Sunday, December 13, 2009

Vintage Christmas Monday

Vintage Christmas Monday is here!
is hosting a wonderful party.
And we only have one more Monday,
to show off our vintage Christmas items.

Today, I thought I'd share my mantle from downstairs in the family room. The fireplace is exactly like the one upstairs except the brick is natural. The mantle itself is a huge piece of rough wood, The operative word here is HUGE, and sometimes "huge" is hard to decorate. Our basement is pretty large and has two seating areas. This is where my husband and I watch TV and eat dinner together. This area is more "lodge-y" and rustic than upstairs; Pendleton blankets and deer antlers and a lot of vintage memorabilia. I mentioned before that I love to rotate vintage prints and this one I found two years ago at a flea market. It has water stains, but then a lot of my prints are stained and "shabby", but it doesn't bother me. I just love this lithograph print, it's stamped "1897 Jos. Hoover and Son. Philadelphia."

I have a few of my vintage candy tins down here...

with some old deer and a Father Christmas
 that my Mom made back in the 80's.

This old photographic print is very unusual. A friend of mine and booth partner, was selling copies of this last year. I had had this old metal oval frame for ages. I found it without a photo, but bought it because of it's interesting shape. A little wallpaper for a background and the print looks right at home. Click on this photo to see it in detail. It's really "strange". I don't know the circumstances of the photo, but there's an odd old man with a long white beard standing with the boys beside the wagon.

Be sure and head over to see Joan, say Hello,
 then check out all the other great vintage Christmas items.
Have a wonderful "Vintage Monday"!


  1. You have a beautiful display on your mantle. Often times people don't use things that are big enough. Yours looks fab.

    Love your mom's handmade Father Christmas. AND people must click on the print to see the Wonderful Outfits on those children.

    Thanks for being a part of Vintage Christmas Monday. xo Joan, your hostess

  2. I love the rustic and vintage look. It is very comfortable and homey. Marla

  3. Hi Debra, Love your mantle. I could come over and just take that old photo. Very interesting...julie

  4. Hey Honey! This is so warm and cozy looking. What a wonderful room to spend the evening. I love all you vintage. Everythings beautiful.

    Hugs and love, Tracy :)

  5. Debra, the decorations are lovely and look at home in the "lodge". I especially like the lithograph. It almost has a Currier and Ives look to it.
    Thanks for sharing all the photos of your home and the special decorations that make it "home."

  6. What I wouldn't give for a basement! My hubby had one growing up and it was the heart of their home. They aren't too common here in Oklahoma. Not in my neighborhood anyway!

    Beautiful my friend. Love the painting. I'd love something like that...someday.

    Love to you~


  7. Debra your lithograph is beautiful and I wouldn't care if it had water stains ~ just adds to the charm. Love the mantle too, looks so warm and cozy. Merry Christmas ~ Judi

  8. Debra, your mantle is beautiful! It looks like it should be in a decorating book, with the subject being: How To Properly Decorate A Mantle! It's just so warm and cozy looking!
    That old picture is really amazing, especially the shape of the frame. It is rather strange, but it would be interesting to know what's going on there!
    Happy VCM!

  9. Love the lodge look. Every bit of this display is interesting. I especially love the photo in the oval frame. I did enlarge it and if that isn't Santa and his elves then I just can't imagine who that could be. Wink, wink.

  10. Your home is decorated so beautifully! I love all of the different areas but could really relax in front of that fireplace. That vintage print is gorgeous, if you need to rotate it again... rotate it to my house:) Have a blessed evening.

  11. I am a vintage photo collector. Great photo! I think that is suppose to be Santa and his elves! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Debra, your mantle looks so warm and inviting! And that little roller skate in your blog header is so cute! I have a matching pair of ice skates!

  13. Debra,
    I'm back (sorta) and trying to catch up on all the being one of my firsts girl! Anyway, I love getting out the decorations and rembering each and every one's special story. My Mom was never to crafty, but I have these little mice that she had a neighbor make for me many years ago and they just make me remember her love for me when I see them. They always go front and center by my kitchen sink for Christmas. Hope you are doing well!

  14. That is a very interesting photo and I LOVE it!! Your mantel looks beautiful and the room looks very cozy and inviting.

  15. Thank-you for sharing a bit of your beautiful home with us, Debra! What a cozy, homey place it is! LOVE those old prints!

    Hope you're having a warm & cozy weekend!

  16. I love your huge fireplace and mantle. My problem is the opposite, mine is quite small. The way you decorate it gives it a cozy feel. Everything looks so nice. I love that old photo.

  17. Debra- Everything is just wonderful. I have one real mantel and one 'faux' mantel I created. I love decorating them.

    Are you going to do any baking this year? I plan to start this week.

    I hope your Monday is glorious dear friend.


  18. I love the look of your basement "lodge."

  19. What an awsome fireplace! I bet that warms the room up nice. You did a great job decorating it. Blessings!

  20. Warm and welcoming is how I would describe your fireplace!!! Just want to curl up with a cuppa tea and relax!! Enjoy your day,Chrissy

  21. What a great fireplace. Lots of interesting stuff here. That Santa made by your mom is great. The 1897 lithograph beautiful. Would love to know the story behind that last vintage photo. Blessings to you and yours, :) Tammy

  22. Debra, it looks snuggly and perfect in there. I love your vintage print and the framed photograph.

  23. Your mantle looks very nice and I love the "strange" black and white print!

  24. Your mantel is amazing! Well done!
    Merry Christmas!
    Hugs, Lisa

  25. Sooo curious about that photo....looks like santa and his elves...and some faux reindeer're lucky to own such a treasure.
    Merry VCM!

  26. Debra what a great room. My hubby would love it. And the fireplace. We do not have one. Jeff is a woodworker as a hobby. But he does do somethings that people have requested and gotten paid for them. He got a large chunk of cherry from an uncle and made a beautiful fireplace mantle for a fellow employee at his company a few years ago. It was hard to see it leave our garage it was so beautiful.

  27. That photo IS weird, but in a totally awesome way! I'd have bought it and displayed it, too.

    I'll echo what someone else said, I like that you did up your mantle with big pieces. Nothing more egregious to me than a big mantle filled with twee little tchotchkes!

    Wonderful talking to you again today, my mom really liked you! :-)

  28. Hi, Debra!
    Trying to get caught up a bit ... and HAD to tell you how nice to have a "mountain lodge" without having to drive to the mountain and slog thru the snow!! FABULOUS JOB!
    Hugs, sweetie!
    Betty :)


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