! Now as I was reading I thought maybe I detected a bit of a tone maybe when you said you were still in your pajamas at 2:00... like it was a bad thing ot something! Hmmmm maybe I should change, it is after all 4:16 here! Just kidding... this time :) When I have major work to do around the house I stay in my jammies and just get busy. That way I'm not tempted to leave the house or play outside. Love the purse, thanks for sharing, Theresa

  3. You are so funny!!! The purse is fabulous.

  4. I have an urgent prayer request at arise 2 write.

  5. .... AND just when I needed one most!

  6. Wow, that is one amazing purse!! Love it!


  7. That is just the prettiest purse I have ever seen! You can really dress it up and down. I will definitely check out the website.

    I wish you luck getting all of your wallpapering done before the company always seems to work out in the end!


  8. She does do fabulous work, and I work best in my jammies too, but I'm interested in seeing how the dining room is coming along. I'm anxious because I think it will be wonderful!!

  9. Love that bag, where did you ever find it, have a great day, Hugs Barbara from

  10. Ooh, ooh and ahhhh!!! That's how much I love your purse. I wannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt it!!!!!

    I'll have to go over there and see what they can whip up for me.

    Pajamas still on at 2:00. I have been known to do that. Everyday my pj's are on by at least 4:00 because that's when my motor dies out and I am done! I usually grab my laptop and head for the bedroom, prop myself up in bed and go blog hopping.

    You are so dang cute. I think I'll just call you cutie patudie!!!


  11. Debra, thank you so much for the shout out! You are soooooo sweet!!! I've met some wonderful people since I've started bloging, and I want you to know that you are a very special friend to me. Blessings~~~Daphne

  12. great coice, what a fantastic bAG. it will go with everything- thanks for the link

  13. Dear Debra,
    The alternate universe, choas business is endearing me to you all the more. As a former psych nurse "normal" people scare me. Who really has it all together? That purse is yummy. I would have it dirty in no time flat I think.

  14. Hello Debra, I love the handbag it is so fun looking and one to sure get comments on. I love the cotton lace along with the burlap :)

    About your P.J's I have had those kind of day's creating all day in them :)


  15. Great purchase! That purse is beautiful, Debra!
    Hopefully you will be done soon with your dining room renovation and can enjoy the "new" room then.
    Have a great Tuesday!

  16. Hi Debra
    Just a note to say hi and hope you're not working too hard!
    Glad you found a purse you love, always fun to find something that speaks your name. I have a thing for purses anyway.
    I have to tell you what a wonderful day I had yesterday! I went to an all day seminar with Marie Chapian, she is a very old and dear friend of mine and what a great time we had in Jesus!
    It was so good just to have the fellowship...
    Hope all is good with you

  17. Lovely purse Debra! I think today is just made to be bumming around in pj's. I was still in mine later than usual too, but I am exhausted as well. Been a busy past few days and I am doing NOTHING today but enjoying life and taking pictures. Have a beautiful day!!


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