Friday, December 4, 2009

"Share the Joy" Holiday Party

Bella Dreams is having a Party!

A "Share the Joy" Holiday
Decorating and Craft Blog Party!

The party is an all inclusive fabulous fun trip
 of anything Christmas!
So be sure and head on over after your visit.
Names of participants are on the left side bar.

Last fall I shared my "Holiday Cupboard"
that is in my family room downstairs.
I rescued it from my flea market space a few years ago.
It holds whatever the season brings
 in kitch and cottage-y fun.

Vintage white pottery vases of all kinds are my staple.
Although, for this Christmas, many of them have had to
find temporary homes elsewhere in the house.

Putz houses, paper and chalk churches, old candy tins,
and nativity lambs all live together in perfect harmony!

This is one of my favorites,
 a "Sees" candy promotional sleigh.

And look who's driving...
a flying squirrel, in goggles, no less!

Tiny top shelf for paper houses.

Plaid tray with dog

Nativity set lambs.
 Oh, you know I just love these little babies!

And vintage children's Christmas picture books.

A Stack of painted white suitcases tops it all off.

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year.
 I've decorated with new eyes
and a fresh perspective this year,
and it has been such fun!

Love to each of you,
and the best of Christmas wishes!

p.s. I'm a little behind in visiting everyone,
I hope to catch up with all of you this weekend!


  1. Love your corner cabinet, sweet! Love the squirrel and the suitcases on the top! I always like to pick my favorites:) It is all beautiful and festive!

    Enjoy your weekend:)

  2. Lovely cupboard and suitcases. Your little clapboard church is adorable!
    Pretty vignette's all over.

    Many Blessings,

  3. What a beautifully decorated cabinet! I love everything in it.

  4. Oh what a pretty room and sweet cabinet. I love that Christ Child book. I'm a big fan of the putz houses and the little lambs are so sweet. The suitcases and cabinet make such a pretty vingette.

    Have a lovely weekend Debra!

    Hugs....Tracy :)

  5. What a delicious little nook! A girl could spend quite a while there looking at all of your little treasures. I adore the little lambs! Have a terrific weekend!

  6. Your houses are just wonderful. I love how you have displayed all of your wonderful goodies and I'm so loving those suitcases! Enjoy the Party.

  7. Debra,

    Your amazing, I kinda like my small crowd...I can barely keep up with them.
    Love the luggage, Ralph Lauren did that in his Beverly Drive store in Dallas, the Bushes neighborhood. He also painted wooden barrels bright white and stuffed them full of Hydrangeas.
    Then painted wooden ladders and hung them horizontally from the ceiling, gorgeous displays.
    Your cupboard is just precious.
    I am decorating with different eyes this year too. Shedding the trends.
    Stay warm!

  8. Debra,
    You can move all your things right into my house 'cause it would all fit right in. Everything I love is in your home. Beautiful.

  9. Such beautiful Christmas decorating. Love it all Debra, have a great Saturday, T

  10. I love your corner cabinet fill with such wonderful treasures. The painted suitcases are just wonderful!

    Happy Holidays,

  11. debra - this is very inspirational decorating:) i especially am drawn to the suitcases, the paper houses...and of course, the white cabinet itself! have a warm and cozy week-end.


  12. What a treasure trove you have that beautiful cabinet! I just love the suitcases!! You have the magic touch!

    Have a very Merry Christmas!


  13. I love the suitcases! Everything looks so beautiful!

  14. outstanding, beautiful, I love it all! What great things you have collected and put together in a wonderful way, a pleasure to peak in...

  15. Great idea to paint the suitcases...we have a bunch I could paint. Never would have thought of it.

  16. I love the idea of a holiday cupboard, you can change it whenever, cute idea

  17. The cupboard looks so pretty and festive, and you've reminded me that I need to get out my vintage children's books. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful photos.

  18. Your cupboard is filled with the most delicious things! I really love the suitcases on top, I've been thinking about finding some for the top of my armoire in my bedroom. Extra storage too!

  19. Most of all I LOVE the white cupboard but, after that... the suitcases on top are such a great idea. The sleigh with the mouse & goggles are cute. I have a thing for lambs but, had never thought of using nativity lambs grouped together! Thanks for the ideas! Merry Christmas! Charlene

  20. Sweet lambs, paper houses, white suitcases....this is my idea of Heaven. And of course, that means you'll be there, too! :-)

  21. Your cupboard is so charming! I love the white suitcases! Everything in your cupboard looks so nice together. I bet you just love walking by and looking in there! Have a Merry Christmas!

    My Desert Cottage

  22. Love your cupboard and everything in it. Makes me happy to look at it. Thanks for stopping and your sweet comments. If you were talking about the white and red tree it actually is new, well new a couple of years ago. There is a shop out here in the country that is very rustic and I got it there.

  23. Hi Debra! Thanks for stopping by! I -love- your Holiday cupboard, and I adore your white suitcases! Now THAT's a great idea!!


  24. So very Lovely Debra! I want a holiday cupboard ~ maybe I could ask Santa Baby. Christmas blessings to you dear!

  25. Everything looks just lovely! You and I have the same decor taste! And guess what, I found a little chalkware lamb at the Flea on Thursday! She let me have it for a dime. I was beyond tickled. LOVE your colors, so pretty!

    yapping cat

  26. So many pretty decorations. Thanks for sharing them with us. Thanks for stopping by and reading along. Hope I don't get to boring for you. :)


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