Tuesday, October 13, 2009

White Wednesday, Fall Front Porch

The weather feels more like Novemeber than October. A cold drizzly rain is coming down, and I'm about ready for something warm to drink. Some of these pictures were taken last week when I had a sunny day, and some this afternoon while the wet stuff is misting.

I keep a white wicker cone basket on the porch and change out flowers for the season. It had been a sage green color, but it never showed up very well, so last fall I decided white would be best. Now I just change out some floral pieces and bushes for whatever season it may be.
I found this little "half-bench" park bench before Christmas last year. It's small but really heavy. It's really too big for the space on the front porch, so it receives the same unhappy remarks and glances that my black bench inside finds. My husband appreciates my decor as long as he doesn't have to fall over it. Or as in this case, just to be able to get the door open.

Love this "Cinderella Pumpkin"

Poor old white watering can,
with a big rusted hole in it.
 Makes me love it all the more.

My little rabbit had to join in for the fun!

I especially love these little "button mums".

I've shown this old embroidered towel before,
 but I just love the texture of it.

Well, at least the ivy loves this misty drizzle.

Visit Kathleen, our wonderful hostess for
 White Wednesday at Faded Charm,
 and see the other participants.

Hope you're having a wonder-fall day!


  1. Ahhh, such beautiful pictures. I'm loving the colors...even if it is White Wednesday! haha ~Mindy

  2. Nice pictures! The button mums sure are pretty!

  3. beautiful! makes me want to linger .. have a steaming cup of cider - and talk about the good old days - you have such a gracious way of presenting your photos that is infectious - love your blog -

  4. Miss Debra- You've got the touch.
    Everything always looks beautiful and welcoming.

    You go girl!


    I love white!

  5. Your porch is lovely. I love all of the wonderful decorations. The watering can is wonderful and the rabbit is perfect. Great pumpkins. You did a wonderful job. Hugs, Marty

  6. I love those little striped pumpkins. Really enjoyed your previous post as well.

  7. Hi Debra

    Just came acrossed your blog..Love the pictures for fall. We are going to be getting some rain in the next couple days and temps in the 30's and 40's here in Maryland. How i don't like winter. Get over this fast and back to spring. LOL

    Have a wonderful day

  8. I just love white and cinderella pumpkins!

  9. What a wonderful visit. I have the same brick on my house. I love you porch especially that little bunny.

  10. Everything looks great! Love all your pics!

    Have a wonderful white Wednesday!


  11. I do love your white porch decor. I'm really enjoying going around and seeing how beautifully everyone is derating for Fall, and this is just lovely Debra.

  12. Hi Debra,

    Such a beautiful Autumn vignette! I am partial to white pumpkins as well as the Cinderella variety. Your decor perfectly captures the essence of the season.


  13. Great pictures! Love it all but my favorite is that sweet Cinderella pumpkin:) and the mini-bench Have a blessed day!

  14. Love all your decorations for fall.... especially your watering can!

  15. Fall is here! We are predicted to have frost tommorrow night! Where did summer go? Your photos are fab! Love the white pumpkin!

  16. That really IS a Cinderella pumpkin! How cool! And you're not ever lying about the ivy. We've had so much rain here lately that it's taking over our decks and porches. Not complaining though, we need the rain. We also need a gardener, though! ;-)

  17. Thanks for stopping by last night. Looks like you are getting your cottage ready for fall celebrations. Speaking of celebrating, have you heard about VINTAGE BLACK FRIDAYS? You might be interested...pop back over and follow the button on my side bar.
    Wednesday Blessings ;-)

  18. Wonderful fally pics.! I went down to Galloway yesterday and perused Inspirational Home. What a haven of treasures! I just love my morning visits to your blog!


  19. Oh Debra, love your bench and I know what you mean about hubby and your decor. I have the same problem, uh, I mean opportunity! hehe! You picked out the perfect pumpkin and love your embroidered towel and all. You decor is right down my alley, girl! Thanks for dropping by my blog too!

  20. What a beautiful vignette you created, Debra! That bright yellow and the white are spectacular...your porch must be the envy of the neighborhood...LOL!
    You know what you love too: the banner and the background: Gorgeous!!

  21. Lovely spot on the porch...Everything looks fabulous...

  22. I love it when you get that camera of yours out!
    What gorgeous fall photos!
    You really capture everything so beautifully!
    Have a lovely week...dj

  23. Debra, your porch looks very pretty. I love the little bench and have been looking for something like it myself. I sure am enjoying your blog!

  24. I love every vignette - thanks for sharing your lovely displays - brings me right to your front porch. Jennifer

  25. I have the same conical basket, but I painted mine black! Great minds think along the same lines, just opposite colors, lol.

  26. Happy White Wednesday to you too Debra. I am so glad my chicks gave you joy. I actually e-mail a photo to Country Living just to show a Cali girl can be Country. Ciao Rita

  27. Your porch looks so cozy. I like that little orange watering can and the basket full of festive fall leaves and flowers. It all looks so welcoming!

  28. So beautiful!!! I love it!!!


  29. Debra,
    Your decoration of the porch was truly an inspiration. I will have to tell you that last year I bought several containers of different mums and placed them by the front door the night before our family Thanksgiving. I was so happy with the decor, wheelbarrow full of mums and a scarecrow.
    Then lo and behold, the next morning when I went to greet the first guests, the mums were chewed to the stems. The deer had visited the night before and apparently they also love mums.
    I had to laugh again when I saw your lovely display at how the local deer ruined my decorating for Thanksgiving.

  30. My goodness, Debra
    You always manage to have such beautiful and very inspiring pictures!! I love your vignettes!
    My Best

  31. It is all so pretty and I just think the little bench is darling. Your watering rusty watering can has seen many seasons come and go I am sure but it looks regal sitting there on your pretty porch.

  32. Hi Debra! I especially like the Cinderella pumpkin and the button mums:)

    I posted White Wednesday in honor of Jenny/ Victorian Vignettes & C. Hope you can stop on by.


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