Saturday, March 6, 2010

Leola's Open House and Jan's Having a GiveAway!

It's arrived at Leola's in Ozark, Missouri!
If you live anywhere near Southwest MO,
there's still time to make it to the
Spring Open House at Leola's!

This is my good friend
and her sister Judy, they are two of four family members
who own Leola's.
Jan is having a Blog Giveaway at the store
and on her own blog, Summer Sundays.
Run over and visit Jan
and sign up for the giveaway!

She always has what's new at the store.
You'll love taking junkin' juants
with her and her sisters.

She's one great gal!
Leola's was voted #1 store for Best In-store displays
in 417 Magazine.

Me and the ever feisty and talented Kristi.

so get to the store if posssible,
but for sure check out Jan's blog
say Hi, and enter to win her giveaway!

And if you haven't entered my
Celebration Giveback
nows your chance.

Scroll down to Monday's post
on the giveback and
leave a comment to be entered!

Hope the sun is shining where you are today!

squeezy hugs,

p.s. be sure and come back for White Wednesday
When I'll show the rest of the open house photos!


  1. Oh, I's love to go to Leola's. Everything looks fantastic!! Definitely my kind of store!!

    I'll be sure to stop by Jan's store.


  2. Love all those vintage goodies. Would love to have that bench and all those flower pots... for this spring. You got me thinking!

  3. Sadly, I live nowhere near Missouri. I do have kin there though, will have to pass this along to them. Cute photos, look forward to the follow up on Monday.

  4. Look at you in that last picture! You are darling! That'll replace the munchkin pic of yours as my go-to pic of you when I need to post one of you.
    Oh no I di-int! ;-)

    Running over to Jan's blog as we speak....


  5. What a cute place! The photo of you and Kristi is so sweet. Have a nice weekend. sandi

  6. thank you o much for all your support for me and my blog, it means so much to me. has been wonderful getting to know you.


  7. What a lovely place! And everyone looks so happy!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  8. Crack me up!!! I'm feeling so popular tonight. Thanks so much for your support. You're a good friend. Kenda & I were so busy today (Yea). Luckily, Kristi, Judy & Brenda all came in to lend a hand. There were approximately 100,000 people lined up at Lamberts. Are people ready for Spring, or what!!! Thanks, again. Jan

  9. Hey Sweetie. Ewwww, just look at all that vintagey goodness. I would love to be at that open house.

    The photo of you is so pretty. You loving heart just shows right through!

    Thanks for stopping in to visit. I'm going to go check Jan out now.

    Have a wonderful Sunday. Hugs... Tracy :)

  10. Gosh Debra, that place looks like my kindda place. I would love to see Leola's in person, but for now, your pictures are a wonderful way to look around. I'm so glad that we got to see your darling face on this post!!!

  11. WHOA Debra, Love all of these sweet pictures and honey you are cute as a button in that picture! Have a blessed day and I am heading straight over to visit them! Hugs dear Friend!

  12. Drool! Looks like a lot of fun stuff. Wish I could visit there. ; )

  13. Oh wow,I wish!! Love that rusty looking old bench! Hope you are well,Chrissy

  14. Looks like some really cool stuff!!! I love the clothes on the dress form! Thanks so much for sharing. Blessings... Daphne

  15. That is a great picture of you! Your spirit shines through-


  16. Hi Debra
    You look absolutley adorable in thay photo!!! I love all of the eye candy in this post wow great stuff. Thank you so much for your love and prayers they mean so much to me. I am very excited about starting out at CR. Thanks for cheering me on.

    Love you

  17. Now there is a place I think I got get lost in!


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