
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Personal Thank You

I just want to take a minute and thank you for helping make
Design Challenge a success.

I started blogging because I wanted to connect with people,
share ideas and inspiration, and feel like I was part of a "community".
If I ever thought it was "all about me" that concept faded fast.

The reason behind Design Challenge
was born out of the idea of helping others.
I knew that there's some amazing talent out here in blogland,
and that we could all share our ideas and expertise,
(or lack thereof)
with our community of blogging friends.

Sometimes we need a fresh approach,
a helping hand,
and a new direction.

Sometimes we need encouragement
and the knowledge that others are willing to walk that extra mile with us.
As I said yesterday to a friend,

"I think a friend along the road to the destination,
makes it a much more enjoyable journey."

So thank you for taking the time to be a part of this,
it's not for me, but for the one that's been brave enough to open up
and say Hey, I need a little help.
Thanks for your wonderful comments,
even if it's just an "atta girl"!

And I want to ask for special prayers
for my dear friend, Anne,
Her mom has undergone surgery
and is in a very serious, fragile state.
Please remember them.

much love,


  1. Thank you for being part of my community! You are awesome! Prayers going up for Anne's mom.

  2. Debra, Design Challenge was such a great idea and you are so right, it is wonderful to see our "problem rooms" from another persons eyes. There really is so much fabulous talent in Blogland and everyone is truly generous with helping. I am so honored to be a part of the process. It's also fun to see the changes people make. I love reading all the comments, there is always so much that I never thought of and it helps me to see my own rooms with fresh eyes. Also, I LOVE,LOVE, LOVE your new header. I am crazy about orange, and this is stunning. I will definitely keep your friend and all of her family in prayer for a special Blessing from the Lord. Hugs, Marty

  3. I think what you are doing is very kind and generous Debra. I only wish I could be of more help. I am not great at this sort of thing. Color is more my strong suite...the rest, I am clueless LOL!~ Love your new header too, pretty orange. Prayers to your friend!~

  4. Nice new header, Debra!

    I think you have a great idea here and I think we should be thanking you for coming up with it and following through. I'm sure we all hope that even if someone just takes one idea from all the suggestions it gives them the confidence to transform their home into what they want it to be.

  5. I've not commented on a Design Challenge yet because I am usually so late to see the post that everyone has voiced all my ideas! I'll try to catch the next post earlier...and the new header is totally awesome!

  6. I LOVE your header...what a way to reel folks in!!! I'm so glad I stumbled onto your blog. It helps me rethink my what I want my retirement home to look like! Thank you for all you do here.

  7. Hi Debra, I featured your new fun Design Challenge party today.

  8. Debra,
    Paryers for your friend are coming her way!
    I've enjoyed visiting your new meme, but haven't participated due to time constraints. Your new header is stunning! Thank you for inspiring all of us and the knowledge that help is available when needed is such a blessing!

  9. Your blog looks great & I love reading all the comments (decorating tips). Isn't it amazing that you're helping someone in Canada decorate her house. Feel so sad for Anne & she and her Mom are definitely in my prayers. Hope you're taking good care of yourself. See you next week. Jan

  10. I like the design challenge and wanted to say that I never read anyones ideas until I add my own ideas...then I go back and read what others to those who don't leave a comment because it has been stated by others, go ahead and leave a comment, because it will just endorse that idea to the lady who needs advice!

  11. Love the new header, praying for Anne's mom.

  12. I too am praying for Anne and her Mother, and family, she is going through a very hard time.
    Your blog is always a joy.


  13. I really like the new header too...rethinking my new red front door after seeing that orange one! stunning.

  14. Thank you so much Debra for getting this together. I was the latest design challenge and i truly appreciate and value everyone's comments and suggestions. I really feel Debra that i have found a new friend in you. Everyone had such fabulous idea. Now i have to find the courage to execute it. Thanks again Debra and to everyone who participated in my design challenge.


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends