Sunday, September 1, 2013

Flirting with Fall

I've been flirting with Fall this week...

It's quiet whispers, and gentle caresses
make me giddy.
I can hardly wait till September.

So many of us have this same little love affair...

Even though the days are warm, the nights are cooler, and the daylight is shorter.
Each morning a new sprinkling of small maple leaves greet me on the front walk
with their subtle changes of reds, oranges and golds.

I wanted to bring a few inside and let my little lambs have a place to play.

They usually live on the Buffet here in the Dining Room,
but I've brought in something that has displaced them.
So I've corralled them on the table on an old metal tray,
that has just the right amount of Fall color.

Here's just a peek at what's been taking place this week.
It's developed into a full on romance...
but then, I "Fall" in love all over again each year.

And speaking of sheep...
have you entered my 4 Year Blogging Anniversary Give Away?

I'm giving away a beautiful pillow cover to two of my Followers.
Haven't entered? 
What are you waiting for...?

Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend,
I'll see you Monday morning for 

Joining in on these great weekly parties:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Inspire Me at A Stroll Thru Life
Blissful Whites at Timewashed



  1. I have been cleaning so that I too can flirt with fall! Love the sweet arrangement you have made!

  2. Wow Debra - the leaves haven't started turning yet at all and I'm way up North in Montreal!!!
    They look so pretty with your sheep though - what a beautiful collection!

  3. Adorable! I am so ready for fall, no leaves turning here, they are all burnt up from the heat, just kidding, sort of.
    Thanks, Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  4. Love your display of sheep. You always do such a great job with displays. No signs of fall's 102 today! After a summer only in the 90's - I'm remembering why I'm usually ready for fall to get here.'s suppose to get back to the 90's next week. How are you feeling these days?

  5. I have been flirting with Fall also, except it turned so hot here in So CA that I can hardly go outside of the house as I have COPD and I don't do well in the really hot weather. So all of my decorations are in the garage, but I'll get there soon.
    I love the lamb display with the beautiful fall leaves. I have been decorating in my mind as to what I will do as soon as I can.
    Thanks for sharing this post - it's beautiful.

  6. I love those sheep!! What a great fall centerpiece. Di@Cottage-Wishes

  7. The chippy little lamb vignette is so very pretty, Debra. I love how you have grouped them under the cloches with the perfectly aged urns. The tray looks lovely with the chippy white wood and grainsack runner as backdrops too. We are not yet seeing leaves change much yet, but I do look forward to some Fall decorating.

  8. Debra, you are really getting me in the spirit. I plan to pull out my fall decor this weekend. The wreath goes on the door on September 1st. I am so ready for Fall!

  9. I love your soft hints of fall Debra and I know how much you love that season.I too love fall but I am still holing on to summer.But soon I too will add fall to my decor.

  10. I think I'll start decorating for Fall this weekend. It's not my favorite season....I know I should write that in tiny letters....but I love the pretty Fall colors! Hugs!

  11. Such a sweet vignette Debra! Fall is on the way but I'm really not ready to say good-bye to summer! Hope you have a wonderful weekend...

  12. Sweet fall arrangement of sheep and leaves. I love sheep! No fall here in Texas...100 degrees, summer temps are holding on. Have a nice weekend!

  13. Hello Debra... love love love your sweet little sheep grazing in Autumn leaves... Yes, I have "fallen" for Fall!... I didn't wait till September tomorrow though... it is full blown Autumn in my house now!... love you!... hope you have a nice relaxing weekend... happy "official early Autumn" to you!... xoxo Julie Marie

  14. Always love seeing your sheep. It was so hot and sticky here today and not feeling much like fall. I sure hope it does soon. I love your new pillows and need to go sign up.
    Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

  15. Debra, what a perfect way to begin "bridging" the gap between these two wonderful seasons!

    I did my post today about sunflowers - and am giddy about your sheep and sunflower pillow giveaway!

    Have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend. ~Michele

  16. So inspired today by the lambs & pillows! Please consider me in the giveaway. Pam Buckaroo Ranch

  17. I love the lamb vignette, Debra. I should probably start flirting with fall. It is my favorite time of year. Have a great weekend.

  18. Debra,
    This tranquil sheep vignette brough to my mine
    a hymn I heard during a Family Retreat while living in Colorado.
    This may not be totally accurate, it's the best I could remember.
    "In the cool of the evening, by the clear waterside.
    Softly in the evening walk my Lord and I.
    All the sheep of His pasture, are so wonderously fine.
    His sheep am I.
    Waters cool, pastures green in the evening walk my Lord and I.
    Waters cool, pastures green, His sheep am I."
    Let the love affair with Fall continue, dear friend!!!

  19. Debra, I just love your little sheep collection! I love Fall, too. Right now we've still got 90 degree temps in Illinois. It's supposed to drop to 75 on Labor Day. Hope the weather man is right.

  20. Debra, I always love to see your little flock. They are so adorable! Glad you are feeling better. Have a great holiday weekend.

  21. HI Debra,
    I love that you are bringing some cream and white into your fall decor for inspiration for us neutral girls out here in blog land. I actually started on the inside of my house today with using creams, whites and chippy for fall decor. My garden of summer flowers is still in full bloom so it will be some time before I can do the outside. Too much like summer still. Have a great week end.

  22. OK Debra, Can I just move in? I love your sheep and they look so pretty gathered under the cloches on the tray. Peaceful and lovely. The sheep pillow cover is perfect for you.

  23. Love your lambies! I'm getting excited about welcoming fall. There are so many warm possibilities. It remains hot in So Cal for a long time. Thankfully, we can purchase leaves and embellishments that help us celebrate the season. Nothing is more beautiful than New England in the Fall. 🍃🍂🍁

  24. I always love seeing your lamb collection. Their rusty chippiness is exquisite.

    I wish it would get cold here, already! Friday had a heat indices of 105! Our work has no air, it is like a giant brick oven. Well, my room does, b/c I work in the computer lab- so in that respect I guess I'm fortunate, but my hubs works on the 3rd floor and has no air up there and is just about able to drag himself out to the car when it's time to go home. He said Friday he was slurring his speech at the end of the day he was so exhausted. As if the kids can even concentrate in this. All the teachers who were up there all day , God bless them! The almanac says we'll have the coldest winter ever. It is hard to imagine that now, but maybe if I got out more fall decor it would help me visualize a cooler Sept.

  25. I loved this post and couldn't help but think about the lamb of God this early Sunday morning. You are queen of the lovely vignettes!

  26. I love your collection of sheep. Such a pretty vignette. Hugs, Marty

  27. I love your leaves.....they are such a nice touch of Fall! I have been wishing for Fall to hurry up and get here.....I can hardly wait to see the rest of your pretties all ready for Fall!


  28. Debra, your little sheep collection looks so pretty dressed for fall. On the tray, all together, just perfect. Your home is always so fun to see and so charming..Happy Sunday..Judy

  29. You are such a good flirt:) I love it all!~

  30. What a beautiful vignette, Debra! I love your sweet lambs under their cloches. And I also really love the cute urns, too. The tray is perfect! I am so ready for all as well!

  31. Debra those sheep are just precious! I love how you have them under the cloches and on the tray. My favorite is the little sheep box. Hope you're having a great day!

  32. Lovely lambs! Nice touches of fall sneaking into the decor.

  33. So beautifully said♥

    I love all of your chippy white stuff, the urn and sheep are gorgeous!

    THANK YOU for linking up to the par-tay!

  34. I adore your little lambs!! Can't wait for fall to get here, it's my absolute favorite season. :D
    can't believe I'm not already following you, I've been on your blog several times, I'm now your newest follower.
    Have a Great week,

  35. I love your little lambs. This is just the sweetest, happiest vignette!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  36. What a gorgeous cloche and vignette of how they are perched on the urns...Just love all the textures and whimsy!

  37. Wonderful vignette, Debra! Those sheep are lovely.
    Spring is coming here...!

  38. Hi Debra! Just wanted you to know that your lovely little sheep were featured on my blog today! Thanks so much for sharing at The Scoop!...hugs...Debbie


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