Tuesday, October 27, 2009

White Wednesday, A Fall Cupboard and Fireplace

"White Wednesday" is here again and I thought I'd show you one of my favorite little spots to decorate. (OK, what don't I love to decorate?)

I love this little white cupboard. Actually it was a small dresser and a cabinet that I "married" a couple of years ago. It had been for sale in my store space, but I was never that intent on letting it go. One day it just came home with me. It's in our lower level family room and it always gets a seasonal and Holiday update.

I have a small collection of McCoy, Alamo, and Hull white
planters inside. The small top shelf is
 "just right" to show off a few.

I painted these dilapidated suitcases a while back.
(They took several coats of paint)
 The white paint gave them all some cohesion
and then they fit in with the "white" theme.

You know me,
 I have to add in some fall color to the "white"!

And I have to have a few lambs

OK, I admit these little guys are a little creepy...kinda like "alien squirrels", but there is a small town around here that's claim to fame is albino squirrels, so I'll just pay homage to them, and leave it at that.

And of course, what's a cupboard
 if you can't have a cat sitting in it?

And before fall decorating is over I wanted to share
a few photos of my "white" brick fireplace
in the Living Room dressed for fall. 

Remember, this is an 80's house and the mantle is massive.
I would love to rip it all out and have a new stucco
or "faux marble" one put in, but somehow
 the budget for that has escaped us.

Be sure and visit Kathleen at Faded Charm
and see what else is coming up "white"!

Hope you're having a great week!


  1. Very pretty and elegant...you are a wonderful decorator.


  2. Debra,
    I love your white cupboard, and your painted suitcases.
    Did you notice that they are smiling?
    Well, two of them anyway. I 'm not sure the other one wanted to be white. =0))


    barbara jean

    PS did you paint them with a brish or sapry can? Theya re so nmice, and what a great idea.

  3. Love the white suit cases, heck I love it all!

  4. Everything looks very festive at your house. You should see mine -- it's got Christmas all over the living & dining rooms. To make it even crazier, I'm getting wood floors put down on Thurs. Love your white fireplace. Jan

  5. Debra. Tell me about the process and the paint you used with the suitcases. Love 'em! ~Mindy

  6. You decorate everything so beautifully!

  7. Debra, I love your cupboard and white suitcases. Did you prime them first? Why don't you do a post on painting them for us. I really think they are sweet. sandi

  8. Debra,
    You always knock my socks off with your displays. I love the white suitcases they are my FAVORITE!!!


  9. Hi, Debra!
    So great when two pieces of furniture marry and have a long and happy life together! Love your bits, and of course the lambs!
    Have a super rest of the week!
    Betty :)

  10. Love the white cupboard and all of it's contents. The white suitcases are just the finishing touch, perfect. I actually love the fireplace as it is, I wouldn't change a thing... but hey I am slow to make changes:) Have a blessed day.

  11. Everything is gorgeous! I love what you did with the suitcase.

  12. I love those white suitcases! I may have to try painting some... Tank for the inspiration!

  13. I never would have thought to paint the suitcases, great idea. I don't think your lambs are creepy either, i think they're cute! Have a Happy White Wednesday!

  14. I love it all....and your suitcases are perfect. And I love your white squirrel too. I think he's cute! HWW. ~ Lynn

  15. I love your white cupboard and everything in it. Your suitcases look great painted white also. Thanks for sharing.

    Enjoy your Wednesday.


  16. The suitcases looks stunning painted white...what a great idea! They really took a whole new spin and we love it!

  17. Gosh Debra, your fall decor is all soooo pretty! I LOVE your mantle!!!

    That was a great idea to marry these two pieces and make such an awesome display cupboard. I think these old cabinets with the glass doors are so cool. Wish I could find one. The suit cases just make it! But it's all those fun things inside that got my attention.

  18. Debra I just love the white cupboard. And everything looks just wonderful on it.

    Thanks for telling me about the rice lights.

    Have a wonderful day

    Hugs Pam

  19. So many treasures,love the suitcases!!! Hope you are well,Chrissy

  20. It all looks great together. Hope you had a great visit with your family!

  21. Hi debra,
    I've just come across your blog and I'm so glad i did. it's lovely and it's one of those blogs one shouldn't miss. Will come again to make up for all your older posts that I have missed.
    Love your Whie Wednesday pics - and your comments as well. You truly made me laugh.
    Come and visit my blog at http://ritashabbychicrose.blogspot.com/
    It will be a pleasur to show you around!

  22. Debra....I am so painting my suitcases now! I have three and I do like them, but would LOVE them if they were white! I was a little nervous to do it, but after seeing yours I now have made up my mind! Love all your white treasures...well, almost...the squirrels did kinda freak me out! LOL!

    Have a great night!

  23. The two pieces look great together. Just like they were meant to be. Did you prime the suitcase before painting. This is something I haven't tried!

  24. Debra, you are too much fun... where did you get that sense of humor...hmmm, I bet I can guess.
    Love the painted luggage, I saw some just like it in Ralph Laurens store on the infamous Beverly Ave in Dallas... yes right down the street from our former President.

  25. I love your white cupboard, especially the white suitcases. Have fun decorating.


  26. The white squirrels are sweet :)
    The white suitcases look great on the hutch you put together.
    Deb :)

  27. I would never have thought to paint suitcases white! It really unifies them. Love your whites, truly.

  28. Ok Debra - my contribution to White Wednesday is - new white undies - I'm trying to get in the groove - will have something vintage ( threw out my granny panties - if you read that blog :) ) on next weeks blog.... you'rs is fab as always!! Jennifer

  29. Love it all! The lambs are so cute!
    Hugs, Lisa

  30. I love the whole vinette. I have two baskets like you have there, bridal floral baskets I guess they are called. Not sure how to showcase them, any ideas for me?


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