
Thursday, February 8, 2024

Valentines Under Glass

Hello Friends, 

I've always felt Valentine's Day lends itself to a cloche vignette. Gathering small items into one grouping works especially well for a vintage Valentine setting. Mixing ephemera, antique cards, jewelry with dried flowers, and other bits and baubles can become one beautiful cohesive look when it's under glass.

The Entry is always a light and bright space with the off white furniture and accessories. Lighter colors always work best for decorating in this space. The white antique mirror, white console, and off white vase and lamp are usual fixtures here. I usually change up a print, or in this case layer a lovely flea market find sampler in pinks and pastels. 

A large lacy-look Valentine from the 20's anchors the grouping along with a small round gold filigree jewelry casket/box. A vintage clockface necklace that I made years ago, a white vintage hanky with red embroidered hearts and a small bud vase, all work together for a sweet feminine/romantic look.


I found this wooden column base on Antique Farmhouse last year. 

My cream pottery vase is holding faux paperwhites and mossy sticks. I try to wrap my paperwhite arrangement in the twiggy "wattle" to keep them together. A wired ribbon with an ex voto accessory brings out the Valentine's Day vibe.

My vintage celluloid pair of cherub candlesticks join in.

did you catch my last post?

Thanks so much for coming by.
here are a few more Valentine posts...


  1. Your valentine collection is just amazing and I love how you show it off. (This reminds me to bring out my vintage postcards before Cork Poppers on Saturday!) This is incredibly pretty! Also, thanks for coming by today. Yes, some very good books there!

    1. thanks Jeanie. Vintage postcards can be so fun, just to sprinkle around the house. Have a great week!

  2. Your entry looks beautiful. Happy Wednesday. Hugs. Kris

  3. Debra,
    I am enjoying seeing your beautiful vintage Valentine's decor!! So charming and so romantic!! Love it all! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  4. I adore everything about your cloche and entry table! The little details you pointed out are precious. Gives me some fantastic inspo for my cloche. I still haven't gotten around to doing anything yet. Your rustic table looked fabulous as well. I thought it was very different for you which brings me to my point - You are an amazing decorator with superb talents and skills. Love seeing your posts!

  5. Beautiful vignette, and what a find that sampler is!


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