
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

White Wednesday,The Gift of Time

24 hours in a day

7 days in a week

52 weeks in a year

we are all given the same amount

my desire is to see my time well spent

an hour with a friend

a tradition with a sister

a morning with a mother

an afternoon with a daughter

an evening with my beloved

hours become days

days turn into weeks

weeks become months

and months flow into a year

My prayer is for joy,

for peace,

for love,

for commitment,

for favor.

Thank you God, for one more year.

A year spent well and wisely with You.

May God's blessing for the New Year
fall gently like snow.



  1. Beautifully said. I love your time tree, just gorgeous! Happy New Year! ~ Theresa

  2. Oh Debra-
    I am not surprised this is so beautifully written and expressed.
    I want to jump on your coat tail and say, "Me too!"

    Have a great day, dear friend.

    I missed all of the plaid fashion activity.

  3. Happy New Year! Love the branches decorated like that!!

  4. FARHER ... bless this woman who is so devoted to You and the family You blessed her with.

    happy new year

  5. Happy White Wednesday & Happy New Years too. Love the watch faces.

  6. A beautiful post and beautiful images. Wishing you a merry and happy new year too ~ Angela

  7. Debra, i so agree. time cannot be purchased or returned and is SUCH a gift from God!

    Happy New Year to Come!

  8. What a beautiful well written and decorated post. I loved it.
    Have a Blessed New Year.

  9. Oh my goodness - your photos are gorgeous!!! I love the time pieces!!!

    I can't believe this year is gone... what a year! Part of me is like "oh no! i didn't get everything done!" and the other part of me is like "bring it on - i'm ready!!!"

    anywho - Happy New Year!!!

    much love, Robelyn

  10. What a sweet post. I use to always feel like I didn't have enough time. I'm learning not to rush through life and to enjoy the little things that make it special.
    Have a wonderful New Year,

  11. Debra,
    This is such a wonderful post. And point on. Blessings to you always!

  12. Good Morning Debra. Just a perfect post. I love the timepiece tree. It's gorgeous.


  13. What a wonderful post!!!!
    The tree is lovely idea and the prayer hit home.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us in the days approaching the new year.
    Happy New Year, my Friend.

  14. What wonderful words. Your tree is very pretty. I tried to do a all white Christmas arrangement. I guess I just do color best.

  15. Something beautiful happens when you take breathtaking photos and add words to them. It's a book-magic thing! Truly Holy Spirit breathed.

    Happy New Year, Debra!

  16. Beautiful words to live by...Have a Safe and Happy New Year!

    Blessings, Lisa

  17. What a beautiful tree! I love the way you captivate the essence of the moment both visually and in word...thank you!

  18. This is so sweet. I love our traditions, and I Love You Too!

    Your Baby Sister

  19. Dear sweet Debra....what a WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL post!!!! Thank you so much for inspiring me to wish for the same ~ just beautiful dear friend, hugs and love, Dawn

  20. Hi Debra

    Wishing you the happiest of New Year's!


  21. So beautifully written and such gorgeous images Debra. My time has been well spent with you today, that's for sure!
    I'm so thankful for being given this past year and I ask the Lord to bless me with another to spend with my dear ones and you.

  22. how lovely! thankyou!
    happy new year to you!

  23. Dearest Debra,
    What a blessing to run into you! I am always amazed at how many Christians find me and vice versa. Thank you for coming by and leaving kind words. Your blog is wonderful. I visited your other blog as well, and it is such a comfort to know that we are all on the same path: to seek God. You have inspired me for my next post after New Years day. I want to live a life for God, but it gets hard sometimes with all the stresses in life. We do have to be consistent and consciencious. I wish you a healthy and blessed new year!! Anita

  24. You my friend are a such a blessing to me!
    I am so very thankful for the time you spend each week with us...Your posts are thought provoking and often touch my heart in some way or another.
    I wish you a blessed Happy New Year!
    I am thrilled that I have had the opportunity to get to know call you my friend.

  25. Debra
    What an amazing post!!! The images are breath taking. You always bring me such joy with your heart felt post. Thank you, Thank you Thank you

    Happy New Year
    love your friend

  26. Debra,
    You know, I really believe that you should see about getting some of you writing published. I am serious! You have such a beautiful way with words and with such dynamic meaning. You are certainly a mentor for me. I wish you a wonderful New Year, my friend.

  27. How beautiful! Beautiful thoughts and beautiful pictures.

  28. First time to visit:)
    Pretty Blog...I love your tree.

    Blessings to you in the New Year!

    kay ellen

  29. Debra, I know I will be blessed each time I visit your page. Not only by the words but with the beauty you surround yourself with. Thank you! Blessings,

  30. Lovely words. And pretty pictures. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed it. Rosie

  31. Your photos are lovely - I really like your "time tree" - it's so pretty. Happy New Year.

  32. Dear Debra,

    What light you shed with your beautiful words and images on time. Your few well chosen words tucked among these gorgeous photos are so wise and really tell it all. Thanks for sharing such a relevant post. ~jermaine~

  33. Sometimes I want to ask for a few extra hours in each day, do you know what I mean? But knowing myself, I wouldn't use them wisely...I'd just use them to worry more, or fret about things I have no control over.

    You have been instrumental in helping me to realize what a waste of time it is to sweat the small stuff. To acknowledge just how fragile and precious life really is. You have taught by example, and for that, I thank you.

    p.s. I can't return your call 'cause my phone is dead! Trapped at work for several more hours, grrrr. Talk soon!


  34. A lovely post Debra...thinking of you and wishing you the best of the new year!!! Looking forward to lots more blogging with you in 2010!

  35. Lovely thoughts for the new year. All my best to you ad yours.

  36. What a beautiful post. I have been stirred to be more and your post is the conformation I need. GOD BLESS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR

  37. Debra,
    Amen and so true, you are such a blessing, thank you for your ministry...I hope this New Year brings the same measure of abundant blessings to you and yours that you bring to us and ours...
    XO Keke

  38. Gorgeous whites! Happy New Year Debra, I hope 2010 is fabulous for you!

  39. Thank you dear! Beautifully said. Let's pray for 2010 to be the best year yet.
    yapping cat

  40. Very inspiring post! I love how all your pretties look hanging from the branches. Beautiful. Best wishes to you in the New Year!


  41. Beautiful post with beautiful pictures. I see you're in the southwest part of the state. We live here outside of Kansas City.. so we're almost neighbors.. lol.. Thank you for swinging by to say hello. Pop in any 'ole time... Happy New Year..hugs ~lynne~

  42. What a lovely post, I love your tree in the champagne bucket, I have one that I use year round in an urn...have had it for over 6 years and I never tire of seeing it :) May I ask where you got all the clock faces? I also wanted to wish you a Happy New Year filled with lots of love, good health and laughter. Besos, Rose

  43. Beautiful post, Debra. Happy you linked back to it. I didn't even really know what a blog was when this was written.

    Love ya,


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