
Sunday, February 17, 2013

What I would have missed...

I'm a late convert to Downton Abbey. I know... it's been the talk of blogs for the last two years, but my husband wasn't interested in watching it, so like a foolish ninny, I didn't make the effort to try to watch it on my own. This 3rd season I was determined to get him won over, but after 10 minutes in on the first episode, he gallantly handed me the remote and wished me a jolly time watching without him. (Insert an "Oh, Robert" kind of sigh and downward glance.)

I'd debated the amount of time it would take for me to try to "catch up" by watching Seasons 1 and 2. Spending a few minutes on the Internet speed viewing some "recap" videos actually gave me a good grasp of the storyline and characters.  But deep down I knew that if I was going to do this right, I would have to invest in it and take the plunge with a totally immersed commitment.

I'm so glad I did, because I would have missed all of this:

The Edwardian Clothing of 1912 to 1914.
One of my favorite periods.

oh my, the hats!

Devoted Sisters...

The Fox Hunt 

with more wonderful clothing...

The lustful attraction...

and THE Scandal of it all...

The Amazing Interiors of Downton

 The Tablescapes

The Flower Show

 The Sibling Rivalry

 Smoking and Plotting

The Meany

When keeping your mouth shut causes so many problems...

Wistful Angst
(with more wonderful interiors)

On again...

The Bickering

Priceless One liners...

with more interiors...

Tea for Two...or One

I realized that I could watch on my laptop with Netflix, but only, Season 1. They don't have Season 2 yet on streaming, so I'm joining Hulu to get Season 2. If you want to get up to date, it's possible. Do tell...are you a fan from the beginning, or are you just a little late to the ball?

Wish me luck and Tally Ho!


  1. I tried to step in on Season Three and couldn't get into it at all. I think there is no where to start but at the beginning.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm a fan since season one hit Netflix, which was back in 2011. It kept popping up on our "recommended for you" list. We don't have cable, and TV reception is bad in our basement, so I have a basic digital antenna (rabbit ears) with a 25 foot cable I set up so I can watch the latest episode each week.

  4. We knew when it was on in the UK---we caught an episode there of season 1 before it aired here---we wouldn't miss a bit of it, and haven't. My honey loves it too. But surprising to me, my 42 year old son, who watched with us on a visit under duress (my husband had the remote) LOL is a total convert...he's a sports guy. But he said the acting and whole production was so good he was hooked. Our daughter-in-law is thrilled! Although they had a few things to say when Sybil died....

  5. I am a late comer also, but have caught up and totally the interiors, the fashions are so wonderful and so classic, the one liners are too much!!! And the intrigue downstairs.......

  6. Well, I am probably the only one who hasn't watched any of it. Hugs, marty

  7. I am afraid I am very very late to the ball! :) I have watched a few episodes after I started hearing so much about it but that was just to see the home furnishings. I am going to try and "catch up" this summer when it's nothing but reruns on the other channels. :) Happy belated Valentine's Debra. xo

  8. I joined Downton Abbey at the end of Season #1 and fell in love with this
    program.. I want the women's clothing and am thinking of getting #1
    uploaded to my iPad..
    My Mr. would not watch it at all!

    Great Post

  9. My husband usually doesn't go in for period dramas at all, but he loved Downton just as much as I did. Being in the UK, I have of course watched all three series and the Christmas specials, and I sooooo want to see the next series right now, but alas, have to wait, sigh.

  10. Not a diehard fan but I've watched a couple episodes. Hollywood and the Brits sure spend alot of $$$$$ on costumes and staging, the country mansions, decor, horses, fox hunts, stables. It's all vintage and gorgeous. I'm sure their behavior and relationships are fairly close to what it 'was' back then too. I love Maggie Smith and her acting skills. I'd like to see my all time fav, Julie Andrews in a couple episodes. She's the cream of the crop. Great post!

  11. Just finished season 2 online although I had already started watching parts of season 3 on TV. Love love love....
    I think I will have to purchase the entire set on DVD just so I can watch at my leisure on the big TV. So far I have watched most on the ipad and my little bedroom TV. I need to see it all again on the "boys" screen in the basement.

  12. My husband and I both are fans! I watched started watching Season 1 on netflix some time in 2011 when my husband was deployed and suggested he watch it with me. He loves it just as much as I do. We have already watched all of season 3, we downloaded it while it aired overseas. Every time I watch I feel like I'm right there, I get lost in each episode and come out wishing I was from "that time" and with a beautiful accent! Happy watching!!

  13. Don't you love it ? I have watched it from the beginning and am addicted. If you miss an episode on season 3, you can watch it on line at (check for the site that air masterpiece theater episodes. Season 1 and 2 were on there, but think they have been removed by now. I have already seen all of Season 3 (on a different site) - Oh My!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  14. I've been a HUGE fan from the beginning. My hubby doesn't watch it, but that's ok..I'm so into the program he'd be ignored anyway. :) I even watch the old episodes to look at the costumes and interiors again.
    Can't wait til tomorrow night for episode 7.

  15. I'm a fan from the beginning, but am waiting to watch Season III when it comes out on DVD. I like to watch episodes back to back.
    It is fabulous, isn't it?

  16. Debra,
    Oh, dear how dreadful that you've missed some of Downton's spiciest episodes!!! Not to worry, you'll enjoy catching up, I'm quite sure of it!!!
    Yes, devote from the beginning!!!
    "Mr. Ed" enjoys watching. . .especially trying to "out~guess" the next episode!!!
    Glad you're enjoying, right along with the rest of us, the continuation of Season 3!!!

  17. Yes I know I have missed them too.I have not watched one single episode.I am sure I would love the show.But I have not time to watch it.

  18. We didn't watch it on PBS until this season either. But we bought the DVDs for the first 2 seasons and they were very reasonable. We are HUGE fans! I love your post...great pics!

  19. I'm so glad you took the plunge. I'm devoted and have seen all the episodes from the beginning and many times more. I have seen the entire third season to the end since the DVD was released a couple of weeks ago. Seasons one and two are the best. So glad you decided not to miss anything. xx

  20. I'm late to the ball too...and have been meaning to catch it all online since last summer. I still have yet to start. I'm just not prepared for all that watching but I know I must.

  21. I'm a devote from the very beginning, i love all british period dramas but must say downton abbey is the very best of all.

  22. I have been watching since the beginning and Love it!!!

  23. I'm really late to the ball. Haven't started yet but am determined to catch up!

  24. Debra,
    I had to chuckle when i read this as I just got done watching my first CD on Season One!! I bought myself Season One and Season Two in Sam's Club for $37!! And I am DVRing Season 3 to watch when i catch up!!

    I am loving it too!!!


  25. I am like you, I was a little late to the game but love it now. Hubby watches it with me (I think he does, he is on the computer but does comment now and then). Di

  26. I was late to the party too, so I purchased Season 1 and 2 on iTunes and watched them clandestine-style on my iPad. Hubby's just don't get it sometimes (**

    I really loved the Edwardian error clothing too ~ and was actually a little disappointed when they moved into the twenties. But, alas, the show must go on.

    Enjoyed your highlights - jolly good!

  27. Debra--I was late to the party, as well, but now I have little old British ladies reading my recaps. I *heart* it!!

  28. Oh, Debra -"Welcome to the fan club"! I have been a devout follower since the beginning! I'm so glad you were able to get caught's such a fabulous series. I only wish the seasons were longer...and then they make you wait almost another year for the next one..ugh! If you love the history and culinary thrills of that era, you should check out this wonderful blog - - great site devoted to the fans of D.A., with some fabulous English recipes :)

  29. Correction! The website for Abbey cooks is actually Sorry...tried to rely on my memory...never a good idea! lol! Enjoy! :)

  30. I haven't watched any of the episodes but I know there is a great deal of excitement about the series. Thanks for this post. I now know that if I watch it, it is best to start at the beginning.

  31. Console yourself, I haven't joined the ball yet!
    Blogland and my workplace are all talk of it, and there's a knitalong to go with it, but I still have not succumbed!

  32. I am an addicted fan from the beginning and hubby suffers it along with me. Although having said that,I think he really likes it but does the manly thing of pretending he doesn't LOL. I just wish I lived in the US so we could be watching season 3. We are so far behind with things in Aus that we have only just started season 2 :(
    Have a nice day x

  33. I'm a diehard fan and have watched all of it from the very beginning. I'm sure I'm going to have withdrawals when this season is over tomorrow night. I record it and watch the second time to take in all the luscious decor details and not just the story line that I get the first time around. Watch also for facial expressions of Mr. Carson and the Dutchess (granny).
    I'm pleased that people have responded in such a big way. I heard that the premier of season 3 had six million viewers so ...I'm hoping we may get some spin offs or something else to watch besides the mindless TV reality shows we have now.

  34. I was a little late on the uptake but after hearing all the Hoopla I was in Sam's Club and they had Season 1 & Season 2 at a very reasonable price. My hubby insisted he did NOT want to watch it but got hooked after being FORCED to watch the first show. We spent one cold weekend watching the episodes back to back. When Season 3 came out on video I had an order in place at Barnes & I have seen the end of Season 3 already. OMGosh- SO many twists and turns -you will be thrilled with it all. Three of my girls have borrowed and watched all the shows so we have got our money's worth out of it already.

    The costuming is exquisite and I LOVE all the little Zingers thrown out- xo Diana

  35. I was late to the ball too, but SO glad I went! I watched Season #1 on Netflix, bought Season #2, and don't know what I'll do when Season #3 is finished tomorrow night. Love, love it all, especially Violet. :)

  36. We never miss it! My husband bought the BBC version of the DVD's because the episodes we see here in the US are edited and there are bits missing...horrors! So if you get the chance to see the

  37. I never even heard about Downton Abbey till the beginning of this season. All the ladies in my Bunco group were going on about how much they loved the show I just had to watch. While my husband and youngest were on a Scout outing, I pulled an all nighter and watched the first season.I was hooked after the first show. My husband started watching season two with me and is just as hooked as I am. I'm kind of sad this Sunday is the season finally. If I were you I would watch all the episodes. You will have a year till season four airs.

  38. The Hubs and I both totally love Downton! I recommended it to some people from our church and they were both scandalized at the one with Thomas' kiss, and then with Mary and Parmuk... ooops!

  39. Ok, now I'm SURE I need to do the same. I keep saying that I need to get into this show, even if it's just for the design ideas. Thanks for the great post!

  40. I am a late watcher, started two weeks ago, been on the web to check what's going on and my netflix doesn't have it at all, but going to check it again and see if it is. Love it. Your post was so great...

  41. Im so slow with watching this show! I love it, but have no time!!! Good call though, because its awesome and Maggie Smith is gold!


  42. They are at Costco for a very reasonable price.

    Fun, eh?


  43. Like you, I am a late convert. We don't own a television and I really don't have the time to watch it, but EVERYONE has been talking about it. I watched Season 1 on my laptop while grading papers using Netflix and Season 2 I was watching on Amazon for free. They must have figured out that I really wanted to watch it because I got to the last 2 episodes and now they cost $$$. Not much, but I felt tricked. Thanks for letting me know I can get it on Hulu - never thought of that.

  44. I love it although I missed last Sunday but I'll start watching at 8 and catch up!

  45. I love it although I missed last Sunday but I'll start watching at 8 and catch up!

  46. Never seen the show but you now have me interested.

  47. Hi Debra!!!

    My husband is like yours and that's why I haven't seen it yet. The time era and before that are my most favorite. The ladies dressed as ladies.

    Beautiful hats, dresses, gloves, purses, etc. The wonderful estate is so beautiful. In a Canadian Magazine called Hello, it interviewed the owners of the estate and showed you a bit more than the rooms the studio rents from them.

    I'm going to buy season 1 and 2 to see what's it all about.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!!!


  48. Hi Debra, I'm late to the ball too but was hooked from the first episode. I love looking at the costumes and I'm sure the taylor's trashcans would be the most wonderful treasure troves to find bits of lace and fabric to create with, sigh. The architecture and interiors are so lovely to look at as well. It's really a joy to watch this series.
    Have a great Sunday!

  49. From the get-go. I have to admit though, at times I want to smack somebody.
    Love the style too. Although with my big ol' melon head, I don't think I could pull off some of those hats.

  50. Debra we are late to the ball as well. I say we because my Mr. is a fan as well. We just started following this series after our trip to Biltmore a few weeks ago. We were captivated there by their lifestyle which mimics this show very much. We watched the 1st series on Netflix and then bought the second on DVD. Love, love,love it all!

  51. a friend has promised us the loan of the first two seasons, so I guess I need to get started . . . do you know if i will be able to catch-up this season, as well?

  52. Late to the ball but, as of a couple of weeks ago, caught up...and SO SAD that the finale for Season 3 is TONIGHT?! It'll be a long summer... xo, Kimberly

  53. Debra,
    I am a late bloomer to this too. I just finished season 1 and going to watch season 2 tonight. I am hooked! My hubby has been watching it with me too. I was a little surprised he was in to it. Glad he is since I am monopolizing he TV!!!!!
    ps: love the new header on your blog.

  54. Hey Debra--better late than nEVer!
    I've been watching since the beginning and wouldn't miss an episode--I really LUV period dramas!
    btw--if you pop over to my blog you'll find 2 fUn Downton Abbey quiz links.
    In the 1st, I am the grandmother, the 2nd I am Edith--!?

  55. Hey Debra--better late than nEVer!
    I've been watching since the beginning and wouldn't miss an episode--I really LUV period dramas!
    btw--if you pop over to my blog you'll find 2 fUn Downton Abbey quiz links.
    In the 1st, I am the grandmother, the 2nd I am Edith--!?

  56. Mr. Decor and I are big supporters of Masterpiece Theater so we were watching from day 1. We told all our friends and family members and so on and so forth.

    It truly is a jolly good show!

  57. LOVE, love, love Downton Abbey...and so does my husband! Great characters, storylines, and scenery!

  58. I haven't broken down yet. I know I would love it but I can't handle the suspense of having to wait till next week! I'll wait till it's all over maybe and then watch it all at once - LOL! Or should I convert now??/

  59. From the beginning...bless my Brit friends who clued me this post!

  60. I have never seen any of it.I just didn't think it would appeal to me.... maybe I am way off???? XO, Pinky

  61. OK Your photos are very inticing! I've heard of this but have not gotten hooked yet. I'm trying to fight the feeling but may give in yet.
    Thanks for sharing!
    sandy :)

  62. I have watched from the first episode. My husband does not watch it. You must start from the very beginning to get the entire picture. I find the class system and history there fascinating. I adore these types of shows. Thank you for the photo montage!

  63. I must admit Deborah that I was late (mid season 2) so I purchased it online for viewing. Then I went to CostCo & found Season 1 & 2 for sale so they were mine. This season ends tonight & I can't believe it. It only started in January!!!! REALLY????? I want MORE!

    Did you see the PBS Special about the home where Downtown is filmed? Highclere (not sure of the spelling) Castle. It is run by an Earl & his wife. The show is filmed there & helps pay for the upkeep which is about a million dollars a year! YIKES! Enjoy tonight's viewing & don't worry... my hubby won't watch it either! HUGS!

  64. Like you, I heard the hoopla but just chose to ignore it. Then, all it takes is hearing the umpteenth person raving about something and you have to join in just to see if it's true! Yes... completely got hooked and bought all three seasons on DVD. So glad I did! And you know it's a DVD that needs to be watched over and over again, so no regrets over here!

  65. Oh, Debra I love this!! I paid little attention to all the hoopla also, until just before the beginning of season 3. Then my daughter and I decided we would try to get the dvd's from our library (how we get most of our movie/tv shows since we don't have television) There was a waiting list a mile long! We ended up getting a free trial of Netflix to watch season 1 and then a free trial of Hulu to watch season 2. We watched 2 seasons in just a few days! We now watch season 3 on AFTER it airs on television Sunday night, so we have to avoid any spoilers online during the evening! I too cannot believe the season ends tonight ALREADY! We are currently watching and enjoying another British series called "Lark Rise to Candleford", if anyone needs some "filler" until the new Downton season : )

  66. I have heard about it but knew nothing at all about it. Thanks for the post, I am going to have to check this out.

  67. If you go to you can watch all three season for free..that is what I did. Dianntha

  68. I watched Season 1 on Netflix. Then I watched Season 2 on Amazon in one setting on New Year's Eve. Well worth the time!

  69. I have tried to resist for some time but everyone I know keeps raving so hubby is downloading it for me. Can't wait to start!!! Your blog is gorgeous by the way, I just started following :)

  70. I am fan! Lovely clothes and all...

  71. What a coincidence! I've heard a lot, read a lot, but never actually got down to watching it (am ashamed to admit) but now I am determined to and will bravely start from the beginning!

  72. I love period shows, so I started watching this when I saw it previewed on cable. I am SO upset that I did not discover this in time to catch the first two seasons. I'm glad to hear that I can find it on the internet. I'll have to watch what I can from the beginning. I just finished watching the season ending which I had taped last night. I'm so very sad at the ending. I won't mention it here in case some of you haven't seen it yet!

  73. I am behind too Debra and have season 1 on DVD...I plan on catching up soon! Your post just might make me start today (if I have time)!
    It all looks so beautiful!

  74. Very single show is a must watch. So much happens, you won't want to miss a thing. I started watching at the beginning of season two. Watched one show, fell in love, purchased season 1 and then watched season two. My only complaint. The seasons need to be much, much longer. You just get into it and then it's over!

  75. I was late to the party and then watched all three seasons in a span of months. I can't wait for Season 4. I agree with you. The costumes, furnishings, flowers are all beyond gorgeous.


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