
Thursday, October 29, 2009

A "Hog-a-licious" Give-away!

You just have to see this up close and personal!

If you want to be stupified (love that word, sounds like Lil" Abner) and amazed, go see Robelyn over at Red Neck Chic. This is one super-talented and may I say "crazy" gal. I won't spoil the surprise, and words cannot do it justice. Just check it out and tell her that Debra sent ya!!!!!

"Hoggy" Hugs


  1. Thanks! I am on my way to take a look!

  2. I am intrigued and am headed there straight away! Thanks and have a terrific Thursday!

  3. LOL Hog-a-licious...I LOVE that! haha *snort* haha! Thank You for letting my pig out of the pen! I've got your name in the slop pail and I'm so excited!!!

    Thanks Again! ;)

  4. Hey Debra. I'm just trying to catch up on a little blogging hopping to see my friends. Boy if you don't stay with it for a day or two you really get behind. I've printed out your last two post from A Day In The Life, just so I could take them to bed with me in hopes of keeping up. I'll be checking in over there soon. I love your bible study. I keep wanting to say our bible story I feel like such a part of a group except I don't seem to do any work - ha-ha.

    BTW - I love you pumpkin on your banner. And thanks for posting a new giveaway. I'm going to take a peek and tell her you sent me.

    I've also just listed a giveaway. Come by an take a looksee.

  5. Who says you can't make a silk purse outta a sow's ear?

  6. Cute! I'm gonna go take a peek.
    Thank you so...much for being there for me today...Love ya tons!

  7. Thank you so much sweet Debra...I'm off too see!!! xxoo, Dawn

  8. Hi Debra! Amazingly lovely history and treasures from your grandmother!


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