
Sunday, February 23, 2014

A little gift...

We spent yesterday over at the old house packing, like we have for the last several weekends, and I'm sure for the next few months... I have to say it's slow going. The house is a mess, we're working hard but the pace is just tedious. When it's quiet and I'm working by myself my mind starts to wander and I think about what was happening last year at this time. What was I doing, and what was I blogging about? What was taking up my focus, was I "happy" and appreciating each day? Did I realize that in just a few months I would be in the middle of this seeming chaos?

Today was a little sad for some reason, I took out bird seed for the locals, but there were only my two little cardinals that came down to feed. I miss the birds and even the rotten squirrels that hang around and gobble everything up. I miss my daily routine, I miss my view from the kitchen window, that kept me up on what was happening with the weather and who was hanging out at the feeder. Even though I'm looking forward to the good things that are coming, I'm realizing that it doesn't hurt to hold those things from the past close to your heart.

I looked back through my photo gallery and here are some pics from exactly a year ago today. Funny, I didn't show this little needlework piece at that time. It didn't seem all that interesting, just an unsigned little work that wasn't particularly artistic or "good". It has been hanging on my kitchen wall for at least 5 years, and I've read it many times, but today looking back and seeing it in a photo, it spoke to me in a more meaningful way.

 This is what was happening exactly a year ago, a terrible day of snow and sleet, and some hungry little critters.

See my little girl friend under the wagon?
It was really coming down and she was taking shelter from the storm.

Goldfinches, Purple finches, Wrens, and Bluebirds.

One of my sweet girls enjoying the view with me.

Just wanted to share this day with you, just wanted to share that little thought with you; that each day is indeed a gift. We might not know the importance of it at the moment, but looking back with a different perspective, we see that it truly is a blessing. And maybe, hopefully, in a year from now, I will look back at yesterday and see that day for what it really was.

If you haven't entered the Give Away with French Bleu Vintage, then click here. Adrian has so many beautiful things in her store. She's giving away a $35.00 Gift Certificate and has a 25% sale going on storewide. Hope you'll run by for a vist.

 joining in on these great parties:

Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style

Make it a special day,


  1. What a wonderful message for today. I was a bit down thinking about all I need to do today and this gave me pause. I started thinking about the simple gifts giving me pleasure instead of the onerous tasks. Thank you,

  2. Hello dear Debra... it's hard to let go of a home we have loved... I miss my little farmhouse so, and all of my critters who came to visit there as well... I'm glad you have your beautiful photos and your precious memories... I so remember your post of that little squirrel taking shelter on your patio!... and that sampler... truly a "gift" in itself of what is to come... many days I especially miss my big wildflower meadow... but I told myself, just like my pretty wildflowers, I must go wherever the gentle breeze carries me... there is nothing wrong with looking back at the past and cherishing it... always keep it close by in your heart... much love, xoxo Julie Marie

  3. I am so sorry, Debra. I remember that post. I hope and pray that this season of grieving your precious home will pass quickly. Being in limbo is not very fun.

  4. Thank you for the reminder everyday is a new gift. I work with elderly people in assisting living and we can't complain now - it could be worse.

  5. What a lovely saying. It really makes us think about giving time to reflect on our lives and everything precious about it. Thank you Debra.

  6. I do know how you feel. Everyday is a gift. When we moved from Florida to NC, I was so excited but filled with wonder and missing my old house. But the gift of my grandkids made it so special. I am thankful for each day. Di

  7. Hi Debra,
    So happy to read your post today. I am glad to see you are allowing yourself to grieve what was. That is very heathy to miss that home so much. You have a lot of wonderful memories there. New and wonderful things are ahead but I am glad to see that you are allowing yourself to grieve and miss your home. Take care Debra and I am wishing you better days ahead.

  8. I know that moving out of a house that you've lived in for a long time can be daunting. I also know the nostalgia that it brings up. I think going through all of your things brings that out. That picture with the quote on it is a good reminder for when times feel challenging. No wonder you're going to miss your backyard. You've got a lot of cute critters out there!

  9. Out past is our old memories filled with joy, happiness, sadness and pain. Out future is out new memories that will fill in the cracks of some of the old, where they will all blend and be within us forever. I know good things are coming for you and you hubs. Going through things is always painful and sad. But you do have a great past to look at, and so the future will be too!

  10. It's always a blessing, Debra, to receive reminders to be grateful for today! I have learned to live more in the blessings and moments of this day since my husband passed! Learning to appreciate the beauty of life :)

  11. Its okay, you have to go through the process and you will be all right. Was it Bob Hope that always sang that song, Thanks for the Memories?? It fits in right about now.........

  12. Hi sweet friend!!!! I feel awful that I've not visited in so long...too much going on in my life but I know that's no excuse. I see that you're moving? Debra, I know that you will make your new home your beautiful haven, you just have that "touch"!!! I pray that you will have a peace about leaving your old home and make so many wonderful new memories in your new one. Sending you hugs and love, Dawn

  13. Yesterday I did the same, memories of the terrible week that changed my family, so I can say a year later, although nowhere near perfect-My little one and I are in a better spot --well time heals as I have been told its just different for everyone. So I go into this week, the sun is shining, the ability to garden a bit, hang our new bird feeder for some new friends, I thank Him for giving me the strength to get through this really long year as I find happiness in the little things called daily life. May your week be happy and full of His warmth.

  14. You are so right...each day is truly a gift...thank you for reminding us to LIVE and appreciate each day to the fullest!..

  15. Such a lovely reminder to treat each day as a gift. Change is never easy, but when we are open to it, wonderful new things can come our way. Your openness to change is inspiring, Debra...xo

  16. Such a lovely message! Thank you for reminding us to appreciate even the littlest things!~~Angela

  17. I like your little embroidery and what lovely pictures of the birds that visit your feeders, you are so fortunate to see a bluebird, I have only seen one a couple of times in my life, and never at a feeder! They are a rare sight in my part of Ohio.
    I love your blog:)


  18. What a lovely reminder...thank you, Debra.

  19. Thanks for sharing this story Debra! I hope things settle down for you soon, and I'm looking forward to following you during this move. Your pictures are beautiful!

  20. such a sweet, meaningful reminder, debra. hope your comfort zone seeps back in soon:)


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