
Monday, November 23, 2009

Vintage Christmas Monday at the Seed Box Open House

Joan at Anything Goes Here is starting a new party this Monday called

"Vintage Christmas Monday".

We are posting vintage Christmas items or anything "Christmas" made with vintage items. This gives me a good opportunity to show you a few photos from "The Seed Box" Christmas Open House that I attended last Friday evening.

Many of you are familiar with "The Seed Box"  that is Brian and Meloney Russell from Chadwick, Missouri. Brian and Meloney had a store in Ozark for several years and now attend as dealers, several of the shows in Texas. Theresa of Garden Antiques Vintage has showcased Brian and Mel many times in her blog. They live in a wonderful old homestead in the hills of southern Missouri. The following are just a few of the Christmas items that they had for sale and display at their Open House.

I fell in love with this very old concrete display of the nativity. Here are several photos of it, which was located on their front porch.

This is their fireplace mantle in the Living Room. Meloney used old bottles with letters wrapped with wire to spell out many Christmas words and phrases. This one is "JOY".

Christmas trees decorated with old paintbrushes
were located on the porch for a really fun touch.

Thank you Joan, for starting this great party.

I'm going to have to get busy, since I don't have any of my Christmas decor out. So by next week I should have a few things within reach.
I'm really looking forward to seeing all the "Vintage Christmas". Be sure and head over to Anything Goes Here and check out the others that are gathering their Vintage Christmas Goodies!

This was just a teaser...
Be sure and come back later today for more photos of

The Seed Box 
 Christmas Open House

Have a great Monday!


  1. I am in love with the Nativity...beautiful!!!

    Happy Sunday!!!

  2. Deb,
    Thanks for telling us about the new meme.
    Love that paint brush tree you have!

    blessings, and thanks for all your visits

    barbara jean

  3. Those are fun and beautiful photos for White Vintage Monday. Thank you for joining the party. xo Joan

  4. Great teaser! I've been lucky enough to see up close and personal how talented these two are. Mel definetly has the touch for turning anything into a work of art. They never disappoint.

  5. Precious Nativity scene! Love it and the little Christmas tree reminds me of our tree when I was little:) Have a blessed day!

  6. Oh wow, I've never seen a concrete nativity before! I love it, because it's got that great old patina to it. I bet it's a very special part of their Christmas decorating. Love their mantle too!
    Happy Vintage Christmas Monday!

  7. Oh Debra, I can't wait! Beautiful, just beautiful, as all that Mel does is. Thanks for the teaser, meany...just kidding!

  8. Hello Debra, what a beautiful post... I jsut found out about the party and signed up, I hope you will visit me too! Bisous... Julie Marie

  9. What beautiful things. The Joy lights are very creative! And so is the paintbrush tree!

  10. isn't this fun? i love what you've shared those wonderful neutral tones. so calming and beautiful:)


  11. Oh Debra-

    I love the concrete nativity scene. What a wonderful idea for a Monday party.

    I wonder if it is too late to join in ???


  12. Hi Debra!! Your blog is so beautiful, I love your banner too!! Thank you so much for sharing The Seed Box photos, I love that store (although I've never been) and enjoy seeing their gorgeous displays! Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving sweet friend, hugs and love, Dawn

  13. It's not enough that they are so good at what they do. They are also so good at heart. I'm glad you were able to go and see them. Great stuff, Debra! ~Mindy

  14. Love your Christmas!!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hugs, Lisa

  15. Thank you for bringing me along to the open house with you ... a lot of inspiration here!! I enjoyed both posts!



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