Friday, December 18, 2009

The "Gift" of Giving

Christmas is known as a time of giving of gifts and receiving them.
 Today I was the recipient of two such precious gifts
from two equally precious ladies.

This fall, Jill from Gypsy Brocante hostess-"ed"
a weekly party, "Vintage Black Friday".
It was a dream party for me,
 because I have a lot of black in my world of decor.
And thanks to her darling son,
 I was the name he drew out of the hat!
She graciously awarded me a gift certificate
 to her wonderful site and etsy store

This is what I so happily chose!

I had to show the "after" photo first!

It came in a box with the sweetest
 pink floral fabric and ribboned bow.

Is it not just  "the best"?!!!
Can't wait to wear it!

And Donna of Brynwood Needleworks had the most fun game for us to play. She listed 10 facts that were to be about her life and we were supposed to pick the one that was false.
Well, let me tell you, this girl has lead one "crazy life". I loved hearing all about how she answered all the questions. And of course she was snickering because she made them just as wild and crazy as she could. Read about it here.

So you can guess that I picked
the one thing that wasn't "Donna".
This is a wonderful needle book or "cozy"that she made. And wow, do I need this! I'm challenged in the sewing department, so this is perfect to help me keep track of my little needles and pins. Look close at the darling acorn, her logo!

And today I want to share about the true
 spirit of Christmas giving.
Deb at "Faded Ladies" and her co-blogger Rose
 have a wonderful place to visit and be inspired.
Today, Deb shared a Christmas memory
from her past that you simply must read.
It will bless you more than you can imagine!

Find the link here.

1Week to Go!



  1. wow, what treasures!!! congrats!!!

  2. Well now, aren't you the lucky one to get all those goodies:) Love the necklace and the needle book, what a great idea! Have a fun weekend!

  3. Debra your gifts are awesome, you lucky girl you! I'm so glad that you are the sweetie that won. I'm heading over to read Deb's memory right now.

  4. Hi Debra:
    So glad that your needle keep will come in handy. I use mine all the time. (Beats finding them on the floor! OW!)
    I'll be joining the slumber party tonight. It's so much fun!

  5. Debra~~~~

    Lucky you! I love the fabric ribbon on the necklace package! (Little things make me happy!)

    Happy holidays! :-)


  6. I would be envious if it were anyone else but you, girl. You deserve every bit of love that is sent your way and these certainly are lovely gifts!
    I read the post and it was wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  7. What wonderful treasures.

    I am behind on my commenting Debra- but I wanted to check in . I love all of your recent posts!


  8. A dream of a necklace! Lucky girl!

  9. If I didn't love ya so much, I'd have to hate ya!
    Lucky! :-)


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