
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Through the French Door" and Give Away Winners...

I've been looking forward to the release of Carolyn Westbrook's new book, Through the French Door, since I heard she was working on it. If you have one of Carolyn's other beautiful books, then you know what I mean. Her first book, Carolyn Westbrook Home has been a "go-to" source of inspiration for me since I found it, and her second book The French Inspired Home, ignited a real love for French influences to be incorporated into my own home decor.

Here are a few photos from her latest book that was just released last week from CICO Publishers. So you lucky gals that have won this book from my Anniversary Give Away earlier this summer, I'll be getting it in the mail to you later this week.

If you'd like to purchase any of Carolyn's wonderful design books, I have a direct link to Amazon on my sidebar. If you're like me and love a French inspired decor you'll want to have your own copy to enjoy.

And now for the winners of my 
Vintage Inspiration 2 Year Give Away
the winners are Cindy from Beaux R'eves,
 Congratulations gals, just email me your mailing addresses!

Thank you, 
to all you great people that come by each week to join the party,
love you bunches!


  1. Debra,
    Oh, my! This photo of the pumpkin and the concrete urn is gorgeous! I just finished making a centerpiece for the dining room table using your photo from an Open House for inspiration with my concrete urn and pumpkin tureen...then I open your post and see nearly the same!!! Reinforcement that I needed that decor look On Crooked Creek, dear friend! You always send me away lighthearted and filled with inspiring ideas using what I already have available to freshen my own home decor! You're amazing!!!

  2. Love her books! In fact, I just posted about mine yesterday, lol. I was soo happy when it arrived in the mail, earlier than expected! Congrats to the winners, they will love it~

  3. Fabulous photos and inspiration Debra. Love the pheasant with attitude standing on the table.

  4. Congratulations to your winners, lucky ladies!... I am going to order myself one, it looks beautiful!... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. PS You made it too easy... I just went to Amazon from your link and ordered both!... can't wait to get them... xoxo Julie Marie

  6. Congrats to the winners! I just go my copy of Through The French Door yesterday, Debra. Can't wait to sit and look through it. I also have The French Inspired Home. Such great pictures; I'm really looking forward to this new one.

  7. Looks like a very lovely and inspiring book.

  8. Luvly pictures... looks like a wonderful book.
    Cheers, Gee

  9. I stalk Carolyn... I'm not sure if she knows it. oh heck, she does... I'm not a very good stalker really...

    :) I'm off to buy her new book now... thank you for linking it!

    That way maybe I will be inspired and might... maybe... clean my house. HA!

  10. Congratulations to Cindy and Laura! What a lovely giveaway!
    It was so nice of you Debra for hosting this exciting time!
    Blessings to you!

  11. Looks like a gorgeous book. Love the outdoor table. Beautiful.

  12. Gorgeous photos! I think I want to do my bedroom in this lovely shabby French style!

  13. oh my... beautiful! Congrats to the winners, I need to search out more of her inspiration. t.xooxoxoxo

  14. I'm looking forward to that new book coming out! Those images have really piqued my interest.

  15. Yay! I'm so lucky to have won! I am dying to have that book!!! Thanks so much Debra!

  16. I'm drawn to the pink dresser myself. It's so unusual... I'm a big fan of pink, but that one is calling my name.

  17. congrats to Cindy. looks like a must own book, Debra! inspiring photos you selected! thanks again for the feature...

  18. Congratulations to the winners! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  19. Congrats to the lucky winners! Looks like a wonderful gift! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  20. That pumpkin picture is breathtaking! I'm sure the winners will enjoy their book!

  21. Oh my goodness, look at those gorgeous images... Those are some lucky winners!


  22. Carolyn Westbrook's books are amazing...congrats to the winners...I am sure they are thrilled!!!

  23. Another beautiful book to add to my wish list!
    Congrats to the winners!


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