Thursday, February 4, 2010

Helping Hands

Look at this adorable little hand,
I love the dimples.
and the loving heart...
that goes with these
tiny hands.

Many of you know Libbie from her blog,
And if you know Libbie,
you know her cutie pie daughter,

She has the most precious heart.
She loves people and Jesus,
and when she heard about the earthquake in Haiti,
she wanted to go and help,
or at the very least
send all their money.

Libbie, being a wonderful and wise mommy,
wanted to use this opportunity to help,
and at the same time allow her daughter
an expression of brotherly love and giving.

So Annie made beaded bracelets,
to sell to raise funds for the people of Haiti.



and more...



She has sold them door to door...

At church, and through many other people and businesses.
All so she could help the people of Haiti.

Here are my two bracelets that I purchased,

made just for me,

with love,

from Annie.

In a time when there are so many
bad things going on in the world,
I wanted to share what is "good",

a child whose heart
and hands
work together.



  1. Tiny dimpled hands are the best. And look at how adorable she is. What a huge heart she has. She is going to be a fabulous adult on day:)
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. Hi Debra... I love seeing heartwarming posts like this... what a little doll she is! xoxo Julie Marie

  3. Debra!!! That is so sweet of you to feature Annie today! I showed Annie your picture today & she thought you were pretty & sweet and she said to say hi to you :)

    While I was writing this I just got a call from my sister-in-law that the kids from her High School where she teaches want Annie to come to their school so they can buy some bracelets :) THat will be fun next week! Just another oppurtunity to tell people about Jesus! Yeah!

    Thanks again Debra! You are so encouraging!!!

  4. Bless her precious giving heart.... Love your new braclets Debra! Thanks for sharing~~ GG

  5. Oh my gosh - I left your post to go read Libbie's post - both of them are so gorgeous! I love it!!! And hello? That Annie sure is a cutie!!!!

    Love the bracelets and her dimpled hand!!!

    love, robelyn

  6. That Annie is something else!
    What a remarkable job that child's mama has done!


  7. Annie is such a precious little girl!! How big her heart is. I hope she sells a zillion bracelets for this tremendous cause.


  8. What a sweet child to make those bracelets to sell to help! Warms the heart! God bless that Annie and her sweet Mama! Hugs!

  9. What is so amazing what small children can do! :D Thanks for an inspiring post!

    yapping cat

  10. Hi Debra,
    I thought I recognized those bracelets on my sidebar! So sweet of you to do a post about Annie. She is the one who named me Cake, and your bracelets are lovely btw. Thanks for supporting Anners!

  11. That is so sweet.. Kids are so great that way.. They never look at life the same way we do don't you wish we could stay child like forever.. There heart are so pure..

  12. Debra, this has touched me to my very core. I went over and read Libbie's post and just sat there and cried at the goodness of this precious child. It's what every parent dreams of. I don't believe this will be the last we hear about this wonderful little girl and her loving heart.

  13. Oh sweet Debra, what an angel you are!!!! I saw that precious Annie made those bracelets! Such a giving, loving heart she has...and you as well! ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  14. I did visit Libby and leave a message for Annie. She is such a cutie with a big heart and it is so wonderful to hear her story! I am so glad to see that you bought some of her bracelets. I certainly would have done the same but mail and Kuwait just don't go together unfortunately. Such a fabulous and inspiring story. Wishing you all the best, Tammy

  15. remind me of good - isn't that God's thank you for sharing something special, I love your choice of bracelets and I plan to check out the site. Amen to positive. Fondly, Jennifer

  16. Such a simple and wonderful up-to-date version of the boy with the sack lunch that Jesus blessed, broke and multiplied! I can't wait to see how this story ends -- IF it ends!

    May God bless YOU for giving voice to it and this child for her compassion and diligence.

  17. A warm hearted little girl and a wise mommy make for a winning team. Her bracelets are so sweet as is her heart. I salute her mommy for giving her this chance to help.

  18. Awwww....sniff sniff! Sha little Annie! She just glows with His light!!!!! She is touching soooo many hearts out there...especially mine~
    everything vintage

  19. This is such an uplifting post. It warms my heart and brings tears to my eyes. If only we could all remember to love like the precious little children do. Libby must be very proud of Sweet Little Annie. All it takes is one person, big or small to light a fire.

    Before I even started reading, I thought look at those sweet little dimples too.
    Thanks for such an uplifting post tonight.
    Love, Tracy :)


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