
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm clueless! Can you help?

I have a problem, not earthshaking or anything, but I've noticed in this last week or so, many of the thumbnails on our blog lists have disappeared. Not all of them, but a LOT!
I have plenty of unused space at Picasa, so I don't think that's it. I posted a question on "blogger help" (yeah right!), and some French blogger left me an answer, but even after I translated it, it's still gibberish. Sooooooo.....
anyone else out there have any ideas? I'm pretty frustrated, cause hey, I'm a visual kind of gal!
Thanks guys!
love ya,
Roseanne aka Debra


  1. I've noticed this too.....I wish I had an answer for you!

  2. Hi Debra...I have notice that also....I am like you I like to see what is going on with everyone else...I have either reloaded my blog or just the widget that is doing it and it helps sometimes...but it must be a blogger glitch form what I figured....sorry I don't have a better answer for ya...just want to let you know you wasn't alone...
    Have a Blessed day

  3. I'm another Roseanna Dana AND "If I answer you it would be like the BLIND leading the BLIND"...I'll listen to all who answer you though!
    Hope you get it fixed...It MAY just be a glitch that will iron itself out!
    Hugs to you,

  4. I had a similer problem last week...I lost the header title of my blog and no matter what I did I could not get it back. Then all of a! It's back! I don't know? I still don't know! Maybe wait a couple days. 8>)

  5. I had noticed that too and wondered what was going on so I went in and changed my settings to no icons so the look is uniform. I wish they would fix it.

  6. From what I can tell it's a blogger glitch right now. I looked on the help board today and other people had posted questions about it. No one had helped them yet though - not surprising on that board. I find it strange that some thumbnails are affected, but not all.

  7. I've noticed today some are popping up again.. not a clue?

  8. Yours is missing on mine and Karla Nathan's is missing on mine but she has typepad I think???

  9. Do wish I could help, Blogger has been giving me fits lately. Thought it was just me, guess not.....:(

  10. I noticed that also. Most of mine came back. But some of my gadgets no longer worked...I just took them isn't just you....

  11. I have researched this for days, but not a clue can be found. Was beginning to think maybe I was to only person who hadn't received the message.

    1. Yep looks like it's time to raid the bank account.

    2. Yep looks like it's time to raid the bank account.

  12. I've noticed this too, and don't know the answer. I thought it was just me ;-)

  13. ...yep ~ me too!!
    Whatz up blogger???

  14. Oh, yes! I was wondering if it was just my blog? Do I have too many things going on...on my sidebar? I've missed some great posts because I'm used to seeing the pictures. Hmmm... Something on Blogger's end. Love Rosanna Dana! The skit where she complains about everything, kills me.
    :) Michelle

  15. I have noticed some strange things going on also, but afraid to say anything since the service is free.

  16. Man, am I relieved someone else is having problems. Im sorry it has to be any of us, but its driving me crazy as well. Especially 'cause Im not too adept at this. I tried to make a quick design change yesterday and everything(and I mean everything) went up in a poof of smoke. I was terrified and needed immediate help just to get the basics back. Im not touching anything else till things calm down. Good luck Debra - if I hear of anything, I'll let you know.

  17. Nice to know I'm not the only one without a clue. But I haven't noticed anything on my end. Hopefully soon we'll hear Roseanne Roseannadanna say "never mind"!

  18. I noticed it too starting over the weekend. I thought I did something wrong to my photo at first but couldn't find anything wrong with it. Then the next post I did still - no thumbnail and then I noticed that other's thumbnails weren't showing up. I like to see the thumbnails because that instantly tells me I haven't read that post. I want them back!!! It seemed some peoples are working and some are not and I can't figure out a pattern to it. I did a blogger search and could find out nothing.

    It must be a blogger glitch. I hope someone is working on it.

  19. Deb, I would love to be able to help you. I can't even help myself. I always think the problem is mine, what did I do? My son owns a computer store. He told me, Mom you have problems I have never heard of before... go figure. Hugs, sandi

  20. Yes... having the same problem. It started about two weeks ago. Ugh!
    Ladybug Creek

  21. Yup. Same here. Just a few have disappeared. I thought it was something that the bloggers themselves decided to take off or something....


  22. I thought if you didn't create the post in say blogger then it doesn't pick up the picture in the
    blog roll. Thought I read this somewhere but I am a newbie.

  23. I know for its because I use live writer and unless I change the first pic on blogger it doesn't show up. I thought wow there must be a lot more bloggers using live writer....guess I was wrong. I was lazy on the last post and didn't bother changing it.


  24. I thought I might have a solution but...Never Mind!

  25. Me too. Some days they are there and some days, no! It is annoying, huh?
    Love Rosanna-Rosanna Dana!

  26. Well it seems from reading some of your commenter's comments that we are not the only one and I would have to guess blogger is making upgrades, which is not always to our advantage. I like to have the thumnails for update reference. I hope it all works out.

  27. Well, mine started a few days ago! I posted a question on the blogger help too but no help yet! What I found was that the html code was "http" as it started out and now it is "https" which has added the "S" secure! I haven't changed the way I have done a single thing, so it has to be them:) Hopefully they will get it fixed and SOON! Have a blessed day dear Debra, HUGS!

  28. Hi dear,--yes me ,too

    I hope with all the people writing them-there will soon be an answer....I love to have the little icons, too.
    Have a wonderfull wek-end, dear Debra.

  29. Yes I have had being that....I haven't been blogging long so I'm not sure of the answer. One thing I do know Debra is that I love your new header. come over a see my egg tree. have a great day.


  30. Not only do I have the same problems as you, but I have been having trouble loading pictures to my blog post. And the other night I tried to join Faded Charm for WW and it never would load a picture, keep saying the picture was to big, but it's the same way I've done it all the time. So, it must be something to do the picasa?

  31. I agree It's always Something

    I had problems with down loading my pictures, blogger would not let me then after 2 days I could???

    I don't like that we are the mercy of the wild blue beyond with blogger

  32. I did another search last night and found one person that said they thought it was caused by using a template no longer offered by Blogger. I have to say I'm thinking this might be it. I set my blog up over a year ago and recently someone asked me what template I used. I couldn't remember exactly so I went to find it. I think it was minimal stretch. But there as nothing listed like that in their templates any more. I wrote her back and said...I don't see it listed any more....I had to modify it any way. I did notice that one of their new templates is similar to how I had modified I'm wondering if they discontinued support for older blogger templates and that is what is causing the issue. I now a lot of people whose thumbnails have disappeared have been around awhile. It would be interesting to know if new bloggers using new templates are experiencing the same.

    I don't want to go messing around with my layout unless I absolutely HAVE to. I too many other things that need to be done to spend time on that right now.

    Anyway...if anyone reads this and has a new blog with a new template and is experiencing the same problem please leave a comment letting us know.

  33. I'm not computer savy so I thought it was just me, if blogger had a neck my hands would be around it, that's how fustrating it is. I use Live Writer and just learned how to add a picture to the top of my post and publish it from blogger now I notice it doesn't work...what's up? Their help section is a joke!!! Maybe Nita, from the comment above is right and it's the template issue, I'll have to check into it, maybe that's what is wrong with the size of my picture in the header!
    Thanks for posting this now I know it's not me.LOL

  34. Ok, did a little more sleuthing and I don't think it has to do with using and old template after all. I viewed the source on many blogspot blogs and there seemed to be no correlation. I am using Minima stretch left which was created in 2006 according the the blogger info. But many that are using just regular Minima are having the same problem but that template dates from 2004. Then there are those that are using Minima whose thumbnails are not showing up either. So I'm guessing that using an old template is not the problem.

    I tried to send Blogger an email but couldn't figure out where to send it.

  35. Debra, a lot of mine have gone as well, a few blogger's photos still show on my blog love. Also in the dashboard they come and go. It would have to do with Google Blogger I think. It's possible they're updating features and will sort it?

  36. I noticed this about two weeks ago on my blog. I went to the help forum and couldn't find any answer. I like having the thumbnail pictures, so would hate to have to change my settings. We'll see.
    I'm hoping to hear "never mind" very soon.

  37. Interesting! I know one of linky's did major updates, perhaps they all did? And I was interested to see many blogger sites are having issues. I have both a blogger and a and I've noticed pictures disappearing from THAT one - so maybe it's an overall issue with the internet? Glad to be in good company. :) Happy March and St Patricks Day :)

  38. Happy Birthday, lady!!!! I left you a message on FB but doesn't look like you ck. in very often. Hope you have a spectacular day! Jan

  39. Well my goodness, I thought it was just me but I guess not! It seems also like the first ones have no thumbnail pic then as I go down they start having pics...weird! Hopefully the fix it soon.

  40. I asked the very same question and have come to the conclusion its a Blogger glitch that will resolve itself without us doing anything... eventually. Mine went away for several days on my Blog Posts and only a few have come back on just a smattering of my recent Posts. Other fav Blogs I follow seem to be having the same problem... I'm used to no thumbnails for typepad users, but Blogger is usually pretty good at always having them and it is something I got used to in previewing which posts I wanted to read... I'm very visual. *winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  41. At last someone is talking about this glitch!! My last three posts are running with my signature as the thumbnail instead of the first image. I have noticed others who have signatures only too!! And then others still who have no thumbnail at all. I noticed one blogger went from having the signature as her thumbnail, next post it went to an image, and then her following post went back to her signature. How annoying. I know I am missing out on my readers viewing my posts and vice versa as I rely on the thumbnails. I also know that wordpress blogs never show a thumbnail. How the heck does anyone get through to blogger for these techno screw ups anyway?? Thanks to Courtney from French Country Cottage on sending me over to read this post after I finally complained in the post I did today.


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