Monday, July 20, 2009

What I Rescued This Weekend, Monday

This is another one of the times I'm showing the "after" photo first, because the "before" photo is pretty icky. This little chair is a good example of Eastlake furniture that I had mentioned last week. Victorian, but more linear. Originally, I'm sure this little chair was part of a set that was most likely mahogany or walnut, probably with a dark velvet upholstery.

At some point it had been painted gold, 70's or 80's I imagine, because it was very chippy. I love the square inset that has carved bees, one on each side. I just did a creamy-white wash over it, so some of the gold still shows through.

This is a child's bedroom dressing screen. It is really old and had been covered with multiple layers of wallpaper, but then badly discolored due to water damage. It had probably been in someone's basement or cellar.

I stripped off the wallpaper and then found I really liked the patina of the wood with it's aged look. It was pretty rough and uneven so I gave the panels a little dry-brushed cream paint to even it all out.

My helper is in the background on the table.

Before shot, showing the gold paint. The upholstery is a new heavy linen,
good quality. I would have done a natural linen, but this will stay, for now.

You can see the details easier of flowers and bees.

And then, this is the scary screen.

After shot, so you didn't forget.
I think they turned out pretty sweet, and I didn't have to put a
tremendous amount of effort into them.
Here are some other items I found. Some old white dishes...
and does anyone know what these little rose paper thingies are?
They are embossed heavy cardboard. I assume they are some sort of pad,
maybe a paper hot pad or pad for an iron? I'm not sure.
Sweet, but I don't know how practical that would be.
Let me know if you know.

I love this little set of white camillia prints with a gold metallic frame,
very 40's. A little purse that has lost it's chain and a button,
but has a "tuxedo" design to it.
And a huge cutwork tablecloth with napkins trimmed in taupe.

I'm trying to keep on the lookout for fall things.
Darker colors. These little decoupaged trays, one in flowers and one in fruit,
are so cozy looking, maybe with a little after dinner sherry or appertif.

This is a little Belgian tapestry, only about 12 inches square.

And a petite print.

Sorry that my bigger finds are all in a dirty garage, but that's where I have to work on things, and it's just easier to leave them there to photograph.
I guess all of us junkers have a spot like that.
We like to call it the "staging area".
My husband had his car in the garage for the first time in a couple of years
and he was just so so happy, but then I found a few bigger pieces
that I had to paint, so now he's outside again.
I do have a goal to get things organized and out,
so maybe he can be back in by winter.
Ahem... OK, maybe sooner.
Be sure and say Hi to Polly over at Sassafras Stuff
and check out all her finds from this last week.


  1. OK, looks like I'm going to have to start following you. Went to garage sales on Fri. & kept running into Kenda. I'm sure she thinks I'm following her but she didn't do me much good. She did find some great Christmas. I came home with very few goodies. Have a good week. By the way, the cardboard pads were used on the table to set hot dishes -- they're wonderful. Jan

  2. You did such a great rescue job, you should get a medal for bravery! Fantastic finds...I'm going to the dark side too for fall. You are spot on with calling those little dooies hot pads. That's what they are. Made a table look prettier than plain ones back in the day when the food (and the diners) were at the table for a meal. You certainly were a busy girl!

  3. Good Morning Debra!
    Sweet finds indeed!!! I love what you did with the screen and the chair, they are beautiful!!!
    That's funny about your husband's car out of the garage...he either has LOTS of patience OR he loves you VERY much! :)
    everything vintage

  4. LOVE that screen! I bet that was a lot of work removing the wallpaper....but so worth the effort!!

  5. Gorgeous re-creations you have ... amazing what a little paint can do.

    I am still, 23 years later looking to get a car in our garage ... DH is 'Mr. Stop n'Drop'. At least you have a staging arena you can claim. TTFN ~ Marydon

  6. Love all your finds but at screen is fabulous. I have a similar one that my hubbs is working for me. It was also covered with wall paper and stuff. Layers and layers of it. Hopefully one day I'll get it painted. I hope so.

    The chair is fabulous, too. You did good girlfriend.


  7. What great finds! I love them all and just looking at the trays starts to put me in the mood for fall. I have a garage just like yours, so I think I'll go pull something out to paint right now!!!

  8. Debra,
    I am so glad you didn't try to dress that fantastic screen back up! I justlove what you did! Great job! The chair looks so much better white. How rewarding those transformations are.
    My Best,

  9. You and your treasures!!! Love the screen,have one in our sunroom quite like it!! All the best,Chrissy

  10. What an improvement! Great job!


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