
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Out and About for some Fall Fun

We're really fortunate to have so many wonderful antique shops, flea markets, boutiques, and tea rooms, here in Springfield, and the surrounding area. You can spend several days and you still couldn't see all that they offer. Delicious food, great antiques, fun vintage treasures to find...and most of all we have some fabulous local talent.

I just wish my photos could do it all justice. I take lot's of photos while I'm out and about, but since I don't carry my Canon around anymore, I have to rely on my older I-Phone, and that often times means a photo of a fabulous vignette turns out crummy. So I gathered a few ho-hum pics together in one post, and I'll just point out what caught my eye.

Spring Creek Tea Room in Ozark, Missouri is legendary for their wonderful chicken salad sandwiches, savory soups, and amazing homemade Poppy Seed Dressing, oh...and I don't want to forget their Snickers Bar Cake! I'll go there any time I get the chance. Another great thing besides the food and shopping, is the amazing talent of the owners, and their family. The decor and accessories change seasonally, and of course Fall is one of my fave times to go and check out what's going on.

Please disregard all the happy lunch crowd and take a look at that wonderful Chalk Board Paint wall. There's a tree drawn in chalk with vintage frames and cutout paper leaves. And the mirrored shelf, the pottery, pumpkins and architectural pieces...more from the opposite wall in the reflection of the mirror, too. I just wanted to share that with you. this needs to be in a magazine.

These next two are from a shop also in Ozark, Harrison House Market. I'm a fan of being wowed when you first walk in the door and they never disappoint. There's a large "gazebo/porch" center stage, that's always decked for whatever season it might be. Take note of the big bucket with dried hydrangeas.

I took this shot and noticed later the great vintage toy truck filled with gourds. so cute. Are you a devotee of the 70's? this macrame monstrosity is just for you.

Back to Springfield now and a trip to Commercial Street. It's north of the square where the restored storefronts are now housing fun shops, antiques, restaurants, coffee shops and vintage fare of all kinds.

Robin's Vintage Suitcase and Tea Room have recently relocated to this wonderful old venue; filled with all the many wonderful goods that made her west side location a destination shop.

Tea Room and Bakery

This is a wonderful centerpiece; large antique dough bowl filled with Fall Faux flowers and pumpkins with a taxidermy Canadian Goose on top. It's huge. sorry the pic is crummy.

Be sure and take time to visit the upstairs gallery, 
filled with antiques and assorted objects de art.
This is the opposite side of the table and centerpiece.

Last but certainly not least is Aesthetics Home Totally different, with "rooms" of great furniture and some fabulous decor ideas. Debbie Walker is the owner and talent behind this refreshing store, filled with custom pieces, antiques, and timeworn classic Vintage.

Loved this great galvanized container with a Fall floral with Pumpkins.
 Also the lamp made from an old wine jug.

These lamps and ruffled lampshades are super glam, reminds me of racy lingerie.

And just so you won't think I'm fibbing about our camping trips,
here are a few pics from South Eastern Missouri, Alley Spring and Mill.

 we found a few of these guys...kinda fuzzy.

Cute poster for the weekend Fall Festivities

These are all unedited from my hubby's Blackberry.
I can't even compare my phone camera to his!

Hope you're having a great weekend,

joining in on these parties:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
The Scoop at Stone Gable 
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style



  1. You really do live in a great area, Debra, and I hope to get a chance to visit soon! Great places, love the photos. Thanks for all the info!

    Jane x

  2. Wow! Your husband's pics are amazing! I love the one with the red house (or barn) in it. It looks like a postcard! Your views while camping are beautiful. You definitely do have some nice shops around you. I'm fortunate to have a lot of nice shops around me too. I try not to take it for granted when I hear some people have to travel far to find something nice or order online.

  3. I think the pictures are wonderful. You caught the moment...and as fleeting as they preserved the beauty and the experience. We often gip ourselves out of enjoying seeking perfection, when nothing about life is perfect.

    Smiles, I loved your tour...thanks, Sandi

  4. Thank you for taking me along on this trip. I can't tell you how much I enjoy 'seeing' all that you've seen. Aesthetics Home's style is very nicely refined - could see myself using things she sells. The others are also so well done for retail appeal, and I see all the work that went into making those fabulous displays - so nice. Your MO outdoors looks inviting, too! (ps I saw one of those fuzzy guys in my neighborhood the other day too. I don't even want to think about the analogy supposedly associated of how cold a winter it might be, depending on the wooliness and number of those things spotted).

  5. All of the displays are fabulous! Love that little toy truck filled with gourds, and the stately, picturesque red building! Hope you're having a great weekend! ~Rhonda

  6. There you were again, down in my old stomping grounds. I actually did a couple of paintings of Alley Spring Mill. I've camped there and gone to school picnics too. I love that old Mill.

  7. Debra, your outing is just the kind of day I'd like to have. How wonderful that you have so many wonderful places to shop and dine. Each one offers inspiration for the season, as do your gorgeous photos of the outdoors scenery. Beautiful way to spend a fall weekend. Thanks for taking us along.

  8. What a great trip! Beautiful scenery and fabulous shops filled all kinds of pretty things. Kudos to hubs for the gorgeous pictures.

  9. Debra,
    Thank for taking us out and about with you, I had a GREAT time!


  10. Oh, Debra, those pictures of Alley Spring bring back memories of a visit my husband and I made to the mill when our oldest grandsons were small. We walked around the spring and Grandpa kept telling them every little opening in the rock was where a bear hibernated. We came upon a larger opening in the rock and I decided I wanted to get a picture, so tried to pose the boys in front of the opening. Our oldest grandson is always smiling, but his younger brother wouldn't smile no matter what we tried. He finally said, "My not wanna be here, my not gonna smile". The look on his face when he said that was priceless and that picture is one of my all time favorites. The Ozarks has so many beautiful places to see, and your post reminds me we need to take some road trips soon! Thank you for the wonderful post.

    1. Hi Jeannie, I'm so glad this brought back some sweet memories. We visited there 20 years ago, and it's even prettier now. It's so picturesque, really like a postcard!

  11. Seeing all your wonderful photos reminds me of KY. Even tho I couldn't handle weather there (asthma, allergies and arthritis) I did love our home there and where it was. Always found wonderful goodies in Bowling Green and other areas around. Not so much here in Grand Junction. Things are so expensive here if they are to be found. We live about 18 miles west of G.J. out in country, the CO river is 2 miles south of us and mountains are close, just look out windows. Kinda deserty tho. IT's all pretty, just different. Fall in KY was so gorgeous. We lived in MT for 7 yrs before our 5 yrs. in KY. Been here since 2004. Before MT we lived in few areas of San Diego for 21 yrs. I Loved our house in KY, had 1 1/2 acres out in country, son bought house then re-habbed it completely then sold to us. What places cost here are ridiculous compared to KY. Enjoy all you have where you are. Happy week

  12. Great Pics. I LOVE the black sunflower botanical! Sheila

  13. Debra,
    Gorgeous "virtual" shopping, dear friend!!!
    "Mr. Ed" and I didn't indulge in the Spring Creek Tea Room this year. . .
    a bit too fussy for his taste, I'm afraid. . .but then there's Annual Trout Fishing 2016!!!
    Thanks for sharing the sights and sounds around Ozark and Springfield!!!

  14. Hi, Debra! I love when you share places in your hometown. I was born there, but moved to the 'big city' when I was six. Still have relatives there, though, so I always make note of the cool places you post about to check out. Your Alley Spring pictures are beautiful!


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