
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 23 Valentine Sunroom

Guess what time it is.....?
Yep, you guessed it.
Time for a Valentine Porch Post!

Honestly, if it hadn't been for Jill, Miss Gypsy Brocante
I'd still be looking at red and green plaid and a few leftover Christmas goodies.

She enticed me to romance my sunroom for Valentine's Day,
when she asked me to be her first featured porch on her new

So I turned on the little heater
grabbed some pink, red, and romantic
and set to work.

If you haven't visited Jill's new get together on Mondays
be sure and drop by.
We'll all be sitting out there having our morning coffee.
(Gosh, don't you wish we really could?)

Can we collectively have a sigh for Spring to arrive?

Thanks Jill, for the motivation,
 I feel a little like the proverbial groundhog out here;
climbing out of my warm nest to check and see if there is a shadow!

Thanks for dropping by the porch,
next month I'm hoping for a hint of Spring.

I love this next part of VIF,
sharing a few inspiring posts from last week.

I do this sort of randomly,
so your time is coming!!

Hearts and Ribbons

Vintage Baby Clothes

Sit Here

My Favorite Pop of Color

Be sure and grab the button for next week's
Vintage Valentine Party
...anything vintage romance!

And here's a "Featured On VIF" button for your sidebar.

Today, I'm linking up with my pal Courtney over at

and Cindy at My Romantic Home

I'd love it if you'd grab my VIF button on the sidebar
and link up within your post.

Then visit a few others to say "Hi"!
Hope you'll join in by linking up anything
Vintage Inspired!

love you all,


  1. It looks great, Debra! I love that heart wreath and the touches of red you've sprinkled throughout!

  2. I've said it before - I'm gonna say it again. If, at some point, you walk out on to your porch and find me there - just grin and know it's 'cause I couldn't stay away one minute longer. I LOVE it when you show your sun porch!!! LOVE it!

    And I love Jill too. LOL

    Now - I'm off to look at your featured blogs - and I will be back to drool over all who link up!

    Have a beautiful week-end!!! Stay warm! ;-D


  3. ...hi Debra!
    Love your valentine porch:)
    Do you also serve "passion" tea by tazo on your porch? (well, it IS pink tea, and it does evoke a bit'o'passion!!) ~lol!!

    xo, Rosemary

  4. Oh Debra,
    I wish I had a gorgeous porch like yours, always wanted one. Your's is so beautifully decorated, warm and inviting EVERY season,
    always inspired...


  5. I absolutely adore your Valentine Porch. You make THE most beautiful displays in Blogland.

  6. Hello! This is the first time I've actually joined your party! I added your button to my Blog Parties tab.

    Thanks for hosting!


  7. Your porch is gorgeous. Even my sixteen year old daughter sitting here with me commented the same thing. She loves the pops of red!

    Thank you for the sweet feature. I truly appreciate it. My carpenter's box is really one of my favorite all time pieces. I love thinking about Jesus being a carpenter and I have a carpenter's box. Thanks again...

  8. OMIGOSH Debra! I'm green with envy here looking at your red HOT valentine porch. It's the most gorgeous porch I've ever seen. Every single item you have there is perfection. Thanks for giving us such eye candy!

  9. Hi Debra,
    one of these days will have a cup of tea on your porch. Love the reds. Have a wonderful weekend Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  10. Your porch truly does express romance. Love it, love it, love it. You captured my attention with all the red, which happens to be one of my favorite colors. The wreath is amazing by the way.


  11. Your porch is just dreamy! All of my favorite things, I think I'll have to look at this again and again. Thank you for hosting us, Debra!!
    Cheers, Andrea

  12. Wow Debre,
    Your porch is absolutely gorgeous! I love red and white. If you see a slightly disheveled and frostbitten middle aged blonde woman with her face pressed against the window, don't call the police. It's only me trying to get a closer look! Thanks for the refreshing photos. If I can get around to posting something I will link up to your party tomorrow.

  13. Beautiful porch! It is sleeting here, cold, cold, cold...I can't wait for Spring!

  14. Happy Chinese New Year Debra! I love your romantic red porch, it looks so inviting! And your sweet vintage valentines look so pretty ~ especially love the candy box!

  15. Love your porch! The heart wreath is so pretty!
    I should have had a post ready for VIF, but I am really slow these days. I need sunshine and 80 deg. temps to get me going again - this cold has got old. More frozen stuff predicted for tomorrow evening and Mon. night. :(
    Again - Love your porch.

  16. I'm glad you took that last wide shot. It looks fabulous! So glad you got the inspiration.

  17. Girl, you are hardcore!
    Decorating and designing up a storm in the midst of a blizzard! ;-)

    Looks purty!

  18. A-d-o-r-a-b-l-e!! It is so fresh and romantic -

    I love the nest and bird in the birdcage.


  19. Your porch looks so good. Mine is covered (& I mean pillows & everything) with snow that blew in during the blizzard. I also have wood & wood debris in case my utilities went off. Not a pretty porch! I love your pictures with your new camera -- there's really a difference. Thanks for checking out my giveaway. Finally....I have 101 followers. I'll put your name in the drawing. Stay warm! Jan

  20. Hi Debra-

    Your Valentine porch looks amazing, and I love the red heart wreathe. It looks wonderful.

    I have been thinking about you and wondering if you are trapped under layers of snow.

    Thank you so much for the feature Debra.
    I was so surprised, which made it so special.

    Stay warm and stay in your pajamas!

    White Spray Paint

  21. Love it Debra!!! Your porch is absolutely gorgeous!! SOOO inviting and pretty! Thanks for hosting! :)

  22. Hi Debra! Your porch is just as sweet and romantic as can be!! Oooh la la I can just feel the love. Thanks for a wonderful post and a great party too. Now I am going back to look at that darling sun room again.

    Susan and Bentley

  23. Oh Debra, I just love your sun porch with all the splashes of red.... I especially love your sweet little bunny with the valentine scarf around his neck, and your wreath is just beautiful! What a inviting sun porch, Thanks for sharing yours, I've always loved sun porches, but don't have one of my own, maybe I can talk the husband into building on one day, until then thanks for letting me enjoy yours!!!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  24. Hi Debra,
    It's so pretty here and in your sun room. I want to sit a spell and have a cup of tea. Your room is perfect and says cozy all over!

  25. PS
    I would join in on the porch on Mondays, but never have it together on that day. Perhaps a reason to plan ahead and post ahead. I'm giving it some thought, thanks for letting us know!

  26. Debra,
    I always love seeing your beautiful sun porch.
    It looks especially pretty all decked out for Valentine's Day.


  27. Hello Debra,
    Your porch looks delightful and I wish I could join you there for tea. Makes me wish I had a porch, then wish I had weather to enjoy it in.
    Brrrr...thanks for helping us dream of spring & for hosting VIF.
    - Susan

  28. Ahhhhh.....what a pretty breath of spring, Debra! I just adore your sweet porch! You pulled it together beautifully with all the right touches. :) Happy FNF!

    xoxo laurie

  29. Hi, Debra. Your porch looks gorgeous year round. I love the posts you do showing the transformations. Thanks for hosting. Take care!

  30. Debra, I'd LOVE to sit on that porch with a cup of coffee and chat! It is so welcoming, I LOVE it!

  31. Charming, Cozy and Sweet! I am loving your sun porch, Debra! What an inviting place to visit with friends! I love how you mix patterns and fabrics and they just all work so well! The bunny is especially sweet...I am partial to bunnies!
    Best Wishes and Blessings!

  32. I have been LOVING seeing your sweet porch this week. Wouldn't it be lovely to all gather for coffee or tea and chat?

  33. Hi Debra,
    What a beautiful display of Valentine love, I am not a real big fan of red yet I find myself attracted to so many things in red these days. Your French grain sack pillow with the touch of read on it is the best and would love to find one for myself.

    The Valentines are the best!!
    Lots of hearts your way.

  34. Hi Debra, I luv all yo it all of your vignettes with the red&white! It look's great and the quilt is one of my favorites. Thank You for hosting today. Have a great weekend.....Julian

  35. I could set there all day, reading!!! What a grand, romantic setting you've created.

    My show n tell link: My latest art sketch

    Hope you can find time to stop by. Have a wonderful weekend.

  36. Hi Debra ~ you did a wonderful job! Jill picked the perfect porch to showcase!

    Thank you for hosting today and are there any chocolates left in the box?!!

  37. You inspire me to get with it and decorate for Valentine's day! Your porch is so beautiful and I would love to sit there with you:) Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!

  38. Oh, your sunroom looks just gorgeous! I love how you've pulled together and bright and Valentiney look without going over the top themed. Just your small hints of Valentines are perfect mixed with your everyday decor. LOVE it!

  39. Hi Debra, your porch is so beautiful!... Everything you touch turns into something magical... sorry I was not able to join in this time... but will have fun visiting all of the links... I especially love your little bunny sitting on the silver tray vignette... xoxo Julie Marie

  40. You know the sunporch is my favorite spot in your home, so don't be surprised when you see my melon head stuck inbetween Pam's and RobUhLyn's peeking in!
    P.S. It's so fun to read your posts in your "voice" now!

  41. Debra,
    I stopped by to visit and see all of the great posts for VIF, and I was SO surprised to see that you featured my post! You absolutely made my day! Thanks so much!

    I just love all the touches of red on your porch! It makes cold days seem sunny and warm!

    Thanks again, Debra!


  42. Hi Debra, I didn't want to miss the party, so I put together a teeny post to link!... xoxo Julie Marie

  43. I am new here but I will be sure to come back. I LOVE everything in your sunroom,such a great inspiration.I need to get off my butt and go gather some stuff!!!! and display it!! I guess the snowstorm we had in chicago slowed me down. come visit me sometime if you love glittery,romantic stuff!! Hugs JoAnn

  44. Debra, it all looks so pretty! Hope you are staying warm.

  45. Hi Debra!
    Your Porch looks so Inviting! Gorgeous!
    Hope you are staying Warm!
    Happy Friday!

  46. Your porch is so lovely and festive. I am doing more than giving out a sigh for spring, I am begging for it! More of the white stuff drifting down today. I am starting to think that I really live inside a snow globe!

  47. Oooo, I could sit on your porch for hours! It's absolutely lovely! What a beautiful job you did styling it for Valentine's Day. Thanks for hosting this fun party. I look forward to it every week now.

  48. Dear Debra:
    Your porch is so pretty, inviting and cozy looking!
    Thanks for another fun week with this linky party!

  49. Are you kidding me???? This is awesome!!! I'm so going to do something at my house this weekend - I'm sure not this gorgeous - but still!!! Lovin' this!!! Thanks for the ideas!! Have a lovely weekend!!!

  50. Hi Debra,

    Love your sunporch! Great job!! Love the basket with the plants, and the tiered shelf, and the terrarium.


  51. Thanks for the sweet comments and letting me join your Friday Partay : )

  52. You mentioned you were hoping for a sign of spring in the coming weeks? Thank YOU for a delightful hint of spring in these lovely photos - perfect to cheer this granny nanny heart of mine. :) And wouldn't my grandchildren LOVE that beautiful white apron! Thank you for a lovely visit.

  53. Oh I love it all!

    I am hosting a Valentine giveaway on my blog and I hope you will stop by and enter.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  54. Debra it's all just too gorgeous. And the pics you used from it for your blog banner, wow! I just keep going back to take it all in!

    I would love to have you link this lovely, romantic space to my party.

    Have a great weekend!
    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  55. What a lovely porch!! It looks so inviting! I love the little touchs through out like the little bow around the bunny!! Take care and have a wonderful V-day!!!

  56. after much frustration and delay--i finally got my post up and linked to yours! sometimes i just want to throw in the technology towel!
    i loved your porch--it is very inviting. thanks, too, for introducing me to Jill's Porch Party. going to try to play along there, too.

  57. Always love reading your posts, but most times I have to go to my sons and use his HIGH SPEED computer. LOL

  58. Very cheerful fun sun porch lucky you I've got 15 inches of snow on my deck. I like a little snow its so beautiful when its fresh snow but not that much. Have fun with your friends nice to have them

  59. Love your porch! I will so glad when it warms up and I can decorate my porches and my garden cottage.

  60. Your porch is just unreal. I love everything. You always have it decorated so beautifully. Fabulous. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  61. Debra a visit to your porch is always a delight. I love all the pops of red! It is truly an amazing porch my friend.

  62. Hi Debra...

    Ohhh my goodness...just looking at your beautiful sun porch, one would never know that we are in the "throes" of winter still! I'm with you, my friend..wishing for spring and warmer weather!

    Well my dear, I would have my morning coffee out on this beautiful porch! It's absolutely gorgeous all dressed up for Valentine's Day! You have sooo many pretty things....wished that you could have heard all my ooohs and I was looking at them! Hehe! Of course, I love the red toile and red piece quilt...they look fabulous with the white wicker! Ohhh...and that red rose heart wreat...FABULOUS!!! Sooo romantic! Thank you for sharing your lovely porch with us...this was such a treat, my friend!

    Warmest wishes and Happy Valentine's Day!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  63. Everything are just to cute and beautiful. So inviting.

  64. Enjoyed seeing your charming Valentine sun room past today, Debra!


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends