Thursday, August 27, 2009

Show Me the Roosters...Rooster Party

As a lover of Country French decor,
I do have a few of our strutty little friends.
Here is my favorite, and the oldest of the flock.
He hangs out downstairs in the Bar on my baker's rack,
with another friend, a teapot which is not old, but cute.

Looks like he's giving his friend a piece of his mind!

This little fellow is having a photo shoot in the dining room,
in the place of honor, a cloche.

And... where would all the Roosters be if it weren't for a few Hens?

Congregating on the kitchen counter,
strutting their stuff!

Be sure and check out Bella Vista who is hosting this
great Rooster get-together!

Have a "Cock-a-doodle" good kinda' Day!



  1. Where oh were would we be without Roosters!!!
    I love your blog.

  2. Loved your roosters Debra. They have a bit of a vintage feel. It does look like those two are yaking at each other. Probably deciding who will rule the roost!

  3. Love the roosters, I think the two boys are trying to see who will be the boss...Sandi

  4. Great pictures! My favorite roosters is a set of salt & pepper shakers that are vintage. Don't know why but I just love the silly things. Jan

  5. Hi Debra! What lovely little yard birds you have! It's hard to pick a favorite.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  6. Love your roosters, but I think the hens are my favorite. Beautiful and whimsical, a winning combination!


  7. Hi Debra, your roosters are so adorable. All your pictures are just yummy! I really love the little hens too!

    Thanks for being a special part of this day and sharing with all of us.

    Hugs, Barb :-)

  8. Love all your rooster...very french! Only rooster struttin' around Casita de Trash is Cat fact photo number 2 looks like me and him having a friendly disagreement!
    Your secret is safe with me...I hide from the delivery guys all the time!

  9. Hi Debra, I love your rooster "talking" to his lady friend! You have a cute collection. Nice to see one under glass in a cloche.
    :-) Sue

  10. Cool roosters! I laughed when you said the one looks like he's giving someone a piece of his mind.

  11. Hi Debra,
    Thanks so much for stopping by my place and for the super sweet comments. Fall in Minnesota is a GREAT time of year. Love your long necked guy under glass...too cute.

  12. I enjoyed seeing your roosters! Isn't this a fun party!


  13. Seeing all your gorgeous roosters just got my feathers all ruffled. What a delight! Hope you'll find time to drop by. I am having a give-away today with the rooster party.

  14. OOH, good idea, the scrawny (and absolutely adorable) needs protection. Yikes! Love your display. Blessings, Janet

  15. Hi Debra! Great post! Love the one giving the other one a piece of his mind! Have fun today, and have a wonderful weekend! ~tina

  16. Loved your post. It made me smile :)
    That one rooster really was giving it to the other one wasn't he now? I'm glad it wasn't me. Have a great weekend & thanks for sharing your roosters.

  17. Debra,
    I truly can not thank you enough for your beautiful comment. My heart is broken and saddened. There is so much to this story, I can't even begin to tell.
    God has sent his Angels, I know.
    And thank you for being one of them.
    Barb C.

  18. What charming little roosters. Loved my visit. Have a great weekend.

  19. Fun rooster post.

    Happy Rooster Party

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  20. Lovely roosters, especially the old one & the hinged box one under the cloche! Don't things look more important under glass? Beautiful photography!

    Big Rooster Hugs & Pecks,
    Angelic Accents

  21. Hi Debra. You have some beautiful roosters. Love the little guy under the cloche. It has been so much fun blog hopping today. :)

  22. Hi Debra,

    I like your style! You have a very lovely rooster collection. I especially like that hinged box.

    Enjoy the party.


  23. Charming little collection.

  24. What a grand collection of roosters you have. Your cloche dome and little guy is one of my favorites. I enjoyed my tour of your roosters..hugs ~lynne~

  25. Oh, I love all of your roosters, and I just adore your header picture of the sheep. I really love your cloche too. You asked about the Fall Cloche Party. It is Sept. 11th and and the evening of the 10th I will have a post up with Mr. Linky and you can add your post to it at that time. I think that's much easier for people to find all the blogs. I am so excited that you are going to join in the fun. I really appreciate your visit and your gracious comments, and I have enjoyed browsing around your blog. I can't wait to see you at the party. Hugs, Marty

  26. Love the rooster under the cloche!:)

  27. What a lovely collection! Thanks for sharing.

    Irma :)

  28. Oh, I just adore the little hens. And up on your side bar, my grandmother's name is Leola. I have to go visit.


  29. I must confess, I do have a thing for roosters. So jaunty and of course, the red, black and white factor! You have a great collection! :D

    yapping cat

  30. I Love your Roosters... I am having a give away Please try to stop by...

  31. Hi DEbra!!

    You have some very cute and coloful roosters!! I'm partial to white rooster and I love your little guy! And I really adore the little rooster in the cute!!

    Thanks for visiting me!! :-)



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