Monday, December 7, 2009

A Basket-full of Bloggy Love

My Christmas basket of "bloggy love" runneth over!
You know how much I love you all...
you have changed my life.
I am making so many good friends,
in this wonderful land of blog.

image from Country Living

But I have been remiss in publicly thanking a few people
 for their kind and generous expressions of friendship,
so today I want to thank some of you sweeties 
that sent some lovely awards my direction.

Theresa of 612 Riverside for the Sugar Doll Award,

for the Friends Award.

for the Kreative Blogger Award.

And Polly from Sassafras Stuff
for the Honest Scrap Award.

Each one of these lovely ladies have blessed me.
Thank you!
If you haven't met them yet,
please go by and say "Hi!"

And below I want to share with you a couple of photos
 that I have of a wonderful soldered charm necklace
 that I purchased from Debbi of Debbi Thinks Deep.
If you don't know Debbi, stop by her blog,
 because she is one sweet and talented lady.

Sweet birdie, I just love them.

love the chair side too,
and old French Dictionary pages for background.

And this little snowman fella was made by Nancy of Nancarts.
She has a great Etsy store where you can find
 one of these cuties for yourself! Thanks Nancy!

And from one of my favorite people in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD, Anne of Fiona and Twig sent me this little vintage cutie pie, "just because"! Just because she knows how much I love lambs! Anne needs no introductions. She is witty, smart, talented, and gorgeous, and one of the sweetest people you could ever hope to meet. Thank you, Annie, my sister and my friend.  "Woolsey" sits right in front of me in a place of honor everyday keeping watch while I'm on the computer! Oh, he's one busy little guy!

Extra Extra, see all about it!!!
My doorbell just rang and Surprise!
A special Christmas ornament from
you know who above!

Sweet little cardinal ornie,
with a Cardinal Christmas Greeting!

What did I tell ya...she's just ..."thuh beST"!

And last but not least one of everyone's favorite gals,
is having a
 HUGE Celebration and Give-Away!

Go by and enter,
She is one of the most giving and kind 
bloggers that I know.

Blessings today!


  1. All the awards are cute and the decorations are all so unique. Isn't it lovely this time of year.

  2. Your welcome Deb! Thanks for sending visitors my way!~Theresa

  3. Love all of your sweet awards and gifts! You are one lucky blogger:) Have a blessed day!

  4. Ahh . . . Thank you, Debra! That was so sweet! I noticed an uptick in my stats, so I checked, and they're coming from your blog . . . so naturally, I'm thinking, "Debra must have written something!" Lo and Behold . . . you are so sweet! Thank you! Thank you! ~ Debbi @ Debbi Thinks deep

  5. You deserve every bit of it!! You've inspired me in so many ways. Congrats my friend, T

  6. Debra wow that is a lot of amazing things, I loved the snowman and the necklace was charming, the lamb was adorable, thanks for sharing all your wonderful finds, and where to get one. I love stopping by for a visit.

    Have a wonderful week.



  7. Congratulations on your deserved awards!! And I am in LOVE with Woolsey!!!


  8. How very nice for you! You deserved it all!! Congrats on your awards!
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. Love your Christmas I miss Country Home Magazine...I still can't believe it no longer exists!!!
    Happy day.

  10. Hi Debra! Thank you for coming by my blog today. I am selling one of those signs...I am. If you are interested you can go back to my blog and look on my sidebar and you will find my Etsy store there. It's listed there. Thank you and Merry Christmas~

  11. What wonderful gifts ... Woolsey is darling.
    TTFN ~Marydon

  12. Hey girl...You are so precious!
    I am so glad I have had the opportunity to get to know you...Have a wonderful evening.

    Your friend...donna

  13. You so deserve all those awards Debra! Oh, and you are right, Anne is "thuh BEST"!


  14. So nice of you to take time to thank everyone who has blessed you in some way. Blessings!

  15. It is amazing how many wonderful and talented people we meet in this world of blogging. Folks whom we have never met, and might never meet, but they are on "common ground" with us, sharing the same ideas, goals and inspirations. It's a wonderful place to be! Each one is blessed by the thankfulness that you have voiced! Have a great day! :) Tammy

  16. Congratulations on all of your awards!!! If anyone deserves them...YOU DO!
    Oooo and I love all of your goodies!!! There are some talented and sweet ladies out there {just like you!}
    Have a great week Debra!!!
    everything vintage

  17. Everything is beautiful - we really are blessed in this blogging world, aren't we? You deserve it.


  18. Congrats on the awards! You deserve them!

  19. Hi Debra, congratulations on your wonderful and well deserved awards.

    Hope you are having a great December!

    Barb ♥

  20. Hi Debra , Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I love yours! I'm adding it to my blogroll today. Congratulations on your awards - I see why you received them , its all good!

    Merry Christmas!

  21. Congratulations dearest Debra-

    You are a deserving recipient of any award or gift that comes your way- you have blessed so many of us.


  22. Looks like God is showering you with beautiful presents and bloggers! And now, I'm off to investigate all the blogs you mentioned...

  23. WOW, you had a lot to cover there!!!
    Congrats on all your awards.... hugs...

  24. Here I am, here I am (waving arms frantically)!
    Boy, you sure are one popular gal! But you deserve each and every good thing that comes your way!

    I love how you have Woolsey all set up! He looks much better in your house than mine. :-)

    Love ya!


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