
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

just thinking outloud...

I've realized after 3 and a 1/2 years of blogging, that this little niche on the www has become somewhat of a pictoral  diary of my decorating style. What I loved 10 years ago, I'm not so crazy about any more, or even 5 years ago; how my ideas and concepts have evolved. What started out as a home with lots of extra space has become a little crowded, but filled with things I love and enjoy, and that hopefully reflect who I am.

I love "pretty", but I also love comfort, functionality, and simplicity. I love a good "trend" but you won't find me being a slave to it. I'm a mesh of a lot of decor styles, but "vintage" will always be the fundamental and basic premise of my style. I find myself, with each new season or holiday coming up, going back through my archives of posts to see what I did last year, or the year before. Let's change it up a little, I don't want to get into a rut. Some things are basically the same, but just tweaked a little. Other things are retired and sent the way of the antique mall space, but each loved and enjoyed for the time that it's part of my world.

I guess I'm going over all this to say that sometimes, I just like to have a place to peek back at, and then form a new plan for what's ahead. One of my favorite things to do is to go back through your blog archives and see what you all did last year. We really are an everchanging, growing, and inspirational bunch!

(my new plaid wool throw from Leola's, 
which brings in a little "Christmas Color")

Each season on the sunporch I start with a different quilt. 
Then layer on the pillows.
It's my place to have some fun.

I told you I had a couple more turkeys up my sleeve...

Now that it's cold outside,
 I enjoy the visual warmth of the Fall inspired woolens.
The kitties love their snuggle spots out here.
almost like being outdoors.

I'm pretty sure I enjoy this space more than any other in my home.

A lot of wind and a hard freeze a few nights ago,
took down most of the maple leaves.
Love the golden hue this casts.

In a week it will be time to put away "Fall" and Thanksgiving,
then bring out "Christmas".
Time to turn another page in the book.

I don't want this blog to ever be thought of 
as a place that is "show-offy".

I hope when you come to visit 
it's like coming by for a cup of tea
and a warm muffin...
put up your feet,
and tell me about your day.

Hope you're savoring the moment.
Enjoy life and the small pleasures.
thanks for always being here.
...for being a friend.
Thank you for being part of my life.


oops a p.s. here
If you haven't entered Dee's Give Away


  1. Hi, Debra,
    Nice post. I know what you mean about the "show offy" thing. I want to people to feel the same way when they come to visit my blog. I've never thought of your blog that way, and always enjoy your pictures.

  2. Hey sweet lady. I, too, love going back through old posts of mine and others just to see how things have changed or to get ideas. What fun it is to see how people and homes evolve.

    Love your plaid blankets most of all today. They just speak warmth!

  3. Debra,
    Touching post!
    I mentioned today to "MR.Ed" about the time my friend and I decided we would help with "The Hanging of the Greens" at our church. We began by putting up a swag around the Church doors only to find it taken down a few moments later and replaced by two wreaths. The elder ladies then proceeded to tell us that "These are the wreaths purchased for THOSE doors." Enough said, we smiled, excused ourselves polietly and that was that. I may use the same decorations throughout my home, but rarely in the exact same way year in and year out!!! Now, don't misunderstand...I LOVED my elder Church ladies, but I never offered again to help with "The Hanging of the Greens". I, too, don't want to get in a rut!!!
    Your sun porch is stunning. Such a welcoming and relaxing envirnoment. I'd be like the cat...napping room, only! Ha! Adore your turkeys on the baker's rack! Thanks for reminding us to look back AND ahead!!! Have a blessed week, dear friend!

  4. Hi Debra,
    How beautifully said. I've always loved your blog because it makes me feel like I'm visiting the home of an old friend. You have a wonderful way of displaying vintage and making it all come together to create a warm and welcoming home. I love the idea of starting your winter theme with a pretty blanket. Your seasonal room looks so pretty.
    I'm so glad that you share all these lovely things with us.


  5. Debra I always enjoying seeing and reading your blog .I don't think that you are anyone else is being showy.Just sharing what we all love :-) . I love to decorate I always have. I remember decorating and changing my furniture around in my bedroom when I was a little girl!My style will not be everyone's taste and that is okay.
    My house has changed so much since I started blogging last January!
    LOVE your fall decor! So warm and inviting!

  6. Hi Debra... I loved this heart~to~heart post of yours... I too love to look at some of the ladies older posts to see what they did previous years... I remember all of yours from the beginning, and you know your sun porch is my favorite!... love your new woolen throw... I always feel so welcome at your place... as if I really am sitting there with you, sipping coffee and just chatting away... about squirrels and chipmunks... and turkeys and such...... when I look back at my going on four year old blog, I can't believe how much alot of my things have changed as well... but like you, I will ALWAYS be country~farmhouse~vintage... always have been, always will be... just a little "tweaking" as you say to perk things up... now... pass me a warm muffin, pretty please... much love to you!... xoxo Julie Marie

  7. Debra, I think you have great style. Love the vintage, and your comfortable, slowly evolving style.

  8. I think we all tend to evolve in our taste for decorating. Personally, I think any decorating scheme should start with a kitty as cute as yours! :-)

  9. Debra I love your blog. Your photos always look so inviting when you share your living spaces here.

  10. Lovely post, Debra. Even before I started blogging, I took pictures around the house of my seasonal decorating and used it as the basis for the following year. I tweaked a bit here and there, but for years--especially when the kids were little and our time more constrained--things looked pretty much the same. Now that we're empty nester my husband tells me he can't wait for the next holiday season--just to see what I come up with next.

    I love your style and enjoy seeing how you change things up. Thanks for sharing.

  11. You are not a show off now the cats may be another story...

  12. It's always fun to see how our tastes change and evolve over the years, isn't it? I never knew just how much that I loved things like tarnished vintage silver, mercury glass, and mannequins til I started blogging! Your gray kitty is so sweet, I had a gray cat many years ago that looked just like yours:)

  13. I think everyone that has a sunroom loves that room best! I don't blame them either. I'm sure you are enjoying the remaining Fall color from that room and already making plans for how you're going to decorate for Christmas. Love your new plaid throw too.

  14. Hi Debra! I've never thought of your blog as being show-offy. It's just what you hope it is ... a place to come look at some eye candy and feel warm and comfortable. I love the addition of a plaid throw - especially paired with a floral pillow.

  15. A warm welcome at a lovely home with a friend who thinks like me. That is what coming here feels like. I love all the seasonal changes you make. I especially love your sun porch. One of the coziness places I can think of.

  16. I just love the photo of your kitty snuggled up next to the sheep pillow - the epitome of COZY!


  17. Ohhhh I would love a muffin and a cup of tea. Before I moved, my routine in my old house was to wake up an hour before my children and drink my coffee while l read a few blogs starting with yours. Infact I discovered you blog almost a year ago this month. I have leaned so much from you in this years time. Thank you!

  18. I've been reading your blog for a long time Debra, even when I was still in the primitive style of decorating:) I've never been more welcome than to your blog, keep up the great work that you put into it!

  19. Debra ~ you have said it all....I want my home and my blog to be somewhere you want to visit, have a cup of tea (or coffee) and enjoy. I want my home to reflect the same thing. No show ~ just real down home comfort ~

  20. Debra...I always visit you blog knowing I am going to see something I love and come away feeling good and inspired. Your great sense of style is only matched by your warm and humorous spirit! Never feel you are show-offy. We are all here to share whatever it is that interests us or that we are passionate about. Looking back at our old posts is proof positive that we are learning and growing with and because of each other. Now, gather up those muffins and a pot of tea, I'm on my way!


  21. Hi, I enjoyed reading your post. Have a great day...Connie

  22. Debra, your blog is warm and inviting. I love receiving that email that a new post is up. I am fairly new to your blog--I've only just started to stretch my wings. I'm a shy to decorating style gal who loves to see these photos (all help is needed). Thank you for the inspiration! I always have my favorite coffee when I'm here...take care, Kris

  23. Debra, I can't believe it's only been a little over 3 years that I "met" you. I feel as if I've known you forever, but that's just one of your gifts.
    You open your home and your heart to everyone who "stops" in and I am feeling mighty blessed for it.
    Show-offy? Never! There is a huge difference in taking pride in what one does and in being prideful. You could never be the latter. Your heart...not your just too big for that.
    I also feel honored as well as blessed that I've got to sit in the sunroom surrounded by the warmth of you, your home, and your gracious spirit.
    Beautiful post my friend...just beautiful.

  24. Dear Debra,

    Because of you I am now on the lookout for turkeys. :)

    I never think of your blog as being show offy but as a calming point of inspiration.

    Be blessed dear one.

  25. Debra i love your blog! Your home is so warm,and welcoming.You have all the things you love most around you.That's the way it should be.I would never think of your blog as show offy.I always feel good when i visit your blog.


  26. I always feel welcome in your home:) Loving this time of year and all of the warm colors! The picture with the leaves on your front steps is GORGEOUS! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  27. I have been reading your blog daily for some time now. I love it. I don't think it's show offy at all. I love the fact that you share your love for beautiful old things. I love your kitty cats and want to reach in and squeeze them. I am a cat lover. Your home is gorgeous and your pictures are wonderful. Thanks for sharing with us.

  28. You have done well, your blog is like having a cup of tea and purusing a good magazine. The things you promote and sponsor make it a very useful place to visit often. Thanks, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Peg

  29. Debra I've been following you for several years and I've seen how your taste has evolved. I've always loved your sense of style. I love how you layer so perfectly and tastefully. This room is a perfect example. Well done!

  30. Debra,
    I love your blog and love that sunroom. It is so cozy and inviting that would be my fav place too. You are an inspiration to me since I am so new at blogging and do not think your blog is showy. I got into this whole blog world to show my style and share and get feedback and find others that share the same love of vintage. You are a great inspiration and I love your style. Everything is real and inviting always.

  31. When a season or holiday changes, my first thought is my entry. I feel like if I get it redone, then I'm at least on my way!!

    Love your sunroom and the things you do with it.


  32. Gorgeous.... a wonderful cozy spot. Gotta say though, as much as I love those pillows, nothing makes your as pretty as a kitty! :)

  33. It's always wonderful to visit you here, Debra. I like your porch best of all too. Now, did you say warm muffin. . . ? xx

  34. What a lovely post. Just the fact that you would be voicing your concern about seeming "show-offy" is the reason no one will ever feel that way on your blog Debra. Your warmth shines through, in your style and your words.
    Have a good day girlfriend!
    Leslie (aka Gwen Moss)

  35. Happy Thanksgiving! Your home is a warm and cozy place to visit, and the flowery/fruity pillow fabric on the chair (behind the kitty :^) has resided in my living room all summer!! It really is a pretty fabric!
    On to the reds and plaids!!

  36. Just love that bright and cheery shelf and collection ...its picture drew me right in

    And that Plaid throw ? Now that is just winter comfort, period. :)

  37. Love Olive's comment about your cats! ;-) we love them too.

  38. I think what you're experiencing is called "personal growth". It never stops hopefully.
    When you get older you can look back at what you did and think hmmm, how I've changed. Keep it up. It is one of the pleasures of growing up but I don't think we ever stop doing that either.
    I've always enjoyed your blog since I discovered it and expect to keep enjoying it.

  39. Glad to know I"m not the only one who changes my decorating style. I bougt a house full of things about 6 years ago, and now my look is all different. You know bought some Laura Ashley decorating books 20 years ago, thinking (ha, ha) that that look was so classic and would never go out of style. Well Laura Ashley things are still in style, but looking back at that book, it really looks dated to me. We have to keep adjusting things or our houses at some point will have that granny look (the look that nothing has been touched in 40 years.) Your home is beautiful and it benefits from your constant attention and tweaking. Blessings my friend.

  40. What a great post Debra!
    My taste has changed many, many times over the years as well. Change is good! I love to be able to peek in your home to see what you are up to, it is like visiting a friend!
    Oh, and inspired by you, I bought my first plaid blanket for the holiday season!!!

  41. My decorating styled has changed over time, too. I love your sunporch and how you've decorated it, Debra. Those turkeys on the baker's rack are gorgeous! It is fun to have a blog--it very much is like a pictorial diary of where we've been and what we are now--a real before and after!


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