
Friday, February 25, 2022

Early Spring Faux Daffodil Centerpiece

It's cold, snowy, sleet-y, and generally yucky outside but there's a little bit of Spring in the Garden Room. I really like to keep my floral arrangements and decorating "seasonal", with what is happening outside be what is happening indoors. It's about time for the Daffodils to show up; their happy little faces peeking up through the cold garden soil and even snow. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

All About Home Link Party #132

Hello friends and Welcome
 to the All About Home Link Party!

I'm counting down the days to March and the unofficial start of Spring. How about all of you? We are in an up/down cycle of cold weather and snow/ice then warmer weather up to the 50's and low 60's. The plants and little critters aren't sure what to be doing. I even saw my last year's baby chipmunk out running around on the back porch this last weekend. "I'm ready to ditch the hibernation folks... Is it Spring yet?" Yep, I agree! 

Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and share what you're up to this week. We're always excited to seeing all the great DIYs, decor, crafts, gardening, recipes, and seasonal fun that you're all creating.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Scottish Tartan Throws for Decorating

Hello friends, how's your mid-February going? Warm... cold... a little of both? Since it's still February and currently 40 degrees today, I guess technically it's okay if I share a little something in the warm/snuggly/cuddly category. I'm talking about Tartan wool throws and blankets. I have several that are vintage, that I use for Thanksgiving and Christmastime decor. I just love anything Tartan plaid and I'm a teensy bit obsessed with all things Burberry or resembling that particular plaid.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Spring Inspiration with Mossy, Woodsy Things

No matter where we live, I think we all feel like the days after Valentine's Day allow us a little shift in our thinking. We may still be in the midst of winter and cold weather, but our optimistic hearts and minds tend to want to give permission to thoughts of warmer weather and "Spring". 

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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Celebrating Valentine's Day at All About Home #131

Hello friends and Welcome
 to the All About Home Link Party!

Are you celebrating Valentine's Day today with your Sweetie/s? Flowers... candy ... dinner out?  No matter what you're doing this evening, let's have some fun with great ideas and inspiration for some yummy treats and a little romantic decor.

Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and share what you're up to this week. We're always excited to seeing all the great DIYs, decor, crafts, gardening, recipes, and seasonal fun that you're all creating.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Using Vintage Chairs for Decorating in the Garden Room

Hi Friends! Today I'm part of a great group of vintage loving gals who get together every other month and share some fun themed vintage and antique items that we use in our decor. The Lifestyle of Love Blog Hop, is hosted by our wonderful friend, Cindy of County Road 407, so if you're coming from Cindy's, thanks so much for following the Hop. These gatherings showcase our vintage pieces that we often consider "out of the box" ways to use. This month our theme is Vintage Chairs and Stools. It just so happens that of all the junk that I do have, I'm short on old chairs... 

Valentine's Day on a Tray

Hello Everyone, today I'm excited to be part of a fun Valentine's Day Tray Tour hosted by our sweet friend, Katherine from Katherine's Corner. Katherine has had the wonderful idea to share ideas for decorating "trays" for the holidays. And part of the fun is seeing what kind of trays can be used. If you're following the Tour and came by from Laura's blog at Everyday Edits , welcome, I'm so glad you're here. Let's find some great Valentine's Day inspiration and have some fun!

Are you ready to celebrate Valentine's Day? ...a quiet dinner at home? ...a family gathering with kiddos and cookie making? There are so many fun ways to put a little love and romance in the Day that everyone can enjoy. Most people don't go crazy for Valentine's Day decor, but like to have a little nod to the holiday with some sweet red and pink Valentine items. 

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Romantic French Couples in the Holiday Cupboard

Love is in the air in the Holiday Cupboard!

In my meager quest for a bit of organization after Christmas, I went through a few more unopened  boxes in my storage room in the basement. One of them has been in plain view but haunting me for the last 3 years because I just didn't have a place for the contents. Two houses ago I had a curio cabinet in the dining room where I kept a few of my more delicate pieces of porcelain and china. During my "shabby" French-y phase I collected a few porcelain couple figurines... but they've been packed away for the last 9 years. It was time to open the box and enjoy them again. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Valentine's Day Decor at All About Home #130

Hello friends and Welcome
 to the All About Home Link Party!

February really came in with a wallop for so many of us, especially here in the Midwest. We had 5 days of rain, sleet, ice and snow, and I know many of you to the east of us had it even worse. My husband is retired as of last year, so we've been able to stay put and not risk being out in this stuff. We didn't have much ice accumulate so our area escaped the power outages this time. Hope you all are starting to thaw out and not letting bad weather get you down. We can actually see the streets and our driveway today!

Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and share what you're up to this week. We're always excited to seeing all the great DIYs, decor, crafts, gardening, recipes, and seasonal fun that you're all creating.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Valentine Vignettes in the Garden Room

Hi Friends, are you all digging out of the latest snow and ice storm like we are?
We had a big blast of ol' man winter come through last Wednesday and Thursday with a layer of ice and then about 8-9 inches of snow on top. We stayed in and I had to postpone a doctor's appointment, but other than that we managed to keep our power and no ice damage (that we know of). Valentine's Day is definitely "winter" around here so in my Valentine decor I still have out some evergreen and bottle brush trees mixed in.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Vintage Botanical Valentine Entry

I wanted to put together a romantic Valentine's Day vignette in the Entry, but I wanted to do something just a little different than my usual Valentine decor. Any time I can create a setting with a "vintage garden/botanical" theme I'm excited, because vintage-garden goods are some of my favorite items.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Valentine Inspiration at All About Home #129

Hello friends and Welcome
 to the All About Home Link Party!

Oh my goodness, this is the last day of January, friends. How's the weather where you are? Hopefully you are warm and cozy and staying out of the snow and ice. We had a few days reprieve and are expecting another whopper storm this week. I'm trying to keep my mind off the cold weather with some Valentine's Day fun. Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and share what you're up to this week. We always look forward to seeing all the great DIYs, decor, crafts, gardens, recipes, and seasonal posts that you are all creating.