
Friday, February 18, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday #25: Where to find it

                                                            ... Inspiration, that is.

Nothing like a day at an Antique Show (Antique Festival of the Ozarks' first show) for some great shopping or to give you some fun ideas for displays! I'm always ready for a trip to a great store, Open House, or show, to get those creative juices flowing. And I guess they were, because I left the show Saturday and went directly to find another booth space! Who knew...?? I like to "shake things up" every once in a while, and I was definitely in the mood to do some shakin'! Not to mention just trying to clean out the garage. My house has become another storage unit, and it's time to take it back from "Hoarders".

These next few photos are from

Brian was here, but Meloney was in Houston at the Urban Market.

These are a few of Brian's great zinc top tables.

I forgot to ask what this was, but it was really cool.

And here's Sheila's space.
 She has the most wonderful old Victorian house in Billings, Missouri,
 that she and some very talented people host
once monthly sales.

(I'm seriously in love with this cabinet)

She's hiding here.
so cute, sweet, and talented!

And for some more inspiration from last week's party...

I've said this a bunch of times,
 but Theresa Cano has been my main inspiration since day 1 of blogging.
She's generous, kind, beautiful, creative and talented!
She was my first blog crush, and she added me to her blog roll.
Her slideshows are where I head with my first cup of coffee.
LOVE, love, love her!!
Thank You, Sweet T!

Vintage Valentines

Button Heart

New sofa love

(I'm a quilt lover and Brenda has some amazing ones)

Hope you'll join in for
 Vintage Inspiration Friday
anything vintage or vintage inspired!

Hopefully, I'll have photos of my new space next time.
I'm moving in this weekend!


  1. Oh, Debra, there is nothing like a wonderful antique show! Love this! I could shop for hours. My family always went every year to the Louisville Flea Market around New Years. When we got out of the car at like 6:45 AM (drove over 2 hrs to get there) we ran to the gate! Yes, I grew up in a crazy antiquing family. It was great! Beautiful things indeed.

  2. I am in love with that brown and white pitcher in your header! The bird in the nest is awesome!

  3. Hi Debra, I'm in love with the pic with the photo in the buggy, what a great display, This is a great post and i love all the pic's but that one just grabbed me! Hugs and Blessings, Marilou

  4. Oh my goodness!! It would not have done for me to had been there! Back up the truck honey! Wow! No wonder you are so inspired! That was a lot of excellent inspiration! Love it! Can't wait to see your space... ;)) Thanks so much for sharing with us and also for hosting this great party! Have a wonderful weekend!


  5. Super interesting displays and something in each space to lure in the shoppers! Looks like a great show, thanks for the tour.


  6. Oh my, I see some things I would have had time leaving without. Namely that red and white quilt and those vintage watering cans! Thanks for hosting this!

  7. Wow, does this look like fun! Love the zinc top table!

  8. Debra, what a great place. I see lots of good things. I have been twice this week to antique/flea markets this week. We are having such great weather I must take advantage of it. Thanks for hosting.

  9. Can I shop with you? I'd be in this place for hours and have to rent a truck to haul it all home. Looking forward to seeing your new space.

  10. Great photos Debra, I wish I could be shopping with you. I love the red and white quilts and that wire plant stand is just my favorite. I wish we had more shops like that around here.

  11. Debra,

    There's some great treasures there! I'm in love with any and all of the cabinets with drawers and cubbies. They would be great to show my jewlelry!

  12. Well Debra, I feel so giddy seeing my name mentioned in this post, you are just absolutely the sweetest!! I'll be linking up with you shortly. Thanks again my friend and happy early weekend to you!

  13. Hi Debra!
    We junkers just can't help ourselves, can we! One space is never enough, gotta have more!
    We are addicted to work!

    I can't wait to see it all set up. I love all the beautiful photos that you have shared with us. Great stuff.


  14. Hi Debra,
    Those photos are definitely full of you vintage inspired treasures!! My heart always skips a beat when I walk into places filled to the brim with yummy vintage goods.My house is filling up too, it could double as an architectural salvage shop! :)
    Thanks for all of your lovely comments on my blog Debra, I so appreciate it!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Thanks for hosting!! Can't wait to see the pictures of the new space all set up and pretty!

  16. OMG, Debra, It's a GOOD THING I'm not at that Antique Show. I see WAY TOO MANY things I would take home! I would REALLY need a bigger truck!
    Hugs to you Sweetie,

  17. I've got a pickup truck and the "want" for all this stuff...just don't gotta the money!! :))
    Thanks for hosting this fun meme.

  18. How fun, Debra! I'm shopping the photos! lol Too bad it's all too far away for me! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  19. Yes, Theresa Cano is a very talented artist! Thanks for the tour of the show, great stuff.



  20. What I would give to have places like these to shop!!! Fantastic items and inspiration, Debra. :-) Thanks so much for hosting.
    ~ Sue

  21. Great pics, Debra!!!
    I can't wait to see your new booth space, you overachiever, you! ;-)


  22. So much inspiration Debra!! I stopped by one of my favorite consignment shops this past week and purchased a really sweet miniature chair. I brought it back to work with me and one of my co-workers asked me if I have a hoarding problem. Should I be worried??? Thanks for the opportunity to join your fun party!

    Susan and Bentley

  23. Debra,

    Wish I lived closer so I could visit your beautiful booth! Nothing like an antique show (or wonderful photographs of vignettes taken at one) to inspire.

    Your Friend,

  24. My goodness! So much inspiration over here! Good luck with your expanding enterprise, Debra!

  25. Thanks for hosting the party. It's great to be able to connect with so many creative people. I am new at blogging and this is my first visit with you. Your blog is full of inspiration, so I'm now your latest follower. Looking forward to next week!

  26. Lots of eye candy. I have seen that picture of the baby with it's stuffed toy (first picture) before - can't remember where. It always looked so sweet.
    Thanks for hosting again this week. You are appreciated.

  27. Wow...great photos of gorgeous stuff! Good luck with your new booth space. I look forward to seeing pics. I'd love to know where it is too so I can find you when I travel down your way.
    Thanks for featuring my vintage valentines. I had a lot of fun getting them out again this year and staging them for photos.
    Have a great weekend.

  28. What a lot of wonderful eye candy! Just gorgeous! Thanks for hosting!

  29. Iam always blown away by all of your inspiration!! Rhonda

  30. Man, you're killing me with the goodies, particularly that white cupboard!


  31. Dear Debra-
    I wish you much good luck, with mooving in-- and waits for beautifull photoes, :)
    In this post I can dvelwe for houers, -so many wonderfull things,to see- what an experience to visit, such a place.
    Big hug-Dorthe

  32. gorgeous photos and things!
    love it!
    glad i was not there otherwise my credit card...
    would have burned!!!!! can you imagine my husband's face!!:(
    have a great day!

  33. What a great antique show!!! Wish I was there. I'm going to a big show here in Columbus tomorrow, but it's nowhere near as nice as yours. Looks like there are lots of great items and ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  34. What a great show! There were so many nice things to be found, but those zinc top tables - Love at first sight. Thanks for sharing and for hosting this link up. It's neat seeing what everyone else is finding out there.

  35. Debra,
    I loved browsing thru the market. Lots of goodies to look at and long for.
    Thanks for sharing and thanks for hosting.
    Have a sunshine day.

  36. OMG, so much gorgeous eye candy... I just love the baby buggy in the first picture, it's so sweet! Thanks for the tour, and thanks so much for hosting!!!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  37. I'm seriously in love with that cabinet, too! And those zinc table tops are beautiful! Thanks for hosting. Happy to be able to link up this week!


  38. ...adore the little white barn with the lattice windows!!

    xo, Rosemary

  39. Thanks so much Debra for sharing these lovely spaces in your neck of the woods. I wish I could be there to see them in person. They are all very inspirational indeed, especially for someone like me who just started with my own space recently. I need inspiration and words of wisdom. Happy weekend!

  40. I am going to the next show down there. I will keep watching for the show dates.

    I love that button heart pillow I just love the white buttons

    you always have such great pictures also.


  41. Oh wow... I would be like a kid in a candy store at that place!! There's so much to pick through there... and I'm in love with that cabinet, too... beautiful! Thanks for sharing this wonderful "vintage inspiration" with us, Debra!!

    p.s. Did you totally redo you blog or just the header picture??? It looks beautiful! :)

  42. Looks like a great show with tons of inspiration! I love anything with little drawers and cubbies, and love that cabinet you're in love with too!! I am also seriously coveting that gorgeous transferware pitcher in your header ~ be still my heart!! Hugs, Julie

  43. Oh, my gosh....these pictures of antiques make my heart go pitter patter!
    Those are my kind of places!

    Thanks for hosting. I linked up my Friday finds.

  44. Wow and wow!!!
    Great photos!

    And great party today! Lots of good stuff!!!!

  45. Thanks for being so faithful with VIF...believe me , I know the committment it takes. I'd like to participate every Friday, but time does not always allow.

    Hope all is well and enjoy your weekend.


  46. You are too funny... I for one am loving your Hoard! *winks* Hey, I wonder when they are gonna profile Beautiful Hoarders like us on that series anyway... I'm growing weary of the garbage/critter/spoiled food Hoarders, they NEED some beauty in the Hoarding profiling!!! *LOL*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  47. Best wishes on your new space...I can't wait to see what you come up with! I laugh whenever people mention their full basements, garages and sheds...maybe someone should host a party for that...hahaha...I have a feeling there are many of us in the same(overflowing)boat. I know I need to do some major purging. It's nice to know I'm not alone :)
    Take care, Laurel

  48. oh, I see so many things that I would have taken home!

  49. Sensational post, Debra! I just linked up and now I'm going to grab a cup of tea and study each one of your photos. I'm your newest follower and I love participating in this fun party.

  50. Be still my heart! I so would have rolled that baby buggy display right out of the store and I adore that little red barn with cardboard animal set, I would so love to luck on to something like that to decorate our farmhouse. Looks like you had a delicious day! Have a great weekend!

  51. Hi Debra, Love all those vintage vignettes!
    Happy weekend!
    Love your Fridays! Thanks for hosting.
    ~ Julie

  52. Oh my heart is beating faster! I adore all of the treasures.

    If you are a dog lover please visit my Metis Linens blog as Andrea and I are having a dog themed giveaway.

  53. I love a good antique show! Looks like this one had some great treasures, too. So glad I stumbled upon your blog! I'm following!


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