
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fall from my windows...

It's been a really rainy and chilly fall here in Missouri, lower than normal temps, but still no hard freeze. The trees have been beautiful this year. The maples on our street have been brilliant shades of gold to orange to red. These are just a few photos from my front door. The maple here at the front door is always the last to change colors.

This is my view from the kitchen sink.

We closed the pool in September,
because it turned cold so early.
Last year I swam until October.

These really tall trees are oaks.
They are beautiful and old,
but when the leaves come down,
 they are huge and completely cover the ground.

This tree with the red leaves is our neighbors dogwood.

I love watching it throughout the seasons.

I have enjoyed seeing everyone's yards, gardens, trees,
 flowers and outside vignettes.
You have enriched and broadened my view of life.

With winter's snow just around the corner,
I wanted to take a last look of fall out my windows.

It's not the most beautiful or breathtaking,
 the landscape is old, the trees have seen damage
 due to our severe ice storms these last few years,
 but when I'm home and warm and safe,
while the wind blows and the rain comes down, 
I thank God that He's given us this house and 
this little piece of land.

 I'm so very grateful for my life...
every day of it.

Blessings to you all,
as we head into this season of Thanksgiving.



  1. Well, I think it's pretty doggone gorgeous! You have inspiration both inside and outside, it surprises me little that you're surrounded by beauty. YOU are a beauty, inside and out as well!

  2. As I look thru your beautiful pictures, I am thankful for all of my new friends. It is wonderful how I get to see the country thru the eyes of others in states all over the U.S.A. Gorgeous trees, flowers from the spring and summer and inside lovely, warm and inviting homes:) Happy I met you and thanks for letting me look out your kitchen window!

  3. I think I may have to plant a pretty. Yes it has been quite a year and I know I have much to be thankful for as well.

  4. I've been gazing out my windows and smiling to myself lately too! Isn't it a beautiful fall this year!

  5. How wonderful for you to be among all the beauty of Fall. The leaves are gorgeous...Fall is my favorite time of year.


  6. Hello Debra
    Wonderful fall colors!
    Hope you have a happy halloween!

  7. Debra, life is beautiful in your corner of the world and I, like you am thankful for beauty like this and that you have shared a piece of it with us. Today I'm also thankful that you have reminded me to see that beauty that surrounds me everyday.

  8. Gorgeous colors!This is why this is my favorite time of the tear. I hope you have a beautiful Fall day!

  9. hi Debra and you do have beautiful Fall outside your home.
    Happy Halloween and be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  10. simply FAB photos! you are a very talented woman. so enjoy both of your blogs.

  11. startled me ... when i read the title of your post - i first thought you had fallen ..

    what a lovely post it turned out to be - love the images!

    love coming your way ..


  12. Love love all the colors! How nice it is to be in an area with such mature trees...
    Thanks for sharing your richness of nature with us....

  13. Debra, I've loved seeing the trees through the windows in your home. You've inspired me to go and clean mine - tomorrow! ;-)

  14. Oh......don't you just love fall in the Ozarks?! This November morning, as I look out my window, the light coming through the still hanging yellow leaves on the oak trees is breathtaking, even though so many have fallen. It's going to be a great morning to head out for a walk, and that's my this post Debra!


  15. Ahh. So many beautiful colors just outside your windows. Looking out, you just can't deny the change in seasons. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos. ~Mindy

  16. wow- lovely photos and a joyous sentiment. Love that yellow tree...


  17. So very pretty! we are just starting to get some color here...very nice to see! And I love your new banner!!!!!

    yapping c

  18. Thanks for sharing all of the wonderful fall color around your home. We don't get much here in Santa Barbara so it is great to see these images.



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