
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Snow and lilacs...

...those two things don't go well together.
I guess I could say we were lucky as compared to others of you out there.
Lot's of precipitation, but no accumulation.

Where we are in SW Missouri, it snowed and sleeted all day yesterday but didn't stick much. At one point yesterday evening the flakes were HUGE. It was really beautiful... just not for May. So I decided since I wasn't getting out, that I'd redo the faux florals in my urn here in the entry. I'd had daffodils and forsythia in this for early Spring and Easter.


I have a teensy pet peeve...
I like to keep my faux flowers seasonal.
I can't have geraniums at Christmas
or tulips in the Fall.
They have to stay seasonal and current.
I'm sure these will be changed out again by the end of the month...
maybe daisies by then.
(I'm hoping I'll have daisies by the end of the month...)

Here's a snow pic from the deck and my kitchen window.
Can you see the lilac bush on the other side of the fence?
(bad photo, I know. I don't have a zoom lens for distance.)'s not mine, 
and it's in my neighbor's yard.
a bachelor...
and it drives me crazy. 
But my arms aren't long enough to grab a branch
and harvest a bouquet.
I have to admit I've had fleeting thoughts of sneaking over the fence by cover of darkness. We watched Zero Dark Thirty last night and I think that those high tech night vision goggles and other gear might work for this kind of mission. (just kidding...I wouldn't do that...just a little temptation of the blooming kind). What can I say...I was spoiled when I was young. We had two massive bushes of lilacs and we had fresh bouquets all over the house, this time of year.

So I just have to look at it and imagine a wonderful fragrant lilac bouquet
filling an ironstone pitcher or a large crystal vase.
I've thought of planting my own bush, 
but I haven't found a good spot for one.

so I'll try to enjoy some silk ones and maybe find a room spray 
or candle that will make me think they're real.

and while we're here,
you can see that some of my birdies are back here in the Entry.

This is what you do if it's too cold for the sunporch...

...and you're really lazy.

good thing there are two sofas...
one for each lazy kit kat.

joining in with these parties this week:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Mod Mix Monday at Mod Vintage Life
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style

Hope you're having a great weekend,
I'll try to behave...


  1. We had a few snowflakes come our way yesterday's getting pretty old. Ohhh, I LOVE lilacs! They're definitely one of my favorite flowers. If your neighbor is a bachelor, I doubt he's too interested in those flowers. I'd just go over and ask if I could have some. Come on...I dare ya :) The kitties look so cozy and cute!

  2. Both of the flower arrangements are beautiful Debra. Lilacs are my favorite flower. I grew up with about ten large lilac trees surrounding our home. One was right outside my bedroom window. Oh how I loved when they bloomed! Maybe a special treat baked for your neighbor might be exchanged for lilacs? LOL

  3. Yes, go ask your neighbor! He will probably tell you to get as many as you want! My cats are asleep on separate couches, too! My, it is so cold outside and I'm in South Carolina! Have a great weekend!

  4. I think if you asked him he would love for you to take those lilacs! I do love your faux arrangement though! That little bird is so sweet. I'm ready for sunshine here!!

  5. Debra .. as much as I'm sure you hate me to say it .. "the snow was beautiful" ... I know your ready for spring .. ! The last 2 days here have been In the 90's Ugg..

    The Lilacs are just lovely we had a bush on our farm when we lived there and I just stood in front of it and inhaled the lovely fragrance ..

    Those kitties look like my Flossie ..they all have a lot in common snoozing on the couch !

    BTW .. the camera classes are online I'll share more with you as soon as I view the videos and make sure they are worth the passing on.

    Have a Beautiful weekend ..

  6. Faux can be beautiful! Mother Nature, I hope, enjoys the irony of this weather.

  7. Your lilacs in your entry are lovely. I am inspired to spruce up a few things at my house. I do have a couple of lilace bushes here and should be able to cut flowers very soon. I wish I could share them with you. Have a great weekend.

  8. Well, that all looks so gorgeous. I thought the silk lilacs were real! You are just the best at putting together a vignette. All of it is so pretty. I'm off to work now...but I'll come back and pin some of these tonight....sooooo pretty. I think I might go knock on his door and ask if he'd mind you cutting some branches off that bush. I bet he wouldn't care one bit.

  9. I'm sorry you still got snow there Debra. That's really crazy weather. I don't have lilacs either but I may beg some off of my neighbour again. I love their scent don't you? I also keep my faux flowers seasonal, no tulips in the fall etc. We've had 8 days straight of sunshine here and temperatures from 60 to 73. It's very strange for us to have such a long stretch of great weather this early. I hope yours improves soon. Blessings, Pam

  10. Lilacs won't be blooming in northern MN for another 3-4 weeks, and I certainly hope we don't have snow covering them! I'm happy to say it's been raining here. You can keep the white stuff. :)

    Your faux lilacs bring a nice touch of spring color to your table. Very pretty!

  11. I bet your bachelor neighbor would not mind one bit you cutting some of his lilacs. He would probably even encourage you. Most guys don't care about stuff like that.

    Go after them!!


  12. Deb,
    Love your seasonal displays, and I am like you in wanting flowers on display to be consistent with those seen outside.
    I just planted a dwarf lilac last Fall called 'boomerang', which reblooms AND takes up little space (4-5' max both height & width). Mine's just now blooming, still small, but it's something to look forward to. It was just introduced in 2009, & they're hardy to zone 3! Here's a link:
    Here's to no accumulation of snow & beautiful arrangements indoors!

  13. SNOW . . . in MAY !?!
    Ya'll need to move to Texas . . . It's 76 and Sunny today !
    Your Display is Awesome. Remember to THINK SPRING !!


  14. Hi Debra... Hello Kitties!... kitty kisses to you!... love your new arrangements... I am like you, I have to keep my faux flowers seasonal too... drives me crazy seeing tulips in a house in December!... okay, now about the Lilac bush... seems like you have two options... #1. get some of the night vision goggles... I really have some and they are great for late night "walks"... tee hee hee... #2. take that bachelor some cookies and ask him if you might snip a "couple" of Lilacs... I am betting he will say yes!... I must admit, I am not ashamed to go up to a door and ask someone something like that... all they can do is say no... but I doubt he will... sooo... post your bouquet of fresh Lilacs soon, 'k?... xoxo Julie Marie

  15. That's a big house for a bachelor! It's unseasonably cold here in NC, too...and we can't grow lilacs. I guess it's a little too hot. And our soil doesn't drain. I can't wait for my flowers...if it ever gets warm.

  16. Debra,
    The two flower pieces are so pretty. We are finally getting decent weather here in Chicago. I actually planted my yard today. My aching back!!!! Hope to post some pics soon. My Lilacs are just starting to bud so not sure how much of a flower I will get.

  17. It was cold here too, but no snow. I say go ring the doorbell and ask that nice bachelor if you can cut some stems. Can't imagine that he would care. ;-)

  18. I want the cats...they are gorgeous. We do not have lilacs here that I know of because of the heat. I sure am overrun with primroses and rain though. CC and I are getting a kitten this week. I think it's time. xo, olive

  19. Your spring decor is lovely, Debra! We aren't close to blooms here yet, but I can hardly wait for lilacs! Two days of snow here already this month, but this next week is supposed to be warm!

  20. You have such a knack for layering your decor and adding various levels, without making it seem cluttered or forced. This area of your home looks lovely, as always.


  21. Snow in May makes me think of my favorite Revlon nail polish...Cherries in the Snow!
    I wish I could grow lilacs here in Dallas. I know it's possible...just not for my brown thumb. My grandmother had a huge bush and I can't smell them without thinking of her.
    Hope all is going well and recovery is making huge progress.
    Love ya!

  22. I always look forward to the changes that you make to the vignette on the is always so beautiful...I have recently deconstructed many of my floral arrangements and I love your idea about changing them out for each season..The lilacs are so very pretty...

  23. You certainly could have told me your lilacs were real! They don't look like silk at all. Great arrangement. I love your table vignette. Such a beautiful home.

  24. Hi Debra,I am visiting before I go to the nursing home to see hubby. The weather has been the pits and I don't think my lilacs are going to bloom. I did get a few days to enjoy my magnolia, the crab apple was blooming and I lost a limb out of it because of the wind. I always loved the smell of the lilacs. Your flowers are so pretty and I would just go asked him if he minded if I cut some of his lilacs. Most of them won't mind at all. Have a wonderful afternoon and I hope some warmer weather. Hugs and Prayers from Your NW Missouri Friend

  25. You just made me feel better. I always see amazing floral bouquets in blog photos and I wonder how people keep them so full and fresh. There is a reason my flowers look puny in comparison - I always use what is fresh from the garden. I guess it doesn't pay to compare because you don't always know the whole story.

    I hope your weather takes a turn toward spring and you get your homegrown daisies in the house. Can you ask the bachelor if you can cut some of his lilacs? I bet he would say yes.

  26. So sorry you had snow :( My sister lives in Kansas and they have had some snow too. I am hoping it misses Ohio! Have you tried asking your neighbor if you could pick a few lilacs? I bet he's let you!!

  27. Debra,
    I agree, totally. . .this weather has to rate right up there with the "Dust Bowl" of making one lose their minds!!!
    I have plants lined up in front of the patio door begging to be planted! I spend most of my day rotating them as they are always leaning over the edge.
    This weeks forecast is calling for more of our much needed rain here on our end of the Praire!! On the way to Worship this morning, I was in awe of how much I enjoy the color green...again!!!
    Guess, I'll join the "kit kats" and enJOY a nap!!!

  28. Debra, It's cold and rainy here, fortunately no snow showers! I adore lilacs but it's too hot to grow them here, except this year! I agree with Sarah, I'd ring the bell and have my pruning shears in my pocket...:) Love those sweet kitties, they have the right idea, the perfect weather for cat napping!

  29. Oh I would want to shimmy over that fence too and cut some of those beautiful blooms. We have just a little bush and it has very small blooms not even worth whacking them off when they are blooming. We had snow last week, covered all the tree limbs and ground for the morning. It had not been warm enough yet for anything to bud so it did not hurt anything. The past 3 or 4 day finally spring has hit. I always love seeing your pretty table.

  30. Such beauty you've captured even among the chill of an everlasting winter. What a contrast to 95 and fires, although today was cool, cloudy, and lovely. A blessed relief for the firefighters. Lilacs are so lovely. I'll bet your bachelor neighbor would be glad for you to cut some in exchange for a homemade treat!

    Thanks for sharing,
    Laura from

  31. Your lilac vignette is gorgeous, Debra.

    We didn't get the snow that you did. My friends in SW MO sent photos and my g'daughter sent some from KC. Incredible weather! Now if it will be Spring for awhile and not turn Summer overnight, that would be great!

  32. I truly wish I could send you some of our warmth and sunshine right now, because all too soon it will be too hot and you wouldn't want! Maybe you could take your neighbor some homemade cookies and ask sweetly if he would mind if you cut yourself a bouquet from his lilac bush -- being charming and offering goodies is often the key! I think even the faux lilacs look just beautiful on your entry table.

  33. I'm with the cats! If it's going to snow and sleet in May, I'm taking a nap until it warms up! May? Come on Mother Nature! You're really pushing it here! Poor lilac bush! I think you'd be doing it a favor cutting some bouquets to save them from the weather! Actually, I suppose you could go over and ask the guy if he's mind if you cut a few. He probably wouldn't care. Good luck! Hugs, Leena

  34. Beautiful vignette, Debra. Your kitties are beautiful, too!
    I think we may have finally seen the last of winter...let's hope.
    Have a wonderful week...

  35. Your lilacs look so pretty on your white table. The blooms on my lilac bushes are ready to burst open. Can't wait.
    Mary Alice

  36. I absolutely love your vignettes, so perfect.

    I am the same way about faux, if I even use them, which is sparingly - has to look and feel natural...and yours certainly DO!

  37. Snow? That's crazy! And I thought Canada was bad but we didn't get one snowfall this year {woohoo} and today is 23 deg. But then again we're in Vancouver so it's really mild here. I love your entryway and your vignettes. You always do such an amazing job. And the flowers are gorgeous. Faux is the way to go!
    Jamie @

  38. Snow? That's crazy! And I thought Canada was bad but we didn't get one snowfall this year {woohoo} and today is 23 deg. But then again we're in Vancouver so it's really mild here. I love your entryway and your vignettes. You always do such an amazing job. And the flowers are gorgeous. Faux is the way to go!
    Jamie @

  39. So pretty! Your faux looks amazing, such a beautiful spot in your home and you always change it up with so many sweet touches!
    Thanks so much sharing at Amaze Me Monday!

  40. The combo of lilacs, bird prints and sleeping cats are perfect!

  41. The lilacs are just beautiful!! Is that really snow or just rain? It is May so I am hoping no snow for ya. LOVE your blog makeover. It looks fabulous.

  42. I featured this today at Mod Mix Monday!


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