
Friday, June 20, 2014

Daisy Botanical in the Entry

Just checking in to say Hello, as this may possibly be my last post for awhile. We leave early next week for my appointment with my new cardiologist. After all this waiting, I'm starting to feel a little anxious about it all. I've spent all week checking to make sure all my records have been transferred from three different sources, and it doesn't help the situation for calm when one of them keeps giving me the run around and putting me off... not surprised, it's their usual.

Getting the house listed and all the little details have about done me in. We've been trying to finish up, but now that Summer is here the garage has turned into an oven. My poor hubby tries to do things after work, but it's still too hot. Honestly, we're too old for this...word to the wise, downsize and get your junk dealt with before you are too sick or tired to mess with it. You AND your kids will be thankful. Do I sound tired and grumpy?

Time for a change in the Entry this week. I had a couple of raw canvases that I'd brought home with me from the other house. I love their natural oatmeal-y linen look with tattered edges and nails. I thought a botanical of daisies looked perfect attached to the front. 

Speaking of daisies, I had planted Becky Shasta Daisies and Black Eyed Susans several years ago and have babied and babied them, but they've been slow to get growing...until now. Now there is a profusion of them, just getting ready to bloom. Hope I can enjoy them just a little.

Google Images

We've had quite a few house lookers, so hope good news will be soon.
We're ready to move on to the next chapter in life.
Feels like we've been stuck in this one for a little too long.

My little heart topiary needs to be trimmed up,
 but I'm enjoying the wild look.

Little birdie is back on his bookstack.

 Yep, definitely needs a trim.

That's some good ol natural patina there on this clay pot.
just can't replicate that.

I'll try to check back in next week and let you all know what's going on. This has been a hard week, as I'm having some fun new heart related symptoms that have kept me in bed most of the week. I know this is just a "season" that God is allowing me to walk through, but it's hard nonetheless. I've missed the last year of my life feeling like doggy doo, (see...I still have a sense of humor) and I'm ready for whatever it takes to get well and get this behind me. 

Thank God for a husband that is my best friend.
He has a lot on his plate right now.

Almost forgot...this week is my 5 year blogging anniversary.

Keep up the good thoughts and prayers, I wish I could get back with each of you individually, and give you a big hug and squeeze. You all mean so much to me, and I'm super grateful for you all being there. I've been trying to keep up with your blogs, even though I haven't left comments...I've still been there. OK, this is sounding pretty pitiful, so I'll you guys, talk soon.


  1. Debra, I just wanted to say "thank you" for being honest and real about what you are going through. Sometimes in social media settings we see an awful lots of glitter and masking, and while I realize it is good to out our best selves "out there" it is also good to share life experiences. I think that's what makes connections between people. And I also remember how kind and helpful you we're when I was first linking to your link parties and didn't know what I was doing ;) Good luck with your house and I hope you will be feeling much better soon.

  2. Debra, although I know you're concerned about your appointment, you are taking a big step toward wellness. I'd do the same thing you've done and search for the very best specialist to deal with the problems you're having. I hope your house sells soon so you'll no longer have that worry on your shoulders and you and your husband can start on a brand new journey. Happy 5th blog anniversary! I read your first post and it was lovely. Take care,

  3. Keeping you in prayer as you begin with new doctors. May you feel at peace knowing He is walking right beside you, Debra.

  4. So glad you checked in with us, Debra! I'm sorry for all you are going through right now. You should be able to enjoy this time of your life. It is way too hot and humid here, too, and it goes right into the night. I was hoping we wouldn't be dealing with this until August, at least.

    Love your daisy botanical. One of the first perennials I planted when we moved here was Shasta daisies. Last year was their first year but this year they have spread out a little more and are budding right now. Such a friendly little flower and I love that I can pluck a few to stick in my granddaughter's hair.

    Take care of yourself and try not to get too worked up. It's a shame that you are getting a run around when that is really the last thing you need right now.

  5. Prayers that you will be feeling better real soon, and know that your reader friends are right there with you in our thoughts...Congrats on the 5 year anniversary, and I'm looking forward to you feeling like doing the next 5! Take care.

  6. Sending up prayers for you. I'm going through the gamut of Drs. right now and know how you feel, a little. I hope you get your healing and soon! I'll keep praying for you.

    Love your vignettes!

  7. Dear sweet friend... many positive thoughts and lots of prayers to you... looking forward to the day you post that all of this is behind you, that you feel great, and have your life back once more... I love you dear lady!... we have officially known each other five years now, and I treasure our friendship so much... xoxo Julie Marie

  8. Hi Debra,
    So happy to hear you have your appt. next week. It will be the beginning of much better health and answers. Wow 5 years Debra Happy Anniversary in Blogland. That is fantastic. I will always remember how you helped me get started a few years ago. You have been a great friend in blog land and I am wishing and praying for better and more healthy days ahead. Good luck sweet friend.

  9. Debra.- as usual, your post is full of beautiful things! So glad you have your appointment and are one step closer to a way to feel better! Just know I am praying for you, your hubby and your doctors! Travel safe and keep us posted!


  10. I am making note of your advice! We live in a house with a million stairs so we KNOW that we cannot retire here. My husband and I are just turning 50 this year, so hopefully, we still have time to move without our bodies failing us. LOL! I HATE moving. Let me say that again. I HATE moving. So, I feel for you with all that you've gone through while being in poor health. I love what you did in your foyer btw. Love that botanical on the wall! I hope you get the medical treatment you need to get your life back to normal. I also hope your other house sells quickly so you won't be burdened by that extra stress either. At least you aren't living there while it's being shown. That makes it so stressful to keep it cleaned and staged for buyers at a moments notice. Let us know how you're doing during your recovery.

  11. Debra, my parents are divorced from each other but are great friends. They've both been downsizing the last few months. My mom is currently staying with my brother and will be moving into an apartment for people 55+ next week. She's so excited not to have to worry about anything to do with a house any more. My dad is moving from his huge 104 year old house to a smaller house built in the 60s but in excellent shape. They both are tired of being in moving mode and my brother and I are both pooped too. All of this to say, we understand what you are going through. It's hard to go through interim phases but hang in there. :)

  12. Debra, that is a beautiful vignette. I hope your visit goes well with the new cardiologist. I have been trying to tell my hubby that we need to downsize. Maybe he will listen some day.

  13. Debra...good luck with your new Cardiologist. I hope you can be less anxious and get some much needed help and answers. I will keep you in my prayers. LOVE all the pretty daisies!

  14. Debra,
    I was thinking about you this week and as I was thinking, I decided to pray for you too. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Isn't it a comfort to know that no matter what life throws our way, that God has it all under control?
    Hugs . . . Cindy

  15. Debra...I have been really poor with blogging lately so I didn't know that you were having health issues. I hope all goes as well as possible with your new doctor. The worry we go through before answers and options is sometimes the worst. I will be praying for you.

    I hear you on the downsizing. We are well aware that we have 30 years of "stuff" in our basement and lately I have been feeling a little anxiety about this disorganization. Hopefully our personal storm here will pass soon and we can start chipping away at the years of pretending the basement "wasn't so bad". Ha!

    Much love,

  16. Oh Debra! I am sad that we won't see you posting for awhile but believe that God will take care of you and do His work through your docs. We will look forward to good reports when you have the time. You are such a beautiful and talented lady and I know you'll be back (after doing all the right things) stronger than you've been for a long time and with some great stories to tell!
    Hugs to you and your great hubby too,

  17. Debra, I am sending healing thoughts and prayers. Sure hope your new doctor can pinpoint the problem and can get you back on a path of good health. Hoping you have a fast and full price sale on your other place.
    Post an update when you can, and do not worry about responding to comments as you already have to much on your plate.
    I know my day of downsizing/moving is in my future due to stairs - not looking forward to it at all. Hence my reason for trying to declutter as much as possible now. Slow going.

  18. Debra, I'm so sorry this has been such a tough "season" for you. Feeling bad for such a long time is very very hard... I know!!! I'm praying that you will feel God's presence as you go forward towards health. I'll be praying for you all the way!!!! xo

  19. Your daisies are lovely, Debra! I'll be keeping you in my prayers that all comes together in your life just as you hope it would!

  20. Love your botanical - always admired your style!

    Praying for you, Debra. Good luck with the house, and most esp with the cardiologist. Hugs.

  21. Debra- sending you good wishes for a quick and full recovery so you can get back to what you do best! Hopefully your house sale will go quickly and you can get lots of rest while you are recovering. Best of luck, Sue@CountryDesignHome

  22. Debra, you always make your surroundings feel like home - your entry looks great. We should all pay attention and take your words seriously. It's a tough lesson. I hope this journey for you is successful, then you can share even more pearls of wisdom on the steps you took in downsizing. I'm sure there's lots of blogging material there.

  23. Sending love your way, and congratulations on 5 year blog anniversary!

  24. Happy 5 year blog anniversary! Love your vignette, and the texture on that old pot!

  25. Debra ~

    You have SO much going on in your life ~ you have earned the right to some grumpiness! I'll be keeping you in my heart & thoughts through the coming days/weeks ~
    Sending thoughts for gentle healing ~
    Hugs ~


  26. Good luck Debra. I will be thinking about you and will be waiting to hear from you. I know you will be fine!


  27. Good luck with everything. You are so right about downsizing too!

  28. Praying everything goes well. I've certainly enjoyed all of your pins on pinterest -- if they are any indication, your next home will be wonderful. Take care, Sally

  29. I hope you get good news and are on the road to recovery very soon. Looking forward to hearing from you. Praying for you.

  30. Debra,
    Good thoughts and prayers sending your way...

    I love your entry vignette. The daisy botanical is indeed wonderful on the canvas, and I also love wild sprouts in all directions on my topiaries.

    Fingers crossed that your house sells quickly, that all your records get where they need to be, and that your new cardiologist knows just what to do to help you get well quickly.


  31. Dear Debra, Have a save trip next week. Hopefully your new doctor will find a way to help you and you'll feel much better soon.
    I keep my fingers crossed that your house will sell soon. Your botanical print is very pretty.
    Big hugs,

  32. Good luck at the Dr. And good luck with the new house.

    The advice you give about downsizing is good! I started a major downsize about three years ago and I feel much better about the small amount of things I have now!

    Hang in there!


  33. Sweet entry and the bird is the crowning jewel! Hope things settle down for you soon, that your appointment goes well and you are feeling better real soon!

  34. I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. Everything you do in your home is beautiful - you have lovely taste. Shasta daisies are one of my favorite flowers. You are so right, when moving you wish you had hardly anything. It is a pain and especially when you're not feeling well. My husband and I have certainly had our trials and tribulations with health issues and sometimes I can't help but wonder why? God is so great and always gets us through and you are going to feel much better very soon.

  35. Love botanicals! You just rest up. I know I'm glad I've gotten rid of house repairs and I'm snug as a bug in a rug in my little patio apartment.

  36. I will keep praying for you to feel NOT like doggy-doo! I would like for you to find out what is going on and get it fixed! Sending hugs and prayers your way dear Debra!

  37. Good luck with everything Debra and I hope you find the answers you need! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Angela

  38. Wishing you better days ahead. My prayers are with you.

  39. Debra,
    My prayers continue for your renewed health, dear friend.
    The year of a major surgery (now 15 years ago), I felt much as you described.
    A friend of mine had the same surgery a few years prior.
    She could sense my anxiousness.
    Her words still ring in my ears, "You won't know exactly had bad you're feeling now
    until after you put this behind you. You've forgotten what it is to feel 'good'!"
    She was so~o~o right!!!
    Good thoughts, daily prayers. . .here's to feeling good, again!!!

  40. Thank you for sharing with us despite not feeling well. Love the pictures as always...especially that little topiary (who can resist a little heart?). Congratulations on reaching your 5-year blogging anniversary. Time does really fly by doesn't it? Hoping this week you can find some answers and solutions to your medical issues and that you will be on the road to recovery and just feeling better really soon. DO take care. ; )

  41. I'm so sorry Praying for a complete recovery.....
    and now I have to find a wicker heart to train English Ivy on.......where oh where...

  42. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and hope that your visit with your new physician goes well and he can make you feel so much better...Yes, I am taking your advice about getting rid of the junk...Look forward to hearing from you soon, in the meantime, take care of the Daisy print and your beautiful vignette.

  43. I've been thinking of you and saying prayers for you. I know this was been such a difficult time for you and your husband. I know, around here, the housing market is seeing an improvement. Hopefully that ordeal will end soon. Take care and know we're all thinking of you.

  44. Debra, I just want to let you know you are in my prayers! You have been in my thoughts over the last month or so. Ever since you began writing about renting a smaller temporary place and preparing to sell, that very thing has been on my mind.
    One thing has led to another with lots of sleepless nights wondering about what we can do to adapt our home for J's Parkinson's Disease, as well as his heart disease. After much thought and following your story, we have set in motion a plan. At the moment we are in the process of finding a temporary home, so we too can prepare our home for market. We found a plan for a new smaller cottage type home that is just right for our needs.

    We want to lease a small apartment and move away from our home to lessen the stress of prep and sale. This will be the third time for this over the last two years. The condo at the lake sold quickly last year, so that gave us courage to try again with our home. Your idea of moving away from the home while preparing and marketing was wonderful inspiration for us, and we thank you so much for that inspiration. By the end of July, we hope to be moved into an apartment, ground level, and we hope by then our house will be back on the market.

    I am hoping for the very best for you and I will continue my good thoughts and prayers.

  45. Sending prayers of healing and recovery for you Debra. Sounds like you have done lots of thinking and planning and now have your plans for down sizing in place. Good luck and hope you can keep us posted.

  46. Debra I just saw this, been having problems with my reader feed? I hope all goes well with you this week, and the doctors can provide you the help you need. I can so relate to how you are feeling, I feel like last year I was not in life, and this year I am sucking it all in. I've been out in the garden trying to bring it back from hear two year absence.. Your daisies look great and so does your vignette!

  47. I'm praying for you Debra as you see your new doc and seek answers and treatment that would be best for you. I agree about getting your house and 'stuff' in order, not only do my kids Not want to have to go through me stuff, they don't want my stuff either, I need to unload a bunch soon! Sending prayers and hugs, Cindy

  48. In my thoughts - daily - Debra

  49. Thinking of you and sending good thoughts!!

  50. Debra, I'm praying for you! xo

  51. Thinking about you today, Debra! Praying that progress is being made with the health issues and the hard things are closer to being behind you.


  52. Debra, I have been reading and listening, we are moving closer to our daughter (right next door). We are downsizing---you see listening!! We got a contract on our house today. Bless you sweet lady, your lesson are being heard and know I am praying for healing. Di

  53. I just realized how long I've been away from Blog Visiting all of my Favorite Blog Friends... so much has been happening during my absence and I'm trying to get caught up. Wow... you're Planning a Move on top of all of the Health Related Issues you're navigating too... please try not to do too much... you and DH! The Man and I recently looked at homes since we too felt downsizing, especially given recent Health Crisis, might be the thing to do for the Fresh Start. In our case I decided it would be too much for me to handle and might be too stressful on The Man while he recovers from the Traumatic Brain Injury and struggles with 'Change' and for the G-Kid Force who panicked when I suggested we might move... *LOL* So much for the downsizing for us anyway. *winks* I do agree however that making a Fresh Start and scaling down in the Golden Years is Wise if it can be managed and I Wish you a smooth transition from your Beautiful Home to where ever the Road takes you. I'll be excited to see what you do with the New Place!!! Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


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