Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Favorite Teacup

A day or two ago I found
  a truly lovely blog,
 Belle Blanc.

 Mira is hosting an "action giveaway" party
and I just had to attend!
She is encouraging us
to show our favorite teacup.

Today it has been planted
 with some paperwhite bulbs for spring.
Now, if I can just keep Mr. Rabbit
 from being tempted for lunch.

This little brown transferware teacup
 that I found several years ago
is chipped and well loved,
but still my favorite.

I think it is probably the oldest of any I own,

"Made in Germany" is the only marking it has.

Please go visit Belle Blanc
Check her comment form,
 for other teacup friends.

Be sure and check back Monday,
here, as I will start my
March Celebration Give-Back.
I think you'll love it!



  1. I love your brown transfer ware! I have a few pieces too, I love the old cup you have. Nice to know Martha Stewart didn't buy it all!!!! I do love her collection though. Your rabbit is so sweet too, hopefully he doesn't eat the bulbs!!!
    Dont you love it when they bloom? Except the smell, that isn't so sweet!
    Have a happy Sunday!
    Margaret B

  2. Pretty cup Debra. My paper whites are all faded away now. I hope you enjoy yours as much I did mine. I have a few teacups and they are all my favorite I do not think I could pick. I just posted about an old print that I have thought you might like to see it. Hope you are having a blessed Sunday!

  3. Awww, i love this tea-cup too! That is a sweet little bunny sitting beside it! Have a GREAT day!

  4. I love this tea cup! It is really a great piece! I see why you love it so much. I love your Bunny too!
    Hugs, Lisa

  5. Hi Debra,
    What a pretty cup, and what a good idea to plant it. I agree with Margaret, glad to see Martha didn't buy them all up. Have a good weekend.
    The Swedish Room

  6. Sweet little teacup with paperwhites poking their little heads out. Perfect! Have a blessed day my friend!

  7. Oh, I love your teacup, it is gorgeous. I love that you planted it with the paper white, but I also love it hanging from the ribbon. Both are just perfect. Hugs, Marty

  8. Debra,
    I love your teacups! I like the way you have the ribbon as a hanger for your German cup, how sweet is that!


  9. LOVE your teacup!
    But Mr. Rabbit looks pretty shady, I wouldn't trust him.

    I love everything associated with hot tea, I love the idea of noon tea, and all the pretty accoutrements that go along with it....except I don't like hot tea itself! No so tea cups for me. I'm strictly an iced tea gal.
    Boring, I know!


  10. Hi Debra,
    I've taken a little blogcation and now that I'm back it is so fun to see your post with that darling teacup planted with bulbs and the bunny. What a terrific idea. I have a darling transferware cup with a little chip which I can't use to serve. I will make it a center piece for my Easter table. Thanks for the wonderful idea.

  11. What a beautiful, old cup, Debra--I love it--chips and all!

  12. Miss Debra- what kind of tea do you like?
    Do you sweeten it?

    Just being nosey.

    The cup is amazing.

  13. adore the cup hanging by a ribbon!!!! it's beautiful~~~

  14. Hi Debra,
    thank you for participating! Your cup is so beautiful I love transfer ware. The decision will be very hard to make... you have a beautiful blog, wish you a lovely week, Mira!

  15. LOVE your old tea cup! And I love the picture of the bunny, tea cup, and button jar! So pretty!!! ~Mandy


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