Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine Party with Laurie

Attending Blog Parties is the equivalent
of attending  a high school mixer for me;
a chance to get to meet new people,
and then to get to know them.
Laurie, from
is one such person.
She's hostessing her first blog party this Friday;
A Valentine Party

This will be a grab-bag full of fun!

I'll be showing you a little of my
 Vintage Valentine goodies.

In my kitchen hallway I have a white sideboard
that I change  up seasonally and for each holiday!

This is a vintage cardboard candy box.
I just love the graphic on the front.
"The candy of the South"

And this box is very large.
It may have been Russell Stovers.
Whoever was delivering it must have had to wait
 out in the rain for his sweetheart.
Either that, or she ate them in the shower!

Rose wreath inside my front door...

and a heart shaped topiary on my Dining Room Buffet

My perpetual calendar is ready for the Big Day!

Downstairs I have a "Holiday Cupboard"
that is like the sideboard;
dressed for Valentine's Day!

Lefton Valentine Cherub covered dish.

Cocoa tin.

I love hankies, and these are my Valentines.
Wonderful for a purse or pocket.

And a tiny cross-stitch angel from about 20 years ago.
I will also be participating in
Joan's Valentine Party on Sunday,
so come back then, to see my old framed Valentines.

Have a wonderful Valentine weekend,

And may you "love the one your with"!


  1. Wow...I love the holiday cupboard. I don't know how you keep up with it, though.
    Hugs, andrea

  2. I DO love the one I'm with:) He's the one snoozing on the sofa! Love all of your pretties, Debra. My favorite is the picture with the hankies. I have a thing for hankies too! Have a blessed evening dear Friend!

  3. Debra, it all looks so romantic and just waiting for the big day...Love that bird cage...Hope you have a GREAT VD girl...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  4. this blessed me so much ... hope your day with your honey is special ..

  5. Debra... your valentines items are so sweet and pretty...I love them all....just the kind of things I enjoy also!

  6. I wanna come ! I love the wreath, the coco tin and the heart topiary is my the eye candy..thanks ~lulu

  7. Oh so cute Valentine's goodies! I love the hankies!!

  8. Hey Sweetie. Isn't that lefton dish and that candy box just the best! I love those. Well of course I love all of your goodies.

    Thank you for coming by and visiting me and always saying the most comforting things. It's been a rough day from the moment my eyes opened and you always make me feel better.

    Warm hugs dear Debra....Tracy :)

  9. Oh, I love your post and what prettiness! Your rose heart wreath is so beautiful! Sweet little cross stitch.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Everything looks so pretty and romantic. I like the wreath on the bird cage. I laughed when you said the sweetie might have been taking a shower when she was eating her chocolates. Everything is beautiful. Rosie

  11. Hi Debra!

    Happy Valentines to you! Girl, you are so amazing how you decorate to the hilt for each it all, but I'd need track shoes 7/24 to keep up with you! grin....Love that candy box the best! Have a wonderful day with you hubby on Sunday!

  12. Oh your Common Ground was a nice place to visit. I have enjoyed it all. I will be back for more.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  13. Miss Debra-

    I decree you Valentine Queen.

    You are the perfect choice, and special to all of us in blog land.


  14. How cute that V'tine heart wreath is on the bird cage. I love your comment about eating the candy in the shower! That cocoa tin is sooo cute! I have a perpetual calendar identical to that. It was my daddy's, and he kept it on his desk at the bank. That lacy looking tray it's on is so pretty. Thank you so much for joining the party. laurie

  15. Don't you just love candy boxes? I don't know if it's the heart shape or what, but they just speak to me. Just the box mind you. I need a 100 pieces of chocolate like I need a hole in my head.:)

  16. Wow...I want it all...your decorations are gorgeous. I adore the Valentine favorite!

    The vintage Valentine on your header is darling...soooo you!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  17. So much cuteness! You are a tough act to follow!

    Hey, I've eaten chocolate in the shower, don't knock it 'til you've tried it. ;-)

    Love ya!

  18. Debra, Love your Valentine decor. I just adore that Lefton cherub.

  19. Got a little sugar for you at my blog!

  20. I love the decor on your sideboard! That valentine wreath and the topiary are my faves! Cindy

  21. Glad to know that I am not the only person who changes with the seasons. I do not have a sideboard but I decorate my bakers rack with the seasons. You have so many pretty things. I have a big collection of hankies too and totally forgot to put some out this week. Just get so busy some times:) Who is Joan who will have a link tomorrow? Happy Valentine's day to you.

  22. Thanks for your response about Joan.

  23. Debra...I just love this post! You have so many wonderful valentine goodies. I especially like the old-fashioned chocolates box and the cocoa tin...guess that says something about me, lol!


  24. I love all of your vintage Valentine decor and the way you have it displayed! The brass calendar is really neat! And the little cherub/child in the beautiful heart ivy topiary is precious!

    Thanks for stopping in for a visit over at my blog! Happy Valentines to you and yours! ~Rhonda :)

  25. All of your decorations are so beautiful, Debra! I love the birdcage, the cherub covered dish, and the topiary the best. See you at Joans!
    Have a great Valentine's Day!

  26. Debra~~~

    You have so many vintagy things that all spell out L~O~V~E!! Wonderful post!

    Happy Valentine's Day! :-)


  27. What beautiful pictures!!! I especially love the bird cage. Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit at our blog, and for the sweet comments you made. I love your blog, and I'm going to join as a follower and add you to our blog list. Have a happy Valentines day.

  28. I feel so ashamed. I do good to decorate for Christmas and you do something special all the time. I am so not worthy!
    I'll have to love the one I'm with...he's all I got!
    P.S. Maybe the shower was a way of saying thank you to her hubby for the candy!

  29. Your vintage collections are just adorable!I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!


  30. The cocoa tin is fabulous! And love those vintage hankies. Have a wonderful day. Blessings, tammy

  31. Hello!
    Loooove your rose wreaths!! I am joining another St.Valentine's Party this week, sharing my collection of vintage Valentines...
    Happy St. Valentine's Day and Happy Party!

  32. What a sweet treat! Love truly lives in the details.

    Happy hearts day!

  33. Oh what beautiful decorations. I just love it all. The heart shaped topiary's always catch my eye, and all of the wonderful vintage decorations are just fabulous. Everything is gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  34. OMG! I love your decorations! So pretty!
    And the way you have them all die for!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  35. How pretty are all your valentine's treasures - love the hearts and the vintage valentine's.


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